Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 85: Children of F(x) (continued)

Junxiu and Song Qian chatted in Chinese all the way. He really hasn't used Chinese so smoothly for a long time. Mastering a language requires continuous use and familiarity, otherwise it will be easy to forget. This way Junxiu and Song Qian talked a lot about Huaxia. China's mountains, water, people, and life, and of course the circle.

Especially when Junxiu and Song Qian talked about the changes in China today, the two talked very deeply. The changes in Huaxia can be known from the fact that Huaxia aunts are famous all over the world for their crazy shopping. Their purchasing power is definitely the first in the world, which proves that Huaxia has now become a superpower. It is precisely because of China's economic take-off that countless capitalists have turned their attention to China..

The only thing that is only in the entertainment industry is that it is difficult to enter the Huaxia market. It is not difficult to enter, but unwilling to enter. Because China's entertainment market is really difficult to do, whether it is a Chinese movie or a European and American movie, as long as it is released today, there will be a sneak shot on the Internet tomorrow. Movies are like this, not to mention music. Today's Huaxia market doesn't pay attention to music copyrights at all.

Perhaps the citizens there are used to listening to music for free, so subconsciously they are reluctant to spend money to download music. It is precisely because of this that countless overseas singers are very depressed about Huaxia's copyright awareness. For overseas singers, Huaxia is only suitable for concerts, not for releasing records. Because Junxiu has never received any copyright fee from Huaxia until today, and his English songs are also played a lot in Huaxia.

Junxiu said with a smile: "Huaxia will become the largest market in the world in the future. I just hope that the copyright awareness there will be improved soon. Only in this way can we hope to release films in the past."

"Haha~~" Song Qian said with an embarrassed smile: "Senior Junxiu, the song "Those Years" you sang is very popular in China. Many fans hope that you can release a Chinese album, and your Chinese is so fluent..”

"How can I have so much time? It's South Korea, Japan, and the United States. Now I have to run around the world. Besides, after Huaxia released the film, I can't sell it there for much money, and not many fans are willing to Spend 100 yuan to buy an album and release the film, unless you want to run a business and perform there."

In South Korea's business performances, no business is willing to pay such a high price to invite Junsu. Of course, Junxiu didn't want to drop her worth to attend those tens of millions of won commercial performances, but the bosses in Huaxia were willing to spend money, but Junxiu really didn't have the time to go to commercial performances. The most lucrative thing as an artist is endorsement, and after that, it is acting as a film distributor, but the latter requires a lot of time.

What Junsu lacks now is time. He really doesn't have that much time for commercial performances. Junxiu is unwilling to abandon the Korean market, he must maintain his popularity in South Korea, so he will spend a lot of time appearing in South Korea, after all, that is Junxiu's base camp, followed by Japan and the United States. If you really want to talk about making money, Junxiu's English album is the most profitable after the release, and the population base of the English-speaking United States is there.

English-speaking countries have a large population, so the number of song downloads is 20 times that of South Korea, and the standard of copyright fees for overseas songs is also ten times higher than that of South Korea.


Junxiu and Song Qian kept chatting in Chinese in the car. After the two of them spoke at a faster rate, even Liu Yiyun, a Chinese who grew up in Canada, found that he didn't understand very well. However, Junxiu's Chinese strength really frightened the children of F(x), he could chat with the authentic Chinese people without any obstacles, he must know the most difficult language for foreigners It is Chinese, so they really admire Junxiu.

When the car arrived at Central Park, Junxiu parked the car and walked with them towards the green space. Along the way, Shirley sighed at Junxiu all the way: "Junxiu oppa, your Chinese skills are really amazing. 'V Mom' said, oppa's Chinese is no different from Chinese people, I thought it was a kind of compliment. Today, I came here all the way, and I just realized, Junxiu Oppa, your Chinese is really good, no wonder you used to speak Chinese You haven't studied the class yet."

Shirley was the first among them to join the company, she was even earlier than Taeyeon, Pani and others. Moreover, the company used to be very loving towards Shirley, so Junxiu and her can be considered acquaintances, and they have only met each other a few times. In addition, Sulli's mouth is very sweet, and when she sees Junsu, she always shouts 'brother, brother'.

The main reason is that men like to hear women call themselves Oppa, so Junxiu let her keep calling like that~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is a dining car on the way from the parking lot to the picnic, Junxiu replied with a smile When Shirley asked them, she also asked them: "I'm very good at Chinese. There are hot dogs there, do you want to eat them?"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the dining car, and after hesitating for a long time, they finally resisted their appetite and said, "...let's forget it."

Junxiu smiled and nodded: "Alright, let's eat more at the celebration feast after the concert tomorrow. I'll go buy a cup of coffee first. Water...Sherry and I." Before entering the park to shoot Junxiu felt that even if he couldn’t bring delicious food in like a picnic, he had to bring a cup of coffee, otherwise he would be too thirsty to run after filming.

Originally, Junxiu wanted to call Xiao Jingjing to go with her, but she became angry with herself when she thought about it. It would be inappropriate to call her again, so Junxiu changed her name to Shirley.

Song Qian of F(x) immediately said, "Junxiu oppa, shall we go?"

After Song Qian finished speaking, it was as if she was leaving with Xue Li, but Junxiu quickly interrupted their actions: "Forget it, how can I ask you to pay with my seniors, you take everyone there first. While resting for a while, Shirley and I will just go shopping."

This tradition is maintained in the Korean circle, so Song Qian does not fight anymore. She nodded and said to Junxiu, "Thank you Junxiu oppa."

Anyway, the coffee shop is not far away, just across the road, so Junxiu can just take one of their group to buy it.

Junxiu took Shirley away from them and walked slowly towards the cafe. At the intersection of the red street light, Shirley looked up at Junxiu: "oppa, I have something to ask you, can you?"

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