Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 39: "RM" Yanjing Special (End)

Kim Jong Kook's analysis made Junsu also think that Song Jihyo must be here, but it is still a bit difficult for Song Jihyo to complete the task alone, so there will definitely be a helper in the rest of them. So, Junsu thought that if he wanted to find someone to work with, who would he choose among the rest? The answer is naturally one of Kim Jong Kook or Liu Jae Suk.

It's just that Junsu has no confirmed clues pointing to which of them, so Junsu needs to wait for a confirmation time. However, this time is to tear off one of them, and naturally you will know who the remaining culprit is. And Junsu wanted to tear up Kim Jongguk, because he was too powerful, the more he stayed behind, the less chance Junsu would win. Junsu isn't arrogant enough to tear up a famous brand with Kim Jong Kook.

However, Kim Jong Kook has a fatal weakness, that is, there is no way to deal with women. When the time comes, the woman can hold on to Kim Jong-kook, and Jun-su can take him. So at this moment, Jun-su is wondering if he should join Lee Yeon-hee to get rid of Kim Jong-kook first? Even if it is torn wrong, the last remaining Liu Zaishi Junxiu can handle it himself.

Junxiu was standing alone at the entrance of the noisy street. He stood at the street and looked inside and said, "There are so many people here, it must be the best place to hide. If you change your clothes like this, think about it. It's really not easy to find someone. Hey.. It seems that Song Ji-hyo must be hiding in this. Huh.. Haha brother went in? I guess I can't come out alive? Hurry up..."

The 'hurry up' in Junxiu's mouth was not because he rushed forward to tell Haha that he couldn't go in here, but that he immediately thought of finding his accomplice. With everyone like this, even if Haha really goes in and gets eliminated, it's impossible for anyone to doubt him anymore, right?

Junxiu withdrew from the crowded area and returned to the 'no man's land' to find his teammates. He, Chi Shizhen, and Li Yanxi gathered together and slowly searched for clues.

Chi Shizhen asked Junxiu at this time: "Junxiu, who do you think the prisoner will be this time?"

"I don't know, I don't have any clues either." Originally Junxiu wanted to make trouble because of the outcome, so he wanted to pretend to be stupid and hide everything he knew, but turned his head and thought about Chi Shizhen sooner or later. will be eliminated. So, he went on to say: "Well~~ If I can feel it, then the reasoning in front of Brother Zhong Guo is very likely."

"Song Ji Hyo is here?"

Lee Yeon-hee always felt that Song Ji-hyo's arrival was a very absurd thing. So she shouted, "Hey~~ oppa, even if you don't know, you can't talk about this in such a joking way?"


But just when they guessed the real murderer, He Dongxun was also escorted by the emissary. Kim Jong Kook quickly stepped forward and asked, "Dong Xun, what's wrong with you? Who the **** tore you up?"

However, HAHA, who was escorted by the escort, was covered with his mouth, so he could only whisper. However, the three people where Junsu was standing quickly appeared after hearing the shouting, and they saw Kim Jongguk and Jiang Zhiying behind them.

"Who is it? Who is it? Who's not here... Liu Zaishi? Is it him?"

But when Chi Shizhen just mentioned Liu Zaishi, Liu Zaishi was escorted along with He Dongxun. Junxiu was stunned for several seconds when he saw Liu Zaishi and 'dead'. Originally, Junxiu was thinking about whether to get rid of one by himself, but no one thought that Liu Zaishi had already been torn off at this time?

Then there are only five people left, Ji Shizhen, Junsu, Kim Jongguk, Lee Yeon-hee, and Kang Ji-young. Well, let's get rid of Chi Shizhen first, because in the end, is he the same, he is destined to be sacrificed, or killed by his companions?

When 'Qi' came here, Junxiu's heart almost became brighter. The culprit was Song Ji Hyo who killed HAHA and Yoo Jae Suk. However, Junxiu knew that he had another helper, Kim Jongguk, so he went straight to Ji Shizhen, and Junxiu ignored him naturally.

The remaining five people gathered together, and Jin Zhongguo said at this time: "It seems that we can't stay here forever, we must find the prisoners, or we will definitely be eliminated one by one."

When Kim Jong Kook said this, Junsu smiled in his heart, yes, only by separating us from Song Ji Hyo and you can we have a chance to defeat us one by one. Gathering together is like saying that it is four-on-two, and it is completely enough for two women to deal with Kim Jong-kook. The remaining Junsu and Ji Shizhen will join forces to deal with Song Ji Hyo, and it will definitely win.

However, Junxiu thought about it, and simply eliminated Ji Shizhen, and then joined the two of them to deal with Jin Zhongguo? Brother Wang Nose, it didn't help Junxiu much.

Just when Junxiu was thinking about whether to get rid of Chi Shizhen, he took the initiative to stand up and volunteered to go to the crowd to find the prisoner, which was equivalent to throwing himself into the net.

"I'll go to a crowded place over there. I have to catch a prisoner once."

Chi Shizhen left, and Jin Zhongguo also left. The rest of Junsu, Jiang Zhiying, and Li Yanxi sat together drinking water and resting. Junxiu said at this time, "Brother Shizhen, it's a lot of luck going there. There are only the three of us left!"

Jiang Zhiying looked at Junxiu and said puzzledly, "Why are we three? Where is Brother Zhong Guo?"

"Uh, haven't you found out yet? Brother Zhong Guo is the prisoner's helper, because there is no way to start when we are united, so Brother Zhong Guo deliberately said the words that let us separate. Wait for Brother Zhong to come back. At that time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I believe that Chishi Town has been eliminated, and the three of us will join forces to get rid of him first?"

Jiang Zhiying and Li Yanxi both nodded quickly and agreed: "Okay, let's do it like this."

It didn't take long for Chi Shizhen to be pushed to the prison by the cloud, and Jin Zhongguo also hurried back at this time and shouted, "I see the prisoner, I really see the prisoner."

Jiang Zhiying immediately asked "Who is it?"

And Kim Jong Kook said without hesitation, "Song Ji Hyo!!"

However, after the appearance of this somewhat unprecedented name for both of them, Jiang Zhiying said in disbelief, "A lie?"

However, Kim Jong Kook said excitedly: "Really not, I really saw Song Ji Hyo, why don't you believe me, Pabo!"

Kim Jong Kook blatantly told everyone that the culprit was Song Ji Hyo and Jun Su was a little hesitant..

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