Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 75: New York (below)

New York, a cosmopolitan city, can be regarded as the economic center of the world. This city is yearned by countless people from all over the world. And here are the fans who are about to show their 'away' from the airport. The fans who come to pick them up are holding the support cards of each group. Of course, the most cheering cards have 'JS' written on them.

After all, Junxiu has been active in the United States, and his songs have been loved by many American people, and now many fans of English songs are leaving messages on Junxiu's 'Twitter', I hope he will return with an English album soon. . Perhaps fans of those English songs have seen that Junsu's recently released "Riding Dance" has become popular all over the world, so they are looking forward to his next English album even more.

Junsu has become a world-class successful singer. It can be said that since he won three Grammy Awards last year and created unprecedented results, his music has attracted worldwide attention every time. Whether it's in Korean or English, Junsu's every move has touched the hearts of countless fans who like Junsu.

On weekdays, they may just feel Junxiu's super popularity in Korea, because Junxiu is not only a singer, but also a very good actor. Therefore, his fan base so far has ranged from aunts and uncles who like TV series to junior and high school students who like hot songs. And this time, his horse-riding dance has attracted a lot of first-timers, first-timers. In Korea, 'Junsu' can be said to be a household name.

Today, the Girls' Generation who took the same flight as Junsu had personally felt Junsu's popularity overseas. There were also fans holding their Girls' Generation support cards at the airport gate, but compared to Junsu's fan support cards, they were simply fireflies. The difference between Huo and Haoyue. If there are 100 fans standing at the airport, Junsu will have at least 50 cheering cards, and the remaining 50 will be SUJU, Girls' Generation, SHINee, F(x)...etc.

After coming out of the airport, Junxiu took the girls' generation and entered the bus that came to pick them up without looking back. She chose Xiuying who was sitting by the window, she slightly opened the curtains and looked at the battle outside the window, and said with a sigh: "Wow..oppa, your fans are really too many, almost us all. I can't get in the car."

Hearing Xiuying's words, Junxiu's heart is really happy. Because the fans who came to the airport to pick up the plane seemed to show Junsu's overseas achievements thoroughly, finally, in front of them. This is a kind of show of achievements. And it's an indescribable sense of pride to show off your success in front of the people closest to you.

It was as if 'Junsu was saying: Look, brother, I'm such an amazing person'. Although Junsu's overseas achievements are reported by news, the feeling from the news reports and the feeling they actually see and experience are completely different.

When they saw the news, at most they were like, 'Wow, Oppa has achieved good results again, it's really amazing. ' And then there is no other feeling.

And today, after they really saw Junxiu's overseas fan base, they realized that Junxiu is overseas, not in Asia where the popularity is already very high, but the popularity of the other side of the ocean is not a joke, this is what makes They felt the majesty of 'world stars'.

Junxiu's heart was sweet, and even the corners of his mouth raised arrogantly, but he still pretended to be modest and said, "How can you be so exaggerated?"

"Isn't that an exaggeration?"

However, it was no longer Junsu who responded to Sooyoung, but Yoona who was sitting in front of Junsu: "Yeah, this is definitely not an exaggeration. Have you watched "RM"? Junsu oppa, the one at the airport when I went to Bangkok There are so many people, it almost filled the airport."

This year, Junsu participated in the filming of "RM" twice in a row, and both have been broadcast. Whether it’s the number of fans who arrived at the Bangkok airport after Junsu’s agent deliberately announced the news of going to Thailand, or the number of fans who arrived immediately after being informed of the news when Yanjing was secretly filming, the number of fans who arrived immediately was terrifying. It was completely recorded by the camera lens of the program group.

"TVXQ's popularity in Asia has always been very high. Let's not talk about that, do you want to sleep after arriving at the hotel for a while? Or go out to New York with me?" Junxiu remained humble, because he felt that he had already shown It's enough to show your own popularity, there's no need to keep talking about this issue. So Junsu chose to change the subject.

When the plane landed earlier, Junsu had already discussed with Taeyeon that he was going to go out for a free date. Because in the United States, Junxiu only needs to cover up a little, wear a hat and glasses or something~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is basically difficult to be recognized. Originally, foreigners are not so familiar with Asian appearance. It's easy to tell.

So Junsu only needs a little 'makeup change', unless he meets a real super fan who might recognize him, other people can't tell at a glance that he is a world star' JS Junsu' Of course, no one would have thought that Junsu would walk on the streets like that.

However, Junsu wants to go on a date with Taeyeon, as long as there are a few more teammates by his side, even if he is recognized, there will be no "strange news". Of course, the premise is that as long as S.M is not stupid enough to deliberately hype it up and let a certain reporter do stupid things like finding an angle or something, it will be fine.

Junsu actually knew that the company wouldn't hype him and Taeyeon. After all, he and Taeyeon were suspected of not being low in Korea. And the "love" news of the two of them has still been circulated on the Internet so far. Therefore, the company will not cause trouble for Junsu and Girls' Generation, because they have reached the level where they don't need to use scandals to increase their attention.

At this time, they are stupid enough to hype their scandals. Only a complete idiot, an idiot/idiot, can do it, right?

"I'm going, I'm going."

Junxiu didn't expect that the first person who raised his hand to sign up was actually Sika. Junxiu also knew that Sika was very concerned about fashion, so when she came to such a big city, she had to go out for some shopping, and she still had the 'shopping' 'In the case of time.

"I also need to go."

"And me, me."

Those who signed up started to sign up, and Girls' Generation's 'grocery market' opened the moment the car started. The driver sitting in front was an American. He couldn't understand what they were saying, and thought they were urging him to drive quickly.

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