Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 969: Floating life (3)

Both Seongbuk-dong and Samcheong-dong are on the hill behind Gyeongbokgung Palace, one is on the left and the other is on the right. If you want to describe it, Sanqingdong is on the mountainside, where you can overlook the Hanok Village at the foot of the mountain, Gyeongbokgung Palace, and Nanshan Tower in the distance. Enjoying the night here can be said to be first class. And Chengbei Cave is a bit desolate, because most of the poor people live here, so the mountains are steep and the roads are narrow, and many places that can be seen can only be seen on foot.

In terms of transportation, it is naturally much more convenient to Samcheong-dong, which is close to Gyeongbokgung Palace. And Seongbuk-dong, like the aunt here, said that there are not many buses going anywhere, and it is particularly deserted at night. If you are hungry and want to go out to eat, there are no shops that are open. Many celebrities choose to move there just to be quiet.

After Junxiu checked the introduction of these two places on his mobile phone, he was a little hesitant. He didn't know which land to buy would be better. Of course, in terms of room for appreciation, Samcheong-dong is bigger. Compared with the Blue House, there is only a Gyeongbokgung Palace between the two. Therefore, many wealthy businessmen or high-ranking officials like to live in Samcheongdong, and Sancheongdong is much better in terms of public security. And Chengbei Cave has an advantage, it is quiet, and of course, the land price is cheap.

If you want to describe it, if you buy a house of 300 ping in Samcheong-dong, you can change it to 400 ping in Seongbuk-dong. It is 333 square meters, which is more than 100 ping.

Junxiu put down the phone while eating ginseng chicken soup, while thinking about how to choose in his mind, Minhyuk called, Junxiu quickly answered: "Arrived?"

"Well, it's here. The guest is here too. It's a Chinese/Chinese guest, your fan, female. After entering the room, I looked at your things in the room. I didn't even say the price. . When will your clothes be collected?"

Junxiu was frightened by this refreshing female fan from China/China. The house price is a full 6 billion won, which translates to more than 30 million soft girls. Junxiu signed the contract less than an hour after he came out? No wonder everyone says that Chinese/Chinese people have more money. It appears to be a child of a super rich family.

"A contract signed so soon? By the way, did you tell her? Am I going to move the equipment in the studio?"

"Say, she said just leave the furniture."

"Okay. Contact the mover here.." Before Junxiu's words were finished, he suddenly thought of a very serious matter: "Yeah, I'm moving out now, where do I live?"

Yeah, where do you live? This is a very serious problem. The real estate in his name are all single-family houses facing the street, and these are all rented out. The only set of housing he bought when he moved out of TVXQ's dormitory. It has been many years since then, and he still doesn't have a second set of housing.

Although Junxiu has been thinking about building a house by himself, but now the land has not been settled yet, he himself has to move out of the house, where is he asking him to move? He does have two suites in Japan, but this is South Korea, so he only has one, and Junxiu instantly feels homeless.

"Er..." Min Hyuk also knew that this was a problem, so he said, "Why don't you come and stay with me for two days first?"

"Yeah, is this a two-day stay? Even if my side is going well, buying land, building a house, and interior decoration, won't it take a year and a half to finish it?"

"Then... why don't you stay in a hotel for two days first, and I'll put your things in the company first. I'll find a house for you right here, and live first?"

"That's the only way. You don't have to rent a very good house. Anyway, I only live for a year."

"It's not too good? The apartment is not in very good conditions, and the security system is also very poor. Maybe fans will wait for you in the safe passage when you go back." Fans are waiting in the stairs for their favorite stars to come home, this is entertainment In the circle, things happen from time to time. This is not bad, there are even more terrifying things in the circle than this.

For example, there is a house opposite the apartment where the idols live. They will try their best to rent it, and then watch the star's every move at home with binoculars every day. Some celebrities who are at home alone, especially in summer, like to run around the room in their underwear. After all, they can wear whatever they want. But these will be published by fans on the Internet. So now many stars, as long as they can see the opposite or next apartment from the room, they will draw the curtains.

Min Hyuk's words really frightened Junxiu: "Then, let's rent a house facing the Han River."

Facing the river, there is no such thing as being peeped at~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the current river view houses are all high-end communities, so the natural security conditions will be much better.

"Well, I'll call someone from the company to look for it right away. You have to come for the transfer tomorrow."

"Understood. Let's do this first, I'll eat."

After Junsu hung up Minhyuk, he was nibbling on the chicken leg while sending a kakao message to Lee Soon Kyu: "The house, I sold it, and now I'm homeless."

It happened that Junxiu sent a message to Li Shungui when they entered the break, and she laughed when she received the news from her brother: "Hahaha.. That idiot of my brother, he didn't even finish his house before he finished it. House sold? Now message me about homelessness?"

"He didn't know that we were going to move to a new dormitory, so he wanted to come to live in our dormitory? That's not okay."

"We have so many women, why is he a big man? That's not appropriate, right?"

Only Lin Yoona was very concerned about Junxiu and worried: "Where is Oppa going to move?"

"I don't know, I should rent a house first, right?" Li Shungui shook his head and said. After she said this, she turned her eyes to Taeyeon, because Junsu and Taeyeon were together last night. He sold the house and moved. Li Shungui felt that Junsu should have told Taeyeon.

However, Taeyeon immediately shook her head and said, "Why are you looking at me like this, I don't know, he didn't tell me about this. I just heard from you when I was in Japan, he was going to sell the house things. I don't know anything else."

In the end, Yoona said softly, "Why don't oppa live in our living room before he finds a house? Our new dormitory is so big."

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