Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 76: New York (continued)

Each group has its own work schedule, so everyone arrives in New York at a different time. Either a few hours earlier or a few hours later. Girls' Generation and Junsu belonged to the first group of people who came here, so after they arrived at the hotel, it was close to noon in New York, and there was still an afternoon of free time before the evening rehearsal.

And this free time was originally for them to rest in the hotel, you must know that everyone has gone through a long flight time. And there is also the time difference, rest is a must, of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to rest and want to go out for a walk, as long as you can endure it by yourself, of course it’s the best, and when you go out for a walk, you can organize your own as soon as possible. What about the time difference.

Girls' Generation in particular, the day after their family's concert ended, they still have a show to attend in the United States. So they stayed here longer than everyone else, and the time difference here will definitely make people feel very hard.

After arriving at the hotel, everyone in Girls' Generation put down their luggage, and they didn't even bother to take a shower, so they hurried to Junxiu's room. It was obviously the same floor, but they used a standard room, while Junxiu used a suite. After they came to Junxiu's room, they began to sigh about the difference in treatment between them due to the obvious class difference.

Because there were a lot of fans in front of the hotel, Junsu took Taeyeon, Yuri, Yoona, and Sika and drove out of the garage together. Originally, Xiuying also wanted to go with her, but the vehicle prepared for Junxiu could only take five people.

After Junxiu and the others left, Pani's sister also came. Her real sister lives and works here in New York, so how could the two sisters not meet when their sister who hasn't seen her for many years came to New York? Originally, Pani's sister thought she could see Junxiu, but she was a little disappointed when she learned that Junxiu and others had gone out. Pani just found out today that his sister is actually a fan of Junxiu.

When Panney's sister was disappointed, Xiuying proposed to let Panney's sister take them out to visit the international metropolis of New York. After the 'locals' appeared, they could make up for this regret. Pani's sister also contacted the local car rental company, rented a car, and set off with them.


Why did Junsu not bring his younger sister, Shunkyu, but Yuri, who was reluctant to go out? Because Yuri is very reluctant to "installation fee", Junxiu wants her to know that idol's "saving" is also necessary. It is absolutely impossible to save on the installation, even if you buy some cheap designer clothes.

Fashion, a field that is getting more and more attention, has become the "standard" of idols, especially for Girls' Generation, which is very famous today, it is necessary to understand a certain amount. That's why Junxiu took her with him. He didn't let Yuri be very proficient in fashion, but let her know that even if he didn't need to wear any famous brands, he must have his own style of dressing.

You must know that she is the girl's generation that the whole people pay attention to! So when Yuri was photographed by the media wearing the same dress many times, even Junxiu couldn't stand it anymore. In fact, 'fashion' is a face project, and this face is not only her personal face, but also the face of their combination.

After coming out of the hotel, sitting in the car looking at the high-rise buildings of different styles in New York and the pedestrians outside the car window with completely different skin colors from Seoul, they suddenly had a feeling of traveling overseas.

However, Yoona, who was sitting in the middle of the back row, was not in the mood to care about the scenery outside the window at this time. She looked at Junxiu who was driving seriously and asked, "Oppa, what are we going to eat? Have a hamburger?"

Junxiu looked up and exchanged glances with Yoona in the rearview mirror and responded, "You want to eat hamburgers? Did you think of the hamburgers and fries here after you came to America?"

"Yeah, yeah, hahaha.. does oppa know any good artisanal burger joints?"

Junxiu shook his head and said, "When I was in the United States, I rarely ate hamburgers. The capital of the world, the food capital of every country in the world, there are all kinds of dishes here, why eat hamburgers? Even if it's delicious here The handmade burgers from the 1990s, but you can also find similar flavors in Korea. So why do I have to travel so far to eat them? Is it just because this is the United States?”

"Then what shall we eat?"

"Sushi, a great sushi restaurant. Taeyeon likes sushi, isn't Sika a crush recently too?"

Listening to eating sushi, Sika's eyes began to glow: "Don't eat sushi in Japan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come to New York to eat sushi?"

In the past, Sika did not eat anything like sashimi, so sushi was also excluded. And after they entered the Japanese market and stayed there for so long, they always had the experience of eating sushi together. However, after the first attempt, Sika became madly infatuated with sushi, and during that time of infatuation, she wanted to eat it every day.

"Sushi restaurants in Japan are too difficult to book, so it's better to eat here. Not long ago, I went to the chef's shop here, and I heard that he came here. I thought that since I was coming to New York, I booked a private room. "

Sika pouted and said, "Huh? I don't think it's difficult to book a sushi restaurant in Japan?"

"The restaurants are different. Although the sushi tastes the same, there are several special sushi restaurants in Ginza. Hashijiro and Kubei, these two are my favorites. You can try them when you have time. Sika."

When they eat sushi in Japan, they don't choose to go to those Michelin restaurants. After all, the locations of those places are difficult to book, so ah, they all choose some sushi restaurants with good reputation.

However, Sika did not expect that after Junxiu took her to try a Michelin sushi restaurant for the first time today, she deepened her understanding of sushi again. It turns out that Michelin sushi is completely different from the sushi she eats on ordinary days. . So after that, as long as she arrives in Japan, she will book a sushi restaurant in advance. Even if the price of a Michelin sushi restaurant is much more expensive than those of the restaurants she eats in on weekdays, she is also willing to choose a Michelin restaurant. Of course, these are the latter talk.

Yoona also said jokingly at this time: "Wow.. If Sister Xiuying knew that we were eating sushi outside, I wonder if she would be envious?"

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