Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 968: Floating life (2)

This afternoon someone came to see Junxiu's house, which made him have to get up. He handed over this matter to Min Hyuk to discuss, and just waited for Junsu to show up in person when he needed to go through some formalities, so he didn't plan to entertain guests who came to see the room this afternoon. After taking a shower, Junxiu simply dressed up and went out with the car keys.

Junxiu drove aimlessly and slowly towards Seongbuk-dong. The sunshine in Seoul is very good in July, but it won’t be too hot with the wind, just open the car window to face the wind. Driving freely on the street and watching Korean women show their legs in summer makes me happy. Junsu hasn't eaten meat for a long time.

This time in Okinawa, he and Taeyeon were obviously reconciled, but the two of them did not choose to live together at night. Although neither of them mentioned the past, and tried their best to repair their relationship, the physical intimacy may still take a while to convince themselves. The last time I enjoyed love was when Yui arrived before the filming of Junsu's drama.

Counting the time, it has been three months. During the busy three months, Junxiu and Park Minying performed love, but they did not exceed the feelings of the TV series, and neither of them developed to the point of falling into bed outside the drama because of the feelings in the TV series. . However, after being very busy, there is not some chaotic thinking of YIN, but Junxiu is of a vigorous age after all.

At the age of Fang Gang, he met the beautiful legs of summer, and it is normal for the kind of thinking in his heart to start flooding. Fortunately, Junxiu is not lonely enough to need the "five girls" to comfort him. It's just that these two days are in line with Taeyeon's feelings again, so when I see those younger sisters dressed in cooler clothes on the street, the impulse grows in my heart.

When I looked at the beautiful legs on the street, I felt an inexplicable heat in my heart. Junxiu shook his head and said, "Why do you suddenly feel hot, do you want me to use heat to heat up at noon?"

Anyway, to go to Seongbuk-dong, you have to go through Gwanghwamun, so Junsu went straight to Bukchon, because there is a very famous ginseng chicken soup shop here. After the shooting, Junxiu had to make up for himself, and he planned to use heat to heat up, so ginseng chicken soup became his choice.

This is a samsung chicken soup restaurant built in a hanok. Since it was past the meal time, there were still several tables of people in the restaurant when Junxiu came over. Moreover, they are all older middle-aged and elderly people, and there are no young people sitting in it and eating ginseng chicken soup. The price of this thing is a bit expensive.

After entering the door, I saw a group photo of the boss and countless celebrities. The most conspicuous thing is that this store used to be a store frequented by the president. It is a decades-old store, and its grasp of such traditional food is trustworthy.

Junxiu chose a corner and sat down. The service aunt here came over and ordered something for Junxiu. Junxiu asked for a ginseng chicken soup and a seafood cake, which cost close to 40,000 won. Most office workers, or young people, rarely spend 40,000 yuan on this food. After all, the tastes of young people are relatively large, and ginseng chicken soup is a super light tonic.

Junxiu sat in the seat and looked at the structure inside this hanok, all of which are modern, maybe the exterior of the house, the structure of the house is a traditional hanok, but all the things used in the store are modern.

Junxiu pinched his chin, thinking about whether such a house would be more suitable for him? But when she turned her head, Junxiu thought of Bukchon, which is the north side of Gyeongbokgung Palace. This place has become a tourist attraction, although it may be very quiet at night. But the flow of people here during the day is definitely more and more complicated than the current Seoul Tower.

Just as Junxiu was observing the structure of the house, the behavior of looking around attracted the service aunts here, three or five aunties gathered around and looked at Junxiu and chatted: "This man... seems to be an actor, acting or something, I Can't remember for a while."

One of the aunts stared at Junsu for a long time before saying, "What else can I do? The "City Hunter" that has been on the air recently is called Junsu. My daughter likes him very much, and the whole room is full of his posters. I can recognize it with my sunglasses."

"That's right, that's right, it's him. He has acted in a lot of TV dramas. After he finishes eating, ask him for an autograph."

"Hehe, it seems that the filming of TV dramas has been very hard recently. I have come to eat ginseng chicken soup to nourish my body."


After a while, the hot seafood cake was brought out, and the aunt who delivered the meal looked at Junxiu with a smile and said, "You are Junxiu, I like watching your TV series."

Junxiu smiled and nodded in response: "Thank you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Auntie, I want to ask if the house here is expensive?"

"The house here? Expensive... er, of course, it's much cheaper than Jiang/Nan. Why do you want to buy a house here? The house here, don't look pretty, these are the government's efforts to boost tourism Get it. The house here is bought and you have to repair it yourself, and you have to spend a lot of money."

The aunt who works here is obviously very familiar with the house here, and she didn't advise Junxiu not to buy it, but just said that there are some problems in the house here. After all, good houses were bought early at this time. After the rest of the house is bought, it will definitely need some repairs. You must know that there are many houses here that are hundreds of years old.

"So, what do you think of Chengbei Cave?"

"Seongbuk-dong? It's worse than here. It's a slum there, and there's no bus. Of course, you already have a car, but a lot of celebrities have recently moved to Seongbuk-dong. Because it's quiet there. , but the rich live in Samcheong-dong, and the poor live in Seongbei-dong. Why did you think of going to Seongbei-dong?"

Chengbei-dong and Sanqing-dong are all behind Gyeongbokgung Palace. One is on the left and the other is on the right. Both sides are the same kind of hillsides, but the hills in Seongbuk-dong are higher. That's why the aunt said 'the rich, the poor'.

"I'm just asking, thank you."

After Junxiu thanked him, the aunt nodded and left, and he began to eat the seafood cake in front of him, dipped in some soy sauce, and it tasted good. While eating, Junxiu took the phone and started searching.

Samcheong-dong, Seongbei-dong, just as the old lady said, many villas have been built in Samcheong-dong, but Seongbei-dong still looks like a slum.

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