Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 953: Work travel (5)

Li Shungui clearly knew that his brother had another girlfriend, Yui Aragaki. But from her point of view, she likes Taeyeon more. Because she didn't know about Yui's private lifestyle, she only heard about Yui's mother who came to Japan this time, that she knew that Yui Aragaki went to Korea some time ago, and also met her mother Woolen cloth. In short, in the eyes of Li mother, Yui is a good wife and mother.

Yes, Shun Kyu doesn't know much about her private life, but she knows Taeyeon's private life very well. Over the past few years, they lived under the same roof, and she really got to know Taeyeon very well. Especially after Junsu and Taeyeon made their relationship public, as her brother's girlfriend, she cared a little more. So, in the eyes of Shun Kyu, Taeyeon, a 'good wife and good mother', did nothing bad.

Although Taeyeon is not as good at cooking as her mother's Yui, but Taeyeon is very housekeeping. So far, Shun Kyu has never seen Taeyeon spend money indiscriminately. Even when shopping online, Taeyeon will think twice about whether it's worth it or not. Now, almost every one of them has their first designer bag. At the time, Taeyeon still didn't have any luxuries.

Maybe she knows that making money is not easy, so she is so cautious about spending money? What to spend, what not to spend, she has her own mental standards. More importantly, it is also what Shun Kyu values ​​most, Taeyeon is very gentle and obedient. Just like she is in the team, she really rarely expresses her personal opinions. Basically, she listens to everyone. You all decide to go east, and I will follow you. She really caters to everyone.

You must know that there are not many women with a gentle personality like Taeyeon in this day and age. Today's women are weak in appearance, and many of them are pretending. In fact, a large number of women have a "cockfighting" personality.

I always feel that my own words are the truth. If you tell her the truth, she will tell you the truth, and when you tell her the truth, she will start to be unreasonable. Anyway, women are like that. Before they fall in love, she always acts gentle and attracts men to move forward, but when the two really interact, she has to focus on her way of thinking. If she didn't do it with her focus, she would start to be dissatisfied. If the man didn't apologize at this time, it would be an inevitable quarrel.

And what Li Shungui values ​​is Taeyeon's gentle character, so she personally thinks that Taeyeon is definitely a good wife object. If her brother doesn't cherish such a woman, she will really regret it, right?

In any case, Shun Kyu wanted to help these two resolve their problems as much as possible, and of course it would be ideal if they could get back together.


When Pani said that Okinawa is suitable for couples to play, Shun Kyu deliberately emphasized the word 'couple' and told Taeyeon, and Chi Guoguo pointed Junxiu's 'couple' to her, but Taeyeon listened Still indifferent after all this. More than half a year has passed since the cold war between the two. From the beginning of Taeyeon's obvious resistance when she heard the name "Junxiu", her heart has calmed down.

In short, she didn't act very decisive or extremely disgusted, then all this can be salvaged, at least Li Shungui thinks so.

Pani glanced at Taeyeon lying silently on the bed, she smiled and said, "I really envy Oppa, I can travel to such a beautiful place. When will we have time to travel?"

Just now I just said with emotion, "That place is suitable for couples to play", but Shun Gyu's retort that she felt like she said the wrong thing, so she deliberately changed the topic at this time.

After all, they were in the same room. Of course, Pani discovered early on that there was a problem between Taeyeon and Junsu. It's just that Taeyeon didn't want to go into details, and she was embarrassed to ask too much. After all, it was the relationship between the two of them, and she felt that she should not join in. After all, there is another Shungui in this room.

She didn't want Shungui to tell Junxiu something about her talkativeness next to her, lest Junxiu hate her for no reason, which would be uneconomical. In addition, Pani is a very fast-eyed person. Since this time, she has seen Shun Kyu as if he has been doing some actions or words to apologize for Jun Xiu. She really didn't want to get involved in this matter.

Although she was curious about what happened between them, as long as Taeyeon didn't take the initiative to talk to her, she would continue to choose to be deaf and dumb.

In the face of Pani's diversion, Shun Kyu also immediately answered: "Do you still want to travel? Didn't you hear it when you called Minhyuk oppa just now? Oppa's comeback song for us is ready~www. wuxiaspot.com~ I guess we are going back to Korea soon."

Of course, Li Shungui knew that Junxiu couldn't have a woman by his side at this time, because Yui Aragaki was the female lead in the drama that was being broadcast on Yuejiu. How could she have time to spend some sweet vacation with her brother while she was filming?

"It's almost time to go back to Korea. The suppression of Korean artists has become more and more serious these days. Recently, we have less shows and commercial performances, and Kara has also gone back. If we don't go back, we will be out for a year. I don't know if we will become W.G at this rate."

This time, the issue of protecting local artists in Japan has gradually developed into the music industry, and they really should go back.

After talking about work, Pani opened her own chatterbox. She seemed to have an infinite passion for work. The nicknames they take for Pani now are 'Parker', and she always works so hard.

And it was almost an hour after a group of people from Seoul, South Korea called Shungui, and Li Shungui still did not reply. This made them a little anxious waiting for the news. So Kim Young Min urged Min Hyuk: "You are calling Sun Kyu, see what's going on? See if she has contacted Jun Su?"

As for calling Junxiu, they had completely lost confidence and gave up, because Junxiu was still switched off after more than two hours of calling since the morning, so they never thought whether Junxiu would be turned on or not.

Hearing Jin Yingmin's urging, Min Hyuk nodded and called Shun Kyu again: "Shun Kyu, what... oh? Contacted? In Okinawa, Japan? He went on vacation alone? The one on the plane didn't turn on the phone? Got it, got it."

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