Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 958: work trip (10)

Girls' Generation made a phone call to their Korean manager and suggested that they wanted to rest. The manager also said that they would help them get in touch as soon as possible. After a while, Jin Yingmin called and agreed to their request for a two-day vacation, starting from tomorrow morning. After the holiday, Girls' Generation were all so happy, they even ordered a bottle of sake to celebrate.

Of course, Jin Yingmin didn't have any good intentions for giving them a holiday, because he knew that Li Shungui definitely wanted to go to Okinawa to find Junsu, so he also told Li Shungui that he would bring a word to Junsu's song adaptation from Taihai, and let him Junxiu thought about it seriously. ’ Lee Soon Kyu was very puzzled at first, why didn’t Kim Young Min call Jun Soo?

As a result, Jin Yingmin said half-truth: "Because I promised Junxiu, I won't call him to interrupt his vacation for the next two days."

Lee Soon Kyu knows how precious a vacation is for his brother. So she understands Kim Young-min's promise of "don't disturb". If it is her own vacation, she doesn't want to be disturbed by any work-related matters. At least during the vacation, don't talk about the upcoming work arrangements, otherwise it will really affect your travel mood.

What did Girls' Generation discuss about going to Okinawa during dinner? Which ones are going home to see their parents? However, Pani's house is too far away, so she naturally wants to go to Okinawa with Shun Kei. In fact, she herself also wanted to go to such a beautiful and free place to relax because of seeing the photos on the Internet. When Taeyeon said she wanted to go back, Li Shungui immediately stopped him: "Hey, why are you going back? Jeonju will go back tomorrow, and after a good night's sleep, you will have to go back to Seoul. Besides, you are carrying a big bag and a small bag. Who wants to bring things back to the dormitory for you on purpose? Everyone has to go home."

After Li Shungui said this, he whispered in Taeyeon's ear, "Let's go, let's go together, I'm tired of you dragging me on some things like this. If you can never see each other again, then After your silent ending like this, everyone can see each other again. But the question is how can oppa and us not meet? What should be faced, you dragged, he dragged, and in the end it was embarrassment for each other, right? Go, lest you lose your mind all day, and even be absent-minded at work. This will also destroy the relationship between sisters. "

Taeyeon and Junsu have been in a cold war for more than half a year. Since then, Junsu has been sending messages every day. Although Taeyeon has not responded, seeing his messages can help resolve the grievances in his heart little by little. However, after the news of Junxiu became less and less, she appeared in that kind of absent-minded and lost mental state, which even affected her work.

Girls' Generation was planning to hold their first Japan tour at that time, and Taeyeon was absent-minded like she wasn't serious about her work. This is really unacceptable to Pani, who loves her work. The two had a big fight before the concert, and the fight was so bad that the concert almost couldn't be held because of the fight. Fortunately, it was everyone's hard work to resolve this hatred.

Junsu is Taeyeon's heart demon, heart thorn. It is a fatal pain to want to pull it out from the heart, and the same thorn in the heart will still hurt. So ah, Shun Kyu's persuasion is also very effective, some things still have to be clear face to face.

Shun Kyu also said, if you make it clear face to face and you can't continue, then she will never mention her brother in front of her in the future.

In addition to Taeyeon, Yoona is also very tangled. She also wants to go to Okinawa with them, but she also wants to go home and see. After she got busy next time, she didn't know when she would be able to go home.


In the hot Okinawa, Junxiu walked out of the hotel wearing a white shirt and a suit jacket on his arm. Junsu felt the 'warmth' of Okinawa in the short journey from the owner's air-conditioned hotel lobby to the taxi. Wearing a shirt and tie in this weather is really hot. If you wear a suit jacket outdoors, it's definitely insane.

Junxiu didn't dare to put on the tie at this time, just hanging it around his neck felt hot. Fortunately, Japanese workplaces have always been dressed like this, and drivers are not surprised. Otherwise, do you really think Junsu is a lunatic?

Junxiu, who was sitting in the car, was a little uneasy. He was heading to Yui's house, and Yui was not there. Yui was not there, and there was no one to speak for him. Junxiu didn't know if he would accept Yui's father's 'interrogation' in a while. Now that he has decided to go, Junsu will not back down.

I was a little nervous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I was a little flustered, and I recalled the scenes of my father-in-law and my mother-in-law being reviewed in countless TV dramas. However, Junsu did not know that Taeyeon, Pani, and Shungui had already booked their first flight to Okinawa tomorrow.

It seems that this trip to Okinawa is not that simple. The situation is still the same. One is about Yui and the other is about Taeyeon. Maybe we will have an answer after the two meet?

Junxiu sat nervously in the car, muttering something in his mouth, as if it was a review for an exam. But just as he was unknowingly reviewing, the taxi stopped in front of a single-family house. After Junxiu got out of the car, he no longer expected the impact of the heat wave. He tied his tie, put on a formal jacket, and still held A gift for a visit.

When choosing gifts, Junxiu knew that Japan has a lot of etiquette. In South Korea, door-to-door visits are all practical things, such as toilet paper. In Japan, you can't send practical things. Because they carry out their affairs in an orderly manner, regardless of their size, and in their daily lives, they plan their daily necessities properly. If you give the other party some necessities of life, it is not very useful, and it is very troublesome to deal with.

Originally, Junxiu planned to give Yuyi's father a tie, but when the shopkeeper heard that Junxiu was giving it to his elders, he immediately said that this is not acceptable. Because giving ties and necklaces has the intention of letting the other party commit suicide.

In the end, Junxiu bought the simplest things under the guidance, a good bottle of wine, and a good box of tea as a gift.

Junxiu stood in front of the single-family house and sorted out his clothes. He looked at the door that had the owner's surname "Aragaki" written on it, and then rang the doorbell.

After the doorbell rang, the door inside opened, and Yui's mother, dressed very delicately, stood at the door to welcome Junxiu.

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