Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 38: "RM" Yanjing Special (14)

Li Yanxi, this stupid sweet and white, actually said that she wants to start playing psychological warfare with everyone? This made Junxiu look at her in disbelief. From the performance just now, it can be seen that she is simple enough. What kind of psychological warfare is such a person talking about? Really not afraid of being laughed at, Junxiu looked at Li Yanxi in surprise: "You? Psychological warfare? Forget it, you are so honest and old, it is estimated that in the end you don't even know who the murderer is."

But when Junxiu said these contemptuous words, Li Yanxi had already circled behind Junxiu, she reached out and grabbed Junxiu's brand name to scare him and said, "Oppa, the two of us are special guests, so I won't tear it apart. drop you."

Yes, Lee Yeon-hee originally intended to scare Jun-su. But Junsu behaved very indifferently, as if she had seen through her 'trick', even when Li Yanxi stretched out her hand to his brand name, Junsu was indifferent.

Junxiu just said to his personal camera: "In this episode, if the culprit is Yeon Hee, it will be a big hit. This acting skill... I really can't find an adjective. Oh, it's a pity, like this What is a simple person talking about playing psychological warfare? I really don't understand, her confidence comes from? Brother Shi, Brother Zhong Guo, and Brother Shi Zhen, did you hear it? Yanxi said that she was going to play psychological warfare with you. Ha Ha ha.."

While Lee Yeon Hee and Jun Soo were chatting, Yoo Jae Suk, Kim Jong Kook, and Ji Suk Jin all came over. However, when everyone gathered together, Li Yanxi pointed at GARY, who was being escorted to prison by an emissary in the distance: "Ah~~ is it GARY?"

Everyone was there, GARY was suddenly eliminated, and Yoo Jae-suk immediately said that the culprit was not present haha, Ha Dong-hoon! "It's He Dongxun, it's haha!!"

"So it's Jiying and Haha?"

"That's right, HAHA led everyone to tear off Kwang Soo's brand name."

After everyone found Haha, Haha's first reaction was: "Did you know that Brother GARY was arrested?"

"Isn't it you?"

Haha looking at everyone's unkind eyes, he knew that he was being suspected once again. However, Li Yanxi said at this time: "Jiying, where were you just now?"

"Me? I'm with haha ​​oppa. What about you?"

Li Yanxi pointed at Junsu and Liu Zaishi and said, "We were all together just now, and only you two didn't come."

Just when Li Yanxi said this, Haha suddenly said: "Jiying, you Kaa are not the only ones who came here, right?"

Jiang Zhiying said absurdly: "What do you say, how is it possible?"

But everyone's eyes still stayed on Ha Dongxun, which made HAHA quite speechless: "Wow.. I'm really going crazy, it's not me, it's really not me."

At this time, Kim Jong Kook said his reasoning: "Let me analyze it. In fact, I was thinking whether it was Ji Hyo who came? Really, Ji Hyo has no schedule today. Although Song Ji Hyo was unable to come because of the filming on Sunday, but every Monday we will The filming time for the show was vacated by the crew. So Ji Hyo definitely has time today.”

Jiang Zhiying was the one who replaced Song Jihyo on the show this time, so she looked at Kim Jongguk in a puzzled way and said, "Why do you say Jihyo Oni who is meaningless?"

Maybe they didn't believe Kim Jong Kook's speculation so much, but Jun Xiu suddenly recalled the special reminder given to him by the program team, "The prisoner is among the members of "RM". And even if Song Ji Hyo didn't come to participate in yesterday's filming, she still He is a regular member of "RM". And when Junxiu came in earlier, he also guessed whether it would be Song Zhixiao, but Junxiu didn't know Song Zhixiao's schedule. So she can only be excluded from the imagination.

But now Song Ji Hyo, who Kim Jong Kook said, doesn't have a filming schedule for a TV drama today, so it's only a two-hour mileage from Seoul to Yanjing, so she has enough time to come over and wait for the filming here to finish before returning with everyone. Seoul.

It makes sense logically, and it also makes sense from the viewing level of the show. Song Ji Hyo! ! The name entered Junsu's heart at once! !

All the signs that GARY was torn off indicate that there is a prisoner here that no one knows about. And this existence is either Kaa in Haha's mouth, or Song Jihyo in Kim Jong-kook's mouth. However, Junxiu guessed that the latter possibility was more likely. Because Kaa is currently playing music, they are really busy. With such a busy situation, it was good to have one person out for two days of filming. So, the culprit in Junsu's heart is Song Jihyo who has no schedule today.

Then so many group performances in the front are to cover up the existence of Song Ji Hyo, which is really persuasive.

Junxiu believed it, but Liu Zaishi said in disbelief, "Ah~www.wuxiaspot.com~Did you install a bug in the conference room of the program group?"

Kim Jong Kook still insisted: "This is really possible, everyone should think about other possibilities, right?"

Everyone started to go their separate ways to find clues. Junxiu stood at the end like that, and Li Yanxi also waited for everyone to walk away. After he said to Junxiu in a low voice, "Jongguo oppa is also very strange."

"Yeah, it's very strange. Didn't I say it at first? He and Liu Zaishi are one of the prisoners or helpers, the possibility is very high! It's just..."

Junsu also felt confused when he said this, because Kim Jong Kook deduced the existence of Song Ji Hyo? Yoo Jae Suk denies Song Ji Hyo's existence again? Did Kim Jong Kook push Song Ji Hyo out to disturb everyone's attention? Or did he really feel that way? As for Brother Shi, who denied the existence of Song Ji Hyo, did he want everyone to focus on the people present? Or is it covering Song Ji Hyo?

However, Junsu reminded in his heart that there is a high possibility of Song Jihyo's existence, and will there be helpers among Liu Jae-suk and Kim Jong-kook? Or is it HAHA? Kang Ji Young?

However, Li Yanxi smiled and said: "If you doubt it, then tear it all up."

Hearing Li Yanxi's cruel words, Junxiu looked at her in surprise: "Tear it all? Shouldn't it be... Are you an accomplice?"

"No, oppa, I told you many times."

"Really? But you feel weird to me too." Although Junxiu said that, but Junxiu knew in his heart that the culprit this time was Song Jihyo, and who among the remaining members of "RM"? Of course, Yoo Jae-suk and Kim Jong-kook are the biggest suspects in Junsu's mind. If they are prisoners looking for collaborators, these two are very beneficial to themselves.

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