Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Monthly rental and housewarming banquet?

Girls' Generation also failed to persuade Junsu to confirm the funny "Gangnam Style" as the title song of his comeback album. In the next two days, Junsu was busy arranging and perfecting his 'Riding Dance' during the day and busy at night. Start recording, the pace of album preparation is getting faster and faster. This mini-album has three songs in total, three songs of completely different styles.

A so-called funny song, a soft nostalgia suitable for listening at night, and the last one is the song "Idol Junsu" that Junxiu said was completely "Idol Junxiu". When this extremely rich idol style song came out, Min Hyuk's first reaction when he heard it was to scold Junxiu for being a lunatic and insane.

Because in the eyes of Min Hyuk "" is more suitable as the title song of the album, this strong electronic dance music style can better interpret Junxiu's handsomeness. So he really thinks Junsu is crazy, why is there such a good song not to be the main theme, but to use that kind of song instead?

Regardless of Minhyuk's scolding or the opposing voices here, Junsu still went his own way and decided that the title song of the album was "Gangnam Style". In the voice of doubts, Junxiu's title song was decided according to his ideas. After all, Junxiu used the trump card and did not use this song as the title song. There is really no way for .M here, no matter how much persuasion it is useless.

In the end, for Junxiu's official SOLO, we can only 'compromise' here. Who is Junxiu not only an artist, but also a shareholder?

The door to the practice room was pushed open as he danced his hilarious horse-riding dance in the practice room over here. Li Xiuman walked in with the coffee: "Junxiu, take a break, I look very depressed about your dance."

Junxiu didn't care too much about everyone's dislikes. He turned off the music and walked towards Li Xiuman while sweating, and said, "Uncle, you are the one who goes to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, tell me, what's the matter? As long as you don't come to persuade me again, that's fine. already."

Li Xiuman smiled helplessly and said, "I'm here to persuade you, but it's not about the title song."

"Oh? It's not the title song? I'm on a variety show recently, and I'm about to come back. What do you advise me?" Junxiu's meaning is obvious. On weekdays, you all think that I can work and make money all the time. And recently he is preparing for a lot of work.

"Album, this time is your official solo album, and it's your first album released after more than two years. Although it's a 'mini', I think you should make a big production to give back to your fans, what do you think? ?"

Junxiu frowned after listening to Li Xiuman's words, big production, what big production? Although the MV proposal I submitted this time involves multiple filming locations, many of them are free location buildings, so the investment in the MV is not very large. Equivalent to those who want to use special effects are indeed cheap. So Junsu thought that Lee Sooman was denying his MV proposal by saying this.

However, Li Xiuman did not wait for Junxiu to speak, he continued: "This time the company plans to give you three songs and three MVs, how about it? Is it a big production?"

A big production is a big production, but the cost of album production will increase, which is an uneconomical proposal for the company. Because even if there are three MVs in the mini album, the price of the album can't be doubled, right?

So Junxiu looked at Li Xiuman vigilantly and said, "Three songs, three MVs, don't you want me to play three songs?"

"How is that possible? You don't have so much time to play songs, aren't you going to shoot a variety show? Once you play a song, it's your title song." Singers usually play songs for a month, with three songs. Playing songs is three months.

"Oh?" Junxiu nodded on the surface, but he still couldn't figure out what Li Xiuman was thinking? Three MVs? It doesn't matter what he shoots. It's not difficult to shoot one for two days at most, and then shoot three films in a week, but the cost is the key.

Just when Junxiu was puzzled, Li Xiuman began to answer him: "Junxiu, do you know that the company has already selected a new boy group?"

"I know, what's wrong?" Junxiu looked at Li Xiuman in confusion, wasn't he talking about the MV? Why are you talking about the new boy group?

"That's what I thought, let the new boy group do the dance group for you when you shoot the MV for your "", how about that? I plan to let them debut next year."

It turned out that Li Xiuman planned to let the new boy group warm up in the early stage of his MV.

"Oh, but this time to choreograph..."

"The choreography has already been done by the dance teacher. As long as you take the time to practice, it's fine, right? We'll just shoot a dance version of the cut, no need for a big fanfare to shoot the official~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You all do I came to the door to talk about this matter, can I not cooperate? I am also a shareholder of the company, right? This time you gave in to my title song, and I will follow you. It’s okay to spend more time practicing. ." Junxiu was about to ask the dance teacher to come and see the choreography of "", but before he finished speaking, the phone rang.

Junsu picked up the phone on the sofa, and then let Li Xiuman see that the call was from Minhyuk. Li Xiuman nodded understandingly and then made a gesture to let him answer the phone first.

"Brother Minhe, I have a phone call... um, the house has been found? I will see the house in the afternoon? Okay, come over now, call me when you get there, and I'll take a shower first."

After hearing what Junxiu said, Li Xiuman said, "I just asked you to come to my house.."

"Forget it, I'd rather stay in a hotel. The dance thing will be tomorrow. Let the dance teacher teach the children first."

"Well, go ahead, the matter is settled like this, is "Lishui Night Sea" shooting in Lishui?"

"Of course, I'm still waiting for Lishui to award me the position of publicity ambassador."

"Hehe, don't you know that your student Li Zhien is Lishui's publicity ambassador?"

Junxiu gave him a contemptuous look with coffee, then turned and walked towards the door, while also saying, "She is the propaganda ambassador of the Lishui World Expo, and I'm staring at the local propaganda ambassador."

"What kind of eyes are you, you are the ambassador for Seoul now, why do you want to serve as Lishui?"


Half an hour later, Junxiu changed clothes and went downstairs. At the entrance of the stairs, he met Xiuying who came back with snacks. She looked at Junxiu and asked, "oppa, where are you going?"

"The house has been found, Minhyuk and I have dinner, let's go and see."

"Have the house been found? When will the housewarming be held?"

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