Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Matchmaking (Part 1)

After An Qixuan left, Junxiu was depressed and lit a cigarette in the waiting room, and unknowingly, he began to match others and became an 'Old Yue'? Just as Junxiu was smoking a cigarette with a wry smile, his waiting room was pushed away again, and the Girls' Generation who came to sweep them came in as naturally as their waiting room.

Xiuying, who was swaggering at the front, came in and saw that he was breathing clouds. Xiuying immediately turned her head to face the little Taeyeon behind and said, "Yohe~ Taeyeon, you don't care about your oppa? He actually hid in the waiting room to smoke, and it smelled like smoke when he came in. It's okay. There are no cameras installed today."

Junxiu said angrily: "I can't smoke after installing the camera? The film can be edited, what am I afraid of? He can't put my smoking appearance in the film and broadcast it. I remember the documentary is '12 years old. 'Bar?"

"Shun Kyu, look at how unrepentant your brother looks! It's really~~" Xiuying, who was refuted by Junxiu, immediately began to seek another help.

Shungui rolled his eyes and said, "I have no problem with smoking. The body is his own, whether he likes smoking or not."

Li Shungui already had a laissez-faire attitude towards her brother smoking. Why did he become addicted to smoking? Shun Gyu was very clear about this. He was in a very tangled period at that time, so it is understandable.

And Taeyeon has also said many times about Junsu's smoking. At first, he always said "I will quit, I will quit", but after a long time, his cravings did not decrease or quit because of these words. So now Taeyeon is also indulgent about Junsu's smoking. Besides, she is not so disgusted with the smell of cigarettes now, and ah, are there fewer people who smoke in this circle?

When she saw Xiuying's eyes drifting to her, Taeyeon shook her head and said, "Don't look for me, I can't do anything about him. But I still say 'oppa, smoke less.'"

Taeyeon is very simple, it's just a sentence anyway, it's Junsu's business whether to listen or not. Junxiu smiled and nodded and said, "I've already smoked very little. I'm going out with you today. I didn't smoke two cigarettes in total, right? By the way..."

Junsu took out the gummies from his pocket and handed them to Taeyeon. Fruit gummies were Taeyeon's favorite snack, so Junsu put the bag of gummies in the snack pile before they arrived. She put it in her pocket and was waiting for Taeyeon.

"Hey~~" Seeing that Junsu started to be sweet with Taeyeon again, they shouted dissatisfiedly, who were standing next to the snack pile picking things: "Oppa really remembers Taeyeon's hobby, fudge must be packed in bags. It's specially for her."

"I know the preferences of each of you, such as Sika's.." Junxiu came to the snack pile and picked up the chocolate and handed it to her: "How is it? I remember yours, right? Your favorite is Chocolates, I really wanted to buy chocolates for you when I went to a commercial performance in France last time. But after the performance, I have to go to Africa. I was afraid that it would all melt when I put it in the bag, so I didn’t buy it.”

Although Junxiu chose Sika's favorite chocolate, Sika puffed up her bun face and said, "Thank you."

After Girls' Generation came, Junsu's waiting room became lively, because today was a rehearsal, and there was no need to make up or prepare anything, so they could sit in Junsu's waiting room for a long time. The main thing is that it feels very close to sit with Junxiu, and chatting with him is also very interesting. After all, what he saw and what they saw can be exchanged for questions.

For example, Junsu's daily jokes with them in private will become their talking points in the show. They don't know how many stories about Junsu have been told in the show, and every story made the audience laugh out loud.

All this is because Junxiu really rarely appears in that talk show, so the audience and the host are very sold on some private funny stories.

Everyone got together and started chatting again. Yoona ate the potato chips and asked Junxiu, "oppa, where did you and F(x) and the others go to shoot?"

"Central Park, I rested there for a while, basked in the sun for a while, and felt the leisure in the busy New York. It's a very good place, where you sit and feel lazy. How about you, big bags and small bags? How much did you buy?" Having said that, Junxiu turned to look at Yuli: "Quan Yuli, what about you, have you bought any clothes?"

"I.. I bought it." Yuli said hesitantly, which made Pani next to him laugh at once: "Hahaha.. the one you called bought? Well, it can be regarded as bought, But it's not a coat, it's underwear!!"

However, after Pani generously said that Yuli bought underwear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ those shy people immediately shouted: "Hey~~ Ernie, what are you doing? It's really embarrassing."

Even Sika doesn't know why, the members of Girls' Generation rarely talk about open topics. Love, kissing, these are forbidden topics in their dormitory, and many people will feel shy to say it. Not to mention the topic of the Nineteen Bans, maybe their acceptance is not so calm. And the word 'underwear' in Pani's mouth is as shy as it is taboo.

Junxiu was calm, so he immediately smiled and said: "What's so shy? You're an adult, and you're still shy here? Isn't it just underwear? There are many people wearing bikinis on the beach in California, but it's not underwear. ?"

"Yeah, I don't know what they're excited about, I'm someone who's seen 19 banned films." Li Shungui said very casually.

The 19-ban movie "Frost Flower Shop" starred in by Jo In-sung, Lee Soon-gyu also swiped his 'face card' to watch the movie in the theater. And the eldest sister in "Invincible Youth" has to say two dirty jokes from time to time, although these have been edited out, but the majesty of the nineteen banned idols is still there.

After hearing a lot, I don't think the Nineteen Bans is a shy topic anymore.

Faced with the topic that Junsu and his siblings started with the nineteen taboos for them, they once again erupted in dissatisfaction, but Junsu completely ignored her and said to Yuri: "You, really~ I really can't bear to buy two clothes. Is it? Yuri, really pay attention to what you wear. You are a national idol now."

After being scolded by Junxiu again, Yuli smiled awkwardly, and Xiuying next to her said, "Oppa, do you want to buy it for Yuli?"

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