Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 963: work trip (end)

One of the dumbest things Junsu has done is rent a convertible when the bright summer sun is pouring out. Originally thought that driving a convertible in the sun would be a very pleasant thing, but he forgot how vicious the summer sun is. At the beginning of the open-top road, everyone faced the sun and the wind in the car together, and at the same time admired the blue sky here.

At first, the three of them were so excited, but the excitement lasted for less than 10 minutes, and they became depressed when the direct sunlight and the wind blew their eyes after the car started running. Junsu and Taeyeon sitting in the front with the windshield were fine, but Sunkyu and Pani sitting in the back were depressed.

The sunshine was originally thought to be a very romantic thing, but the temperature on the top of the head just made the scalp hot. The only way to block the direct sunlight is to put on their straw hats, but after wearing the hats, it is a shame to know that it is a convertible with a hat inside. When the wind blows when the vehicle is running, the hat will fall off. They have to reach out and hold the hat on their head to prevent it from being blown away.

Paney couldn't take it anymore, she called to Junxiu who was driving: "oppa, raise the roof of the car when you stop. Sitting in the back, the wind will blow your hat away."

Junxiu slowed down the speed of the car and stepped aside. At the same time, he also said with a smile: "I just told you to wear baseball caps, but you have to wear this straw hat. The brim is so big, it's strange if you don't blow it away."

When Junxiu scolded Pani, Pani also launched a 'fashion' counterattack without fear: "oppa, if you don't wear such a hat on the beach, when can you wear it when you buy it? Instead, it's you, you have been private since your debut. Just wear a baseball cap, and now your baseball cap has infected the whole of Korea, and baseball caps have become a fashion necessity for idols, which is really puzzling.”

Junsu pulls the car aside with a wry smile, and gets out as the convertible top is raised. He stood on the side of the road, took out a cigarette and lit one. Today, they found out that Junxiu actually started smoking? Seeing the cigarette case on Junxiu's bedside table and the extinguished drip in the ashtray, Li Shungui also asked him when he started smoking, and Junxiu's answer was naturally that he was too tired to shoot.

Yes, smoking may be because I'm too tired, I don't know what to use to soothe a tired heart. Therefore, Li Shun-kyu could only persuade Jun-su to 'draw less. ’

When the roof was raised, the three people sitting inside watched Junxiu standing beside the car smoking, and Panney also murmured, "How tired is it that a person who hasn't smoked for more than 20 years starts smoking? Taeyeon, please persuade him when you have time, smoking is very harmful to the body."

He didn't smoke when they met Junxiu half a year ago, but this time he was already addicted to smoking? It is said that there is no Taeyeon factor in this, and they probably won't believe it if they are present. Even Taeyeon knew she had some responsibility for Junsu starting to smoke.

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Understood, I will tell him to quit smoking."

After taking two puffs of cigarettes, Junxiu looked at them sitting in the car and said, "Are you going to drive? There are fewer cars here, so it's safer to drive. Do you want to try? You three all have driver's licenses. Woolen cloth."

Li Shungui stared at Junxiu with wide eyes: "Can a Korean driver's license be used in Japan?"

Junxiu nodded and said, "Of course, I've always used a Korean driver's license. Korean driver's licenses can be used anywhere in Asia except for something special when going to China/China. It seems to be an "international road.." or something, anyway, I'm not very clear. Anyway, Korean driver's licenses can be used in Japan."

Pani nodded and said: "Then let me drive, you and Taeyeon sit in the back? I want to practice driving skills. I plan to buy a car after returning to China this time. It happens that there are fewer cars in Okinawa."


After Pani and Li Shungui switched to the front, Junsu and Taeyeon sat in the back. The destination of this tour is 'Kouri Island'. When the vehicle came to the bridge leading to Kouri Island, looking at the straight bridge ahead, as well as the sea and blue sky on both sides of the bridge, I felt an indescribably cheerful mood.

The car stopped by the bridge, Junxiu and the others all got out of the car and looked at the beautiful bridge here. Pani looked at the bridge leading into the distance and sighed: "Travel is like this, as long as you open your eyes, you will have a good mood! I think I fall in love with travel,"

Junsu held Taeyeon's hand and looked at the magnificent scenery as absently as the two of them. Junsu whispered emotionally: "So every blue color is a kind of healing."

The only one who can fall in love with the sky is the sea. The same broad ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the same inclusive, the same ever-changing. The sea and the sky can always interpret different blues, sometimes deep, sometimes crisp, sometimes tactful... So whenever I see blue, I can always find comfort in my heart, and today's blue has healed Junxiu and also healed Taeyeon.

The couple, who had been fighting for half a year, clasped their fingers tightly under the blue, even though their palms were sweaty, they still couldn't bear to let go of each other's hands.

"It's really beautiful." Taeyeon took Junxiu's hand and came to the bridge, which clearly recorded the length of the bridge 'Gu Yuli Bridge 1960 meters' Taeyeon touched the number and said regretfully: "Gu Yuli is too short , I miss it too long."

Just when Junsu and Taeyeon were both emotional because of the beauty here, Pani, who was standing next to him, held the camera and said, "What are you two feeling there, come and help us take pictures."

When it's windy in Okinawa, I always want to look up at the sky, because the touch of blue here is undoubtedly the most peaceful comfort in my heart.

If Junxiu looked up at this smear of blue yesterday was melancholy, then today is cured. With company by your side, there are people who can share the scenery. And their smiles in the sun and their long hair lifted by the breeze are all so beautiful.

Junxiu picked up the camera and started recording their laughter and their happiness.

The two of them were going to drive across the bridge, but Junsu and Taeyeon chose to walk. After getting in the car, Pani picked up the camera and took a happy photo of the two who chose to walk. The scenery in the photo was beautiful, but Even more beautiful is the two in the lens. The two held hands and walked towards the front of the beautiful scenery. Taeyeon raised her head slightly to look at Junxiu, and Junxiu also looked down at Taeyeon slightly. The photo records the happy smiles of the two when they stared at this moment.

The photos are not very good, the smiles of the two are also very beautiful, what is even more beautiful is happiness, full of happiness! !

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