Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 961: Work Travel (13)

Both of them have imagined many kinds of what the situation will be like after meeting, but when they really meet, they realize that the original imagination is just an imagination. At this time, the two of them were about five steps apart, but neither of them took that step forward. The two of them just stared at each other and burst into tears. More than half a year has passed, but the 'hatred' that I thought was turned into a miss early in my heart.

Missing, meeting with extreme miss, the emotions of the two can't be controlled at all. The moment they met, that emotion erupted out of control. All kinds of emotions have turned into tears. The tears at this time are the ultimate miss, and the tears at this time are also the ultimate love.

After the tears of the two broke out, Junxiu reached out and wiped away the tears, and then slowly came to Taeyeon, and Taeyeon also looked up at Junsu at this moment. Even though Taeyeon's head had been raised at this time, her tears were still falling. Looking at his tearful cheeks, Taeyeon also slowly stood up from the edge of the bed. After standing up, Taeyeon broke out completely, and she waved her small fist towards Junxiu's chest with tears in her eyes. : "Big bad guy.. big bad guy.. I'll kill you.."

Bang dong dong, Taeyeon's small fist and hammer made a sound on Junsu's chest. He smiled at this moment, with tears in his eyes, and Junxiu hugged Taeyeon into his arms. And at this moment, Taeyeon burst into tears in the arms of Junxiu, whom she was most familiar with: "Wow~~ woo woo~~!!"

Junsu hugged Taeyeon, who was crying so hard, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry~~"


Taeyeon cried in Junxiu's arms for a long time, until her tears dried up before she came out of his arms. After coming out of that warm embrace, Taeyeon saw that Junsu's black T-shirt had a large water mark on it, and that position was just on Junsu's chest. It was like 'leaching milk'. I laughed, but this smile came and went quickly. The moment she felt the corners of her mouth rise, she immediately withdrew her smile.

Maybe it was because the stagnation in my heart was dissipated after this cry, or maybe it was because the stagnation in my heart had passed for too long, and it had disappeared with the original anger before I knew it? Time is the only medicine for heartbreak, and Taeyeon has been taking this 'good medicine' for half a year. The original injury also healed slowly over time, but she didn't notice it herself.

Junxiu looked at Taeyeon's short smile, and then he lowered his head and quickly kissed Taeyeon's forehead, while Taeyeon widened his eyes when Junxiu kissed and raised his mouth at him in dissatisfaction, but the next step. In a second, Junsu hugged Taeyeon again and kissed it again. After Taeyeon was 'kissed' by Junsu, she pushed her hard twice as a resistance, but the resistance was not strong and not so firm. , so after pushing twice and not pushing Junxiu away, her hand that was blocking Junxiu also wrapped around his neck.

Love or hate, it doesn't matter in this fiery kiss. In fact, they are all the same, and the same love for each other is deeply rooted in the bone marrow. This is a love that no one can give up.

The kiss between the two became more and more intense. Junsu and Taeyeon were already lying on the bed, but just as the two were about to become deeper in love, the doorbell rang "ding dong, ding dong".

The doorbell was like ice water, instantly extinguishing the heat of the two, Junxiu pressed Taeyeon's body, and the two of them looked towards the door at the same time. At this moment, you can see that Junxiu's eyes are burning with anger.

At this moment, Junxiu really had a special feeling of wanting to kill and rushed up, and at this moment, Taeyeon reached out and tapped Junxiu's chest and said, "Why don't you get up and open the door?"

"Understood." After saying this, Junxiu lowered her head and pecked Taeyeon's mouth again before getting up. When Junxiu got up, Taeyeon also sat up, and she started to move towards the dressing table. mirror finish his hair.

Junxiu was depressed and opened the door with anger. Shungui, who was standing at the door, looked at Junxiu and raised his eyebrows as if asking him, 'How are you talking? ’

In front of Shun Kyu and Pani, when Junsu came over, they started to worry a little. What they were worried about was whether Junsu and Taeyeon would have a big fight? Originally, they should have sent text messages to inquire about news or something, but Junxiu didn't take his mobile phone with him when he picked up their luggage in the past. He just wanted to pick up the luggage, and it only took a minute.

But he came over for about ten or twenty minutes before Li Shungui came to inquire about the news. If the two really quarreled, she felt that she could persuade and reconcile in the middle after she came over. It's impossible for Shun Kyu to think that the two of them would have **** in broad daylight after they met?

Seeing Shungui raising his eyebrows at him, Junxiu reached out a depressed hand and tapped her on the head. Just when Li Shungui was covering his head in pain and ready to explode, he heard Junxiu's gentle thanks: "Thank you."

Junxiu's sudden thank you, Li Shungui first tilted his head and glanced into the room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then looked up at his brother and asked, "Are you okay?"

Junsu just smiled and shook his head, he did not answer Shungui. Because he doesn't know if it's alright? He and Taeyeon didn't talk about that matter again, maybe Taeyeon didn't want to open the scar again, right? After all, it is in the past, and the past is in the past. Now that it's all over the pain, do you still need to confirm the events of that day at this time? Then again to tear the wound that has healed?

Seeing her brother's wry smile, she stretched out her hand and patted Junxiu's arm comfortingly: "Come on, I look forward to the two of you getting back together. Let's go, let's go to eat, we got up early, it's a little bit now I haven't eaten anything yet."

"I'll go and change my clothes." After saying that, Junxiu went to his room, and Shungui also entered his room.

Looking at Taeyeon's obviously crying eyes, she smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go out to eat, let's take a walk by the way. It's such a pity to stay in the room with such good weather and such a beautiful scenery. Outside. The sun is shining, remember to put on your sunglasses."

Of course, the sun is relatively weak in the morning. It doesn't mean that you have to wear sunglasses, but Lee Soon Kyu reminds Taeyeon that the traces of crying in her eyes are too obvious.

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