Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 964: Back to original?

The two-day trip was romantic and full of joy and laughter. Of course, it was more of a sense of happiness from Junsu and Taeyeon. This was a trip in the true sense, a leisure trip to relax the body and mind. Although this trip is not just for Junsu and Taeyeon, the significance of this trip is special to them both. During this trip, Junsu and Taeyeon didn't say a word about what happened last time, as if it never happened.

Perhaps the two of them knew in their hearts that if they went to uncover the matter after half a year, to get to the bottom of it, the final result might be very bad. Let's go in the past, anyway, after that incident, Taeyeon also wanted to understand a lot, so that incident was regarded as a mistake made by Junsu, right?

As for the result, it may not be so important to her now. Sometimes it may be a wise choice to turn a blind eye to love. At least she can clearly feel it now.. She is always in the handsome Occupying an important place in my heart, maybe this should be satisfied?

And Taeyeon knew that if they really wanted to uncover the truth of that incident, then the rest of them would have to break up. Taeyeon felt that as long as she was a little confused about some things, as long as she didn't hear the answer from Junsu, what's wrong with being confused? Even if she pretends to be confused, it doesn't matter, because Taeyeon feels like she is not ready to break up, and she also feels that she still loves Junsu deeply.

For two days, Junsu and the two of them briefly traveled in Okinawa, and then the three of them went back to Seoul. But Junxiu went to Taihai quietly and alone. Sitting on the plane to Taihai, Junxiu still said depressedly: "Wow.. Kim Young-min is really amazing. He didn't call himself for two days.. Well, he really didn't call me, he actually asked Shungui and Tai. Yan came to be a lobbyist? That's amazing."

He promised Junxiu that during the two days of his rare vacation, he would not call himself to interrupt his trip, but he 'dispatched' Li Shungui and others as lobbyists. The day before they were about to leave Okinawa, Junsu learned that Girls' Generation got a two-day vacation. It turned out that Shungui agreed to be the lobbyist in exchange for this? Junsu really admires Kim Youngmin.

There was no way that Li Shungui and Taeyeon had come to be lobbyists, so Junxiu could only agree to the music adaptation this time. Maybe this is not looking at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, right? So he went to Taihai at this time to adapt and record the song "Those Years" in Chinese.

Junxiu muttered dejectedly, "Jin Yingmin thinks you are cruel, but you actually persuaded them to convince me? This Li Shungui actually 'sold' his brother for a two-day vacation? Well, you are good, but I am more than you. Awesome! Don't you want to adapt it in Chinese? Okay, I'll just translate the Japanese lyrics into Chinese."

Generally speaking, the adaptation of the song requires further lyrics modification according to the content of the movie, but Junxiu does not plan to modify the lyrics this time, and will directly translate the Japanese lyrics into Chinese. As for the quality of the later stage, he doesn't care. Anyway, it's not the movie he starred in. It doesn't matter if they can get good results or not. For Junxiu, this is just an OST.

The plane landed in Taihai, and the film crew was waiting for Junxiu at the airport gate early. Junxiu followed the crew to the shooting site and met the director, and then got the script. When reading the script, Junxiu found that the play seemed to be very similar to his Japanese lyrics. In less than half a day, he translated the Japanese into Chinese, and the director of the film was also the screenwriter of the play. He helped Junxiu simply revise the lyrics and then started recording in the evening.

Junxiu’s recording took one hour to complete. The entire Chinese song change and recording Junxiu took just one day to complete, and the rest of the song effects had to wait for the movie to be released.


In just one day, Junxiu went from Okinawa to Taiwan Strait, and then returned to Seoul from Taiwan Strait. The reason why he is so anxious to return to Seoul is of course because his relationship with Taeyeon needs to be warmed up. It was already late at night when Junsu landed in Seoul, and he sent Taeyeon a kakao message, 'I'm back in Seoul. ’

After a while, Taeyeon replied, 'Didn't you say that it might be possible to come back tomorrow? Did things get done so quickly over there? ’

'Well, after looking at the script of the movie, I found that it fits the lyrics very well, and there is not much change, so I started recording in the afternoon, and came back after the end. There is no need to stay there, the reporters in Taihai are too good. ’

The gossip weekly magazines in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and these two places can make up stories~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They have also experienced it, so they clearly know how powerful the media there is. The last time Girls' Generation went to H.K for a concert, As a result, the next day HK media published Taeyeon drunk and fell into the garbage? Taeyeon was helpless when she saw this report.

'It turns out that Oppa is also afraid of the gossip weekly over there. ’

'The weekly magazines over there are full of novelists. I'm afraid that if I stay there for one night, the next day will publish my night meeting with Taiwanese actresses. I'll call you downstairs in your dormitory in a while, and I'll bring you some Taiwanese specialties back. ’

'Um. I'm going to take a shower first, and we've just returned to the dormitory. ’

Downstairs in the Girls' Generation dormitory, Junxiu had already changed into a suit, and the car was also arriving. Sitting in the car and waiting for Taeyeon to come downstairs, this seems to have not been done for many years. Sitting in the car, Junxiu smoked a cigarette and recalled how he and Taeyeon would always find time to meet in the evening no matter how busy they were. Later, Taeyeon went directly to Junsu's house after get off work.

From the beginning of the date in the car to the date directly at home, it records the development process of the love between the two. And today Junsu drove the car to the downstairs of Girls' Generation's dormitory again, it felt like when he and Taeyeon just started dating.

At this time, in Girls' Generation's dormitory, Yoona and Sooyoung, who were in the same room as Taeyeon, looked at Taeyeon who was taking a shower and didn't wear pajamas. Going to meet. Didn't you spend two days in Okinawa? Haven't had enough?"

Teammates habitually used her and Junsu as the object of ridicule, and Taeyeon got used to it early, so she responded to Xiuying by saying, "I said you can't sleep peacefully? Stare at me and oppa all day. what?"

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