Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 959: work trip (11)

The dinner at Yui's house was over, Junxiu got into the taxi with a little drunk, and Yui's parents personally escorted Junxiu into the car. The two of them stood by the door of the car, and Yui's father smiled very satisfied with Junxiu. He said: "Our daughter will ask you." Yui's father also recognized Junxiu very much. Although he spoke a lot of dialects at the wine table, Junxiu didn't understand the meaning, but no matter how Junxiu was Very kind smile.

Of course, Junxiu's conditions, character, manners, and what he heard from his wife, Junxiu's attitude towards his daughter, etc., made him have to admit that Junxiu was indeed the best choice for his son-in-law. To be honest, Junsu is not Japanese. If the two of them really go to the palace of marriage in the future, will Yui give up her career in Japan and Junsu to go to Korea, or what?

Yui's father also understood that the future of their lives had to be decided by them. And he and his wife can just live their own lives, and the children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren. After all, the conditions of their family are not the kind of family that requires Yui to pay living expenses. They can see that their daughters find their own happiness and are satisfied. As for their food and drink, they do not have too many requirements. It's just that Link's father's current job is more of a preference.

So the future is left to themselves, and they will not interfere too much. Junxiu feels that Japanese families all think like this, and they don't interfere too much with their children's lives.

Junxiu nodded to Yui's parents and said, "Thank you uncle for your success. I will treat her well in the future. I... Then I will leave." The words, he really wanted to say to Yui's parents that she would not be hurt a little bit, but when he was about to say it, Junxiu suddenly took it back, because he had already hurt Yui.

The car left Yui's house. Junxiu also loosened his tie at this time, then heaved a long sigh of relief and lit a cigarette. I don't know if night has come, and my heart has become emotional? Or maybe after going to Yui's house, when I naturally thought about the relationship issue, that unexplainable bitterness came to Junxiu's heart again.

Junxiu came in and was accustomed to the stimulation of the smell of smoke, and the stimulating smell still could not suppress the sentimentality in his heart. Since the trouble with Taeyeon happened, Junsu felt that she would never have a better day. She didn't want to feel sorry for Yui or Taeyeon. The two would always appear in Junsu's mind when they were quiet, pulling from side to side. his heart.

When Junxiu was busy at work, he was so focused on his work that he could not think about this troublesome problem. But I don't know why his heart aches when he has a little free time.

Smoking a cigarette and looking at the moon in Okinawa, the moon that is very close and bright to me, may be the reason why the surroundings are relatively quiet, and a sense of loneliness is born from this. I don't know since when Junxiu suddenly realized that he seemed to be afraid of being alone. Sometimes he wanted to look up his mobile phone number to call someone to chat to relieve his loneliness, but when he opened the phone book, he found that he didn't seem to have a place to go. The person to contact.

The lonely sea breeze was blowing the sparks of cigarette butts flying, and Junxiu was also a little lost at this moment. But when he lost his mind, the phone in his pocket sent a message from kakao. Junxiu slowly took out the phone and looked at the letter from the letter's "Shunkyi": "oppa, which hotel in Okinawa are you staying at?"

"xx Hot Spring Hotel, what's wrong? Why are you asking me what hotel I'm staying in?"

After Junsu's kakao news passed, he clearly watched Li Shungui read it, but there was no reply. This made Junxiu completely at a loss, and even felt that the news of Li Shungui was a bit baffling.


In Tokyo, in the three-person dormitory, Li Shungui laughed and complained about his brother: "Is oppa crazy? What hot spring hotel do you stay in in the summer? Pani, how about the hotel environment when you search online?"

"Yeah, didn't you see that I was packing my things? I said you should pack up quickly. I don't know when I will come here this time. Even if I come here, I might not be able to come back to live here, some things that you think are precious. Remember to take it with you."

"How can I have any precious things? I came here and didn't go out for shopping. I'm just some clothes and some cosmetics."

"Hurry up, you'll have to get up at five o'clock tomorrow morning to go to the airport. What do you think oppa will see us in the hotel tomorrow?"

"I guess the eyes will be...that big, right?" Li Shungui gestured on his eyes hilariously.

And Taeyeon was packing her things with an absent-minded look at this moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now that she and Junxiu haven't seen each other for half a year, I don't know if I should laugh after meeting tomorrow? Should I cry? The mood was indescribably complicated, tangled, and even Taeyeon felt a little regretful. Why did she promise Li Shungui to go to Okinawa with them? Why not take advantage of the two-day break to return to Jeonju?

The three of them didn't sleep well that night, because they were about to have a rare vacation, and it was a vacation to the travel destination. The excitement and excitement in their hearts dissipated their drowsiness, and it was almost dawn when their drowsiness came. Going to go.

There were very few people at the airport in the morning, so the three of them got on the first flight to Okinawa. After more than two hours of flight, they landed at Naha Airport. After coming out of the airport, the three of them headed towards Junxiu's hotel.

And Junxiu slept very deeply yesterday, and the backlog of drowsiness accumulated during the filming of the TV series was replenished last night. Deep tiredness was released on the hotel bed.

Junxiu slept so much that he didn't even get up to eat breakfast, and even he didn't know why he slept so deadly. Junsu had no choice but to get up until the doorbell rang through the room, loud and unintended.

Junxiu got up angrily and walked towards the door cursingly. After Junxiu planned to open the door, the waiter who rang the bell at the door said viciously, "Is there a fire? ’

With a hint of atmosphere and a hint of tiredness, Junxiu opened the door of his room. Before he could speak, Li Shungui and Pani, who were standing at the door, entered Junxiu's room. And Li Shungui said nonsense: "Round rounds, rounds, I see if you are hiding a woman in the room."

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