Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 9: Success or failure is left to the market to decide

This time Junsu created the so-called 'sarcasm' type of music, Minhyuk and the others only saw that the song was mostly funny. Especially after they saw Junsu's ridiculous "horse dance", they deepened their thoughts. Sitting in the dormitory, they listened carefully to Junxiu's title song this time, and then thought about the dance moves he performed in the karaoke room earlier. Combining the two together, they definitely said that the song was completely funny.

Just like what they said, only the humorous meaning was heard in the song, and the ironic meaning was not understood. If it's just the phrase 'oppa, Gangnam style', it looks like irony, but it's a bit far-fetched in their opinion. Again, the feeling of this song is mostly funny!

So whether it was Min Hyuk's reaction after hearing this song at first, or their feelings after hearing this song at this time. All the same, I am not so optimistic about Junsu's use of such a song as his solo title song. It should not be said that he is not optimistic, but it should be said that it is very puzzling.

After all, Junxiu's huge fan base is there, and when this song comes out, 800,000 fairy queens will be interested and download this funny song by Junxiu. However, what they think of is the evaluation of fans after downloading and listening to the song, and they are the reason why they're not optimistic about the song.

Weird songs, even weirder dances, such a weird song to be sung by a world-class singer who has won three Grammy Awards? This is really the most incomprehensible place for them. They have the same idea as Min Hyuk, why didn't this song be used in "Boundless Song Festival", and then the handsome "My God" was used for the title of the album?

Even Junxiu's 'sister' Li Shungui was not so optimistic about this song this time, she frowned slightly and said, "oppa, you really don't think about it anymore? This song is the main song, I don't know what to say. Of course you are JS Junsu, and you will definitely get one even if you use such a song, so I think you should consider whether this 'one' is for JS Junsu or for Your song. Although you got one of them, the meanings of the two are different."

Li Shun-kyu's words are very straightforward, one of them is to see that you are a world star? Or is it that the public recognizes the creation of your song? This is a fundamental problem.

Even Yoona, who has always been on Junsu's side on weekdays, felt ridiculous that he used this song as the main title, so after Shungui finished speaking, she immediately continued: "Let's put it this way, oppa, you. How many songs have you prepared for the next album?"

"Three songs, or four tentatively scheduled. The company hopes that I can make a mini album and release it as much as possible. Of course, I hope so too. After all, I have made fans wait too long."

"Then oppa, can you show us your other songs?"

"Uh, I haven't made the other songs yet, only this title song is what I've been busy with. I can sing it when I sing it.."

"Then can you sing it to us?" At this time, they were almost all thinking that if Junxiu's other songs were better than this one, they would definitely suggest Junxiu replace the title song.

Junxiu nodded, then looked at Mannei: "Xiaoxian, aren't you learning the guitar, give me the guitar."

"Okay." Xu Xian started learning the guitar from "I Knot". Zheng Rong-hwa, who gave a little guidance to Xu Xian's guitar, is not bad. He is about the same level as Junsu's student Li Zhi-eun. You must know that Li Zhi-eun's guitar level is really high. Woolen cloth.

After a while, Xu Xian came with her guitar, Junxiu thanked her, raised her legs and started to pick up the guitar, after some tuning, she started to play.

"Lishui Night Sea" Taeyeon was stunned when Junxiu sang this song. This song was created by Junxiu very early, but it has never been published, but she has heard Junxiu sing this song.

In Girls' Generation, only Taeyeon has heard of it, and none of them have. This is a very soft song, and in this night, the guitar sound is matched with the handsome and soft voice. After the combination of the two, it can only be said that they complement each other. Regardless of whether the song was sung in Yeosu or Seoul, a desolate beauty of the night unfolded in their hearts.

This song is nice, a little sad, and the missing is revealed in the lyrics, but now they are a little hesitant, because they are thinking about whether this song is suitable for the main theme?

The feeling of this song is very suitable for lying in bed quietly at night, or listening quietly on the way home alone. The song is very soft, without too many bursts and ups and downs. Is such a song really suitable for performing on the stage? That's a question mark.

Even a lyrical song needs some kind of hit point, this song is good, it's good, and it's very good. But they feel that this song doesn't seem to be suitable for singing on stage. It's not that Junxiu has never sung lyrical songs. For example, recently, he sang the OST "Don't Forget" in the TV series "IRIS". In that song, the chorus part has a kind of explosive point, which is very penetrating. the heart of the person.

But this song "Night Sea in Lishui" is relatively soft and a little dull~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe longing is soft.

After Junsu sang the song, Yoona asked Junsu again, "oppa, is there another song?"

Seeing Yoona's eager appearance, Junxiu laughed, and he returned the guitar to Xu Xian to thank him and then stretched out his hand and played it lightly on Yoona's forehead: "I know what you mean, and I also know that you are both. I'm worried about my SOLO score this time. But the quality of a song should not be judged subjectively by us. How should I put it, the song is like cold noodles, uh.. I'm not saying that Sika sings The song, but the real cold noodles..”

"Cold noodles is a very strange food, and people who think it is delicious will be fascinated by it. However, there are also a group of people who think that cold noodles are bland and tasteless, like plain boiled water with noodles in it. It is inexplicable. This time, I chose to use that song as the title song after careful consideration, so you don’t have to worry too much about my grades. Don’t worry, this song, I believe, will make everyone discover that the original music has other flavors. As for what everyone thinks of my 'idol' identity, I will also use another song to express it. I will show it to you someday, and I will promise you will not be disappointed. Style song!"

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