Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 962: work trip (14)

After the four of them came out of the hotel, they looked at the excessively blue sky here, and their mood became more comfortable. Especially when Pani stood at the door of the hotel, she spread her arms and embraced the free atmosphere here. She took a deep breath and sighed. He wrote: "The air here is so good. The sky is so blue, the sun is so good, and the mood is also good. I don't know how many years I haven't enjoyed traveling."

Junxiu smiled and said: "In the future, you will have more time to enjoy travel. If you want me to say, the 'lifespan' of female idols is only ten years. So during this time, you should not think about rest and travel. , but you should think about the direction of your side business in the future."

Pani pouted at Junxiu in dissatisfaction and said, "oppa has started preaching again, and we didn't say that we are greedy for vacation travel. We are all so busy on weekdays, and now we just want to be able to take a break from our busy schedule. . As for the side business you're talking about, we don't have time to think about the side business. We haven't fully figured out our main business yet."

"Who of us here is not busy? You girls are busy, and I am busy, but I still think about my side business developing in that direction. There must be a direction. It is acting, it is variety shows, or you can try to move closer to the direction of fashion. These are the directions you can choose in the future."

Li Shungui was speechless. When he came out of the hotel, his brother told Pani that the trip had become depressing. She really impatiently said to Junxiu: "Oppa, this is a rare one for you and me. Travel, why are you here to tell us the future direction? You can't let us look at the blue sky here and the sea here with a good mood? In this case, you and Taeyeon will go on your romantic trip Well, let's play separately, enough is enough."

"Okay, I won't talk about it, let's find a restaurant to eat. I know a good noodle restaurant in the city, do you want to eat noodles? Okinawa's soba noodles are very famous. Uh... The soba noodles here are like Tokyo ramen. , with a rich soup."

"Let's go, let's go." Li Shungui stretched out his hand to call for a taxi and the group got on. The three of them were not very good at Japanese, and Junsu became the translator present.

The noodle shop that Junxiu took them to was recommended to Junxiu by Yui’s mother yesterday. This is a gourmet restaurant that the locals like very much. And she also recommended tourist attractions to Junsu.

Junxiu brought the three of them to the noodle shop. The three of them looked at the noodle shop before noon, and the business was very good, which instantly increased their expectations for this shop. After the group sat down, Pani asked Junxiu, "oppa, how did you know about this restaurant?"

Junxiu was stunned for two seconds and then quickly responded: "Oh, don't you know there is a thing called Twitter? There are many travel notes written by travel experts, including travel notes about gourmet restaurants. For some people When it comes to travel, food and beauty are all about, so I have written down all the food shop recommendations they wrote.”


Twenty minutes later, a group of people came out of the store, and they still sighed about the store's unique soup soba noodles. Li Shungui said very fondly: "Wow, this store is really good, especially the soba noodles they make. Ramen, do you remember any gourmet restaurants?"

Junxiu reached out and tapped her head and said, "Hehe, traveling is not just about eating, I have to take you to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Let's go back to the hotel first. I will contact the hotel to help us rent a car."

After Junxiu finished saying this, Pani shook his head and said, "Hey, I almost choked on this meal. It's really a shame you can watch it, Shungui."

When they were eating noodles, Junxiu and Taeyeon ordered different flavors, but they both looked at each other while they were eating. This way of showing affection really made Pani feel angry when he saw it.

In the past, Taeyeon and Junsu rarely had their company when they were dating in Korea. Of course, that was because they were dating late at night, and the location was in Junsu's house, so they didn't need their cover in these places. Occasionally Junxiu eats with them, but it is always with the nine of them. When there are many people, the two of them tend to restrain each other's love show.

But today the two have become different, they don't care whether they are around or not at all, they can show how they want to show. Junsu feeds Taeyeon with her own seafood prawns, and Taeyeon feeds her pork to Junsu, and the two are about to drink a glass of wine with a spoon.

Today, the love between the two is normal in Shungui's view. After all, the two of them have been in trouble for more than half a year. The meeting after half a year finally resolved the stagnation in their hearts, and it was in such a place where no fans could recognize them, wouldn't they make up for the time and misses in the second half of the year?

Taeyeon and Junsu didn't talk about what happened that day, maybe they thought that it would be just like that. Sometimes life requires opening one eye and closing one eye. Where did Junsu go that night? Taeyeon thinks she wants to be Junsu and go to work, so that she feels at least a little better in her heart, even if she knows that this is a way of self-deception, but this is the only way she can convince herself not to pursue the truth~www.wuxiaspot. com~ No excuse for not going to tear the wound again.

It's good to hurt once, so Taeyeon feels that there is no need to let herself hurt again for the past.

Love to an extreme is not to care about.

On the way back to the hotel, this time Junsu didn't sit in the co-pilot seat, instead, Li Shungui sat there. She deliberately kept Junsu and Taeyeon closer.

Lee Soon Kyu feels that physical contact is the best form of 'love'.

Junxiu sat in the back seat, his fingers intertwined with Taeyeon, and Pani, who was sitting next to him, was staring out of the car window. She didn't want to see the two of them exuding love here.

Love is a kind of virus, Pani is afraid that he will be infected with this virus, which will affect his work, right? At present, in Pani's heart, she feels that work is temporarily more important than love.

Even if they didn't make a sound, just the eye contact between the two of them made people really can't stand their tiredness, and Shun Gyu, who was sitting in the front, couldn't stand the pink, and she asked, "oppa, in a while. Where are we going?"

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