Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 77: New York is also the capital of romance (Part 1)

Coming to New York for sushi? They didn't quite understand it at first. Because they feel that when they come to New York on the other side of the ocean, shouldn't they eat handmade burgers or steaks? After all, this is the birthplace of hamburgers and the country of Western food. Isn't such a place supposed to eat these things? But Junxiu chose sushi, which is a very common food in Japan. Although Girls' Generation didn't stay in Japan as long as Junxiu, it's been a year for them, right? Haven't had good sushi there yet?

Especially when they entered this sushi restaurant with no Japanese decor, I don't know why this sushi restaurant seems to have no Japanese atmosphere. Sika, who is a fan of sushi recently, said: "oppa, is the sushi here really delicious? Have you ever eaten here when you were in the United States?"

Maybe after staying in Japan for a while, the sushi restaurants in their impressions should be Japanese-style, eating sushi sitting at the bar and watching the chef make them while eating, but this sushi restaurant actually has private rooms. Do you want to make it outside and bring it in? As for nigiri sushi, I always feel that the sushi made by the master in front of him is the most delicious.

"No, I stayed in New York for a while, and I haven't eaten at this sushi restaurant. Didn't I say earlier that this sushi restaurant is a very good chef, and his apprentice came to be the chef. ."

Taeyeon is also a person who prefers to eat sashimi, because she has a nut allergy, so sometimes she can't even eat the fried chicken with sauce they ordered. (The fried chicken with sauce will be sprinkled with some chopped nuts) Taeyeon tilted her head and said, "oppa, don't all sushi taste the same? The only difference should be the special soy sauce?"

Junxiu, who looked at them 'distrusted', also explained to them: "I also know that as long as the freshness of the sushi can reach a certain level, it will be visually similar, but sushi also has a lot of early stages. For preparation, the selection of ingredients is a very important preparation. For example, within a certain range of fish weight, the quality of the fish meat is different. I don’t know the specifics. It is said to be a very profound knowledge. Of course, you The special soy sauce mentioned and the amount of wasabi used by the chef according to different fresh experience are also different, so the taste is also different. Really, you have to eat this kind of sushi before you know it.”

Junsu understands that it is impossible for them to spend tens of thousands (the exchange rate of 1 to 10 won) to eat a sushi meal in Japan. Nine people eat it, and the average is 30,000 yen per person. So the sum of the meal is 3 million won, which is an amount that the company cannot reimburse. So even if they eat, they are estimated to eat tens of thousands of dollars. However, such sushi and such well-prepared sushi are two different concepts. That's why Junxiu said that it is necessary to eat to distinguish the difference.

Just when they were talking about the difference in sushi, the two chefs walked in with his cutting board. They stood at the small bar and smiled and said to everyone, "Hello, everyone."

Immediately afterwards, the ingredients were delivered in the same way. I thought they were prepared outside and sent in, but the chef came directly into the private room with a cutting board and made sushi for them on the spot, which made them look at it with curiosity. Master's 'hand art'.

With a knife, a piece, a grasp, a grip, the exquisite sushi began to take shape in the hands of the chef. When they saw the chef's graceful movements, the trust in their hearts began to gradually rise.

After eating the first piece of sushi, they finally understood the meaning of Junsu's saying "you won't know until you eat it". Sika covered her mouth while chewing and sighed: "Wow oppa, I finally understand what you said is different. Totally delicious~~" Sika finally gave the chef a thumbs up and sighed the deliciousness of the sushi .

Taeyeon and others also gave the master thumbs up one by one, and they all like sushi very much. They only truly felt the deliciousness of sushi when they tried sushi that tasted completely different from the ones they had eaten before.

Junxiu also said to the chef in Japanese at this time: "I went to your chef's restaurant last month to dine, and his sushi really reminds me of it, and I still remember it in my mind, and I ate your sushi today. After that, I finally got rid of the thoughts in my heart.”

"Thank you for your compliment Junxiu Jun, I remember that I served you when you first went to my teacher's store in 2005."

"Well, so I came to see you again today."

After eating more than 20 sets of sushi, they really felt the deliciousness of sushi this time. And Sika is really surprised that she can eat sashimi, but not sashimi sweet shrimp, so the chef can only cook half-cooked sweet shrimp for her.

Junxiu was full after eating 20 pieces of sushi, but they all added additional sushi, even Taeyeon, who had a smaller appetite, added it because they really thought it was delicious.

Forty minutes passed, and this exquisite sushi feast was over. Everyone sat in the private room for a short rest, eating desserts. After Junxiu accepted the bill, the receipt was also sent in. Yuri took Junxiu's receipt and looked at the amount on it: "My god~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We ate too much '1535.62' dollars this meal?"

They were all shocked when they heard the amount. Approaching each of them, they stretched their heads towards the credit card receipt in Yuri's hand, looked at the amount, and then looked at Junsu. Because the five of them ate close to 2 million won for this meal, which is a month's salary for salarymen.

Junxiu smiled and said: "The set menu here is more than two hundred dollars per person, plus you add sushi, taxes, and tips. It's almost the same. Do you think this taste is not worth the price? I see that you all like it. Unstoppable."

There are only a few of them in the private room now, so Yuli said burdenedly: "I don't think it's a matter of deliciousness, but the price I can't bear anyway. And this price is enough for nine of us to eat Korean beef barbecue in Korea. ."

"What is the main purpose for us to make money? Isn't it just to eat delicious food, can we make ourselves feel more comfortable in the living environment? We are all busy with work on weekdays, so don't we reward ourselves when it comes to eating? Then make money to do it. Well? Earn so much and save it to invest in your future husband? You can't even enjoy the money you earn, so why do you work so hard? So don't think too much about the price, and don't eat it often. It's a reward for your hard work!!"

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