Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 84: Children of F(x) (bottom)

Junxiu felt that it was okay to choke on Xiaojing's response, after all, the two sisters both had such recognizable personalities. This is something that can't be changed. In addition, Junxiu and Xiaojing have only met a few times. As for the relationship between the two, there is a Sika in the middle as the "hub" of understanding. The two of them were at most nodding acquaintances.

Even though Junsu and Crystal belong to the same company, the time period for joining the company is completely different. When Xiaojing entered the company, Junxiu had already become a big star in Korea. Although she had met occasionally, it was impossible for her to have any deep contact and understanding with Junxiu. Just say hello and see you later. Junxiu just treats Little Crystal as Sika's younger sister, and treats it like her own little sister.

So this is due to the character of the little crystal, and there is no way to blame. angry? Not to mention, Junxiu clearly knew that the two sisters had a cold feeling of rejection before they knew each other. If she wanted to change Xiaojing, she could only open her heart after a thorough acquaintance. Later, it will be discovered that the two sisters are both warm-hearted people.

And when Junsu and the film crew walked in front, as Crystal's good friend, Shirley pointed out what she needed to improve. After all, Junxiu is a senior, even if he doesn't care, Shirley feels that Crystal should not speak to him in such a tone. Who doesn't know that Junsu's affection for Crystal is also on Sika's face?

Facing her friend's "criticism", Crystal, like her sister, made a bun face and said, "In a while, I will apologize to Senior Junxiu."

"Well, you should apologize to Senior Junxiu for this matter, because after he took the initiative to express his apology just now, you must at least respond with 'it's okay'. But you didn't say anything, it was like you were accepting him What about your apology? As you said yourself, you and Sister Sika were originally two sisters. Isn't it normal? That Junsu-senpai's words are also correct. Crystal, you are a little sensitive. "

However, the two busy people in the group were murmuring at the end, which made the elder sister Song Qian, who was walking in front, turn to look at the two of them: "What are you doing, hurry up, we can't make everyone wait. What about us."


After arriving at the parking lot, Junxiu took the driver's seat, and Song Qian took the co-pilot's seat as the captain. Xiaojing sat in the seat behind Junxiu. After she got in the car, she called Junxiu, "Senior Junxiu."

Junxiu tilted his head slightly to indicate that he was listening: "Huh? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry about the previous matter..." Xiaojing took the initiative to find Junxiu to apologize, which was unexpected by Junxiu. According to the habit of sisters, there are very few things to apologize, and apologies will only appear after they are familiar with each other, right?

Junxiu responded to Crystal with a smile: "Haha... it's okay, don't take it to heart."

After everyone got in the car, Junxiu took up the role of the driver this time and set off towards Central Park in New York. Driving on the road and enjoying the New York street scenery, the pedestrians of all kinds here amaze them.

Junxiu naturally spoke Chinese and said to Song Qian next to him: "New York is a very free city. However, there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. It's like Seoul's Seongbuk-dong and Seoul's Gang/Nam/District. The rich and the poor can be clearly distinguished with the naked eye.”

The difference between a house in a slum area and a mansion in a wealthy area.. not to mention the appearance of the house, and even the feeling on the street is different. There are few shops on the streets of the rich residential area, so it can be said that the area is very quiet. On the other hand, around the streets of slums, there are all kinds of storefronts, all kinds of restaurants, convenience stores, and even clothes, pants and shoes.

It may be that Song Qian has not heard such kind Chinese for a long time, so Junxiu's natural Chinese makes her feel more comfortable, she responded to Junxiu with a smile: "The world is like that, the gap between the rich and the poor has been compared to the ancient times. The times are much better, at least there is no oppressive force in modern society."

Sitting in the back row, Crystal turned her head and asked the 'Ambe' in the team who knew Chinese: "What are they talking about?"

"Haha.. I didn't say anything, it was just a casual chat." Liu Yiyun didn't know how to tell Xiao Jing and the others, the esoteric topics that Jun Xiu and Song Qian were talking about.

After Song Qian said her thoughts, she continued: "Senior Junxiu's Chinese is very good, I feel like it's communicating with Chinese people."

"Only when you are there can you communicate with me in Chinese. The language may become unfamiliar if you don't speak it for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So I have to take it out and remember it again before it is completely unfamiliar. By the way, how did you get into the company? Did you participate in the company's draft?"

"That's right. I'm from the Dance Academy. Does Senior Junxiu know about the Yanjing Dance Academy?"

"Well, Beiwu, Nortel, Shangxi, Zhongxi, right?"

"Oh? Junxiu-senpai knows it very well."

"When I went to Yanjing last time, I also wanted to say that I would like to see Huaxia's Nortel and China Opera."

"Hahaha.. You can't get in, why are you going to the school gate?" Those colleges are not places where Junxiu can go, and those professional colleges are not like the universities in South Korea. You can take any time at any school. to visit. South Korea's universities are open, while Huaxia universities, especially those with "internal majors", are not open, so ah, there are only some who go to the school gate... That's why Song Qian laughed.

Junxiu also said calmly: "Even if you can't get in, you can admire the beauty."

"Ah~~~ I didn't expect Junxiu-senpai to have such a preference."

"Isn't the beauty of a woman just to be appreciated by others? A woman is a person who pleases herself! Haven't you heard this sentence?"

Junxiu suddenly said an ancient Chinese prose, which made Song Qian, a Chinese native, speechless: "...I heard it, but it doesn't have anything to do with you going to hunt for beauty, right?"

"If you go with the nature of work, it's not a hunter, right?"

"Er.." Song Qian was speechless again, because she was discovered by people from the company when she was performing at school. So if you go with the nature of work, is it considered a hunter? With the nature of work, it might be called a 'headhunter in the entertainment industry', right?

Back then, there were countless talent scouts on the streets of Seoul, and Junxiu also received many business cards when he was studying.

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