Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 952: work trip (4)

Just when the anxious people in South Korea were eager to contact Lee Soon-gyu from Japan about Junsu's disappearance, Junsu's plane landed in Okinawa. When sitting on the plane and seeing the sky, white clouds, and sea here, Junxiu's whole heart instantly felt a sense of enlightenment. The sky here is so pure, and the blue is like magic, which makes people feel at ease in an instant.

Those white clouds that really looked like cotton candy dotted the blue sky, I really don't know how to describe it. Junxiu couldn't help but say "Wow" many times while sitting in the plane looking at the scenery here. And the turquoise sea water connected to the sea and the sky, Junxiu really felt that he was right. Give yourself a break, and give your heart a break.

Since Girls' Generation entered Japan last year, Junsu has been feeling very tired. For a while, he wanted to hide this, and for a while, he wanted to hide that, and everyone around him let Junxiu make his own choice. The one on the left is reluctant to give up, the one on the right is reluctant, there is no way for Jun Xiu to make a choice. It feels as exhausting as living in the cracks of self-emotion.

Although he and Taeyeon have been separated for more than half a year now, Junxiu feels that the two of them have never mentioned words such as 'break up' clearly. Of course, he didn't want to be separated from Taeyeon in his heart, but he didn't know how to face it, so he chose to escape.

After coming out of the airport, Junxiu was a little confused looking at the blue sky with his backpack on his back. After filming, he just wanted to escape from the city. Junxiu, who was 'fleeing' in a hurry, didn't make any travel plans at all. With a few pieces of clothes, I went on a trip that said to go.

So after landing at this moment, he stood aimlessly at the gate of the airport. A dazed feeling made Junxiu look around, not knowing what to do. After walking out of the airport, a heat wave hit Junxiu and looked at the sun hanging in the sky. He said, "It's hotter than Seoul."

Junxiu stood in front of the airport and planned to shoot two pictures of "Okinawa" at the airport to send to Yui Aragaki. The moment he turned on the phone, the phone rang. Looking at Shun Gyu's call, Jun Xiu picked it up without thinking: "Why?"

"Oh? Take it? Where are you?"


"Japan? Home?"

"No, Okinawa, I'm going out to play after filming, what's wrong?"

"Going to Okinawa alone to play?"

"Otherwise, how many people are there? Besides, those friends around me are very busy, how can anyone come over to play with me? Hey.. This time is a variety show and a TV series filming. It's really too much. I was tired, so I thought about giving myself a good vacation. I have worked for so many years, right? Even the professional people have annual leave, so I shouldn’t have given myself a vacation? Originally, I planned to go to the Maldives , but thinking about it is too far, what happened to Okinawa?"

"Oh, no, Brother Minhyuk called and said he couldn't find you, and your phone was turned off. He and Kim Youngmin are both at your house."

"Crazy, why are they running to my house? Well, anyway... oh, did o-ma tell you? I'm going to sell the house and buy land in Seongbuk-dong."

"They can't find you and worry about you. They thought something happened to you. -ma told me that you want to move. Is it too far from Seongbei-dong?"

Junxiu muttered in his heart, "Worried? They are planning to arrange work for me. ' Then he said to Shun Gyu on the other end of the phone, "I think the Seongbuk-dong side is quieter than Gang/nam. Now everyone knows that I live in the city tower, which is inconvenient at all, sometimes going up and down. I will meet a lot of fans. I just wanted to go to Seongbuk-dong, I originally wanted to say move to Mapo, and the TV station will move to Mapo in the future, don’t you know?”

"I know. But what about the TV station's relocation? You don't have a fixed program, so it's no different if you're closer to the TV station, right? Besides, the beauty salons are all in Jiang/South. Move over?"

The topic was getting farther and farther, and Junxiu said depressedly: "Did you call me just to talk to me about the beauty salon? Okay, don't delay my trip, I haven't found a hotel yet."

"Got it, so be it. Remember to give Minhyuk oppa a call."

"Yeah. Hang up." Junsu said this and hung up with Shungui, then picked up his mobile phone and started taking two photos of the word 'Naha' written on the airport to send to Yui. As for calling Minhyuk, Junsu is not so eager anymore, this time he really wants to give himself a vacation.


After Li Shungui was hung up by Junxiu, he looked at the mobile phone in his hand and called out, "What, just hang up? I think you want to die, right?"

Pani in a dormitory~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She looked at the depressed Shungui and laughed: "Oppa is in Okinawa?"

"Well, what did he say to give himself a vacation? He went there alone without saying hello?"

"Really alone? An island like Okinawa is perfect for couples."

"Couple? His lover is lying there and pretending to be dead. He is listening with his ears pricked up and pretending not to care. Panny, don't you suspect that there are women with him?"

Shun Kyu deliberately said it loudly, all these words were for Taeyeon. When Minhyuk called earlier, the three of them in the dormitory room disappeared after hearing Junsu left a song for them Girls' Generation, and they couldn't contact him for several hours. His cell phone is also turned off. They were also very anxious. Shun Kyu also called Junxiu several times in a row, but the phone was still turned off. It was not until he called again after more than ten minutes that Junxiu's phone was connected.

Regarding Taeyeon and Junsu, the open couple in the team, Shunkyu still doesn't want the two to be separated, so she wants to make the two get back together as much as possible.

Every time Sun Kyu tried to talk to Taeyeon, she avoided it. It was because of Taeyeon's avoidance that Shun Kyu felt that the relationship between the two was not completely broken. Aren't all relationships like that? If you really want to cut it off, it's a decision.

That decision was an irreversible will, and it was very firm. That kind of firmness will make everyone around you clearly feel that it is impossible.

But Shun Kyu didn't feel the decision in Taeyeon. So, she always mentioned what happened to her brother from time to time. As long as the news continues, the love between them will not end. Even if the problem between the two has passed for more than half a year..

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