Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 92: Matchmaking (below)

In Junxiu's waiting room, they have been talking to him about some things or not. I don't know why they always feel that time goes by so fast every time they are with him. When the topic of the world comes to Junxiu, he always knows Then one or two, so they gradually liked to chat with Junxiu. As for Kwon Yuri's fashion issue, Junsu followed Xiuying's words and agreed to give Yuli a set of clothes, but he would have to wait until he returned from "Law of the Jungle".

Junsu is now a soloist, so his rehearsal is also arranged very early. After the rehearsal of Kangta, the company's biggest predecessor, Junsu followed his performance on stage. I tested the tacit understanding of the dance group, tried the microphone and the position at that time, etc. Junxiu's rehearsal ended like this.

After the rehearsal, he told Taeyeon that he had to go back to the hotel beforehand, instead of waiting for them to go back together. And Taeyeon didn't wonder why Junsu went back so early? They thought it was Junxiu's drowsiness, after all, the jet lag can't be adjusted by a sleep on the plane.

Besides, the sky in New York is already darkened by the night, and it looks like 8:30 after the end of the rehearsal. Although it is a little early to go to bed at this time, it is still time to go to bed. Knowing that Junxiu was tired after a long day, they did not keep Junxiu.

Instead, Junxiu whispered in Taeyeon's ear, "I'll go back and be a 'moon old' to lead people."

Taeyeon was also very curious after hearing the news, who is Junsu connecting with? However, she still didn't ask, because this matter belongs to the privacy of Junsu's helper. However, Taeyeon made sure of one thing, Junsu's target is among the people in this concert. The first to be questioned is SUJU's side.

Junxiu slipped away after finishing the rehearsal. He first returned to the hotel and then found An Qixuan: "Brother, it's my first time as a matchmaker. What do you want me to introduce?"

"Well~~ Do you know if she is in a relationship now?" I have experienced many times to introduce blind date An Qixuan, but there is no result after falling in love. Of course, none of their H.O.T members have achieved results so far. What makes Junxiu even more amusing is that TONY has been living with the members of Crystal Boys for several years. There are even many fans who say that they are GAY.

"I didn't ask, if I think.. Shouldn't it? After all, she is filming "I Knot". The purpose of this show is that you can't fall in love during the filming. Once you find out, get off the car."

Because the pixels of mobile phones are now high, it can be said that all the people are paparazzi. If you want to completely hide your love, either it is Junxiu who has a lot of 'N's and a protective umbrella' around, or it is so secretive that you can only love at home. Today's love may even be discovered in the car now, so it can be seen that technology has really made Times have changed!

"It's better to ask." Although Junxiu said that, but this matter didn't come out of Song Qian's mouth, so don't be so arbitrary.

"Okay, then I'll send her a message and ask?" Junxiu took out her phone, intending to send a message to Song Qian. However, Junxiu didn't think that suddenly such a "you are single now" text message would be too abrupt in the past?

Just when Junxiu took out the phone, An Qixuan stretched out his hand to block Junxiu from sending a message: "Wait, how can you just send a message like this."

Junxiu looked at An Qixuan stupidly: "Then what should I do? Didn't you ask me to find out if she was in love?"

However, I don't know if Junxiu is acting stupid on purpose, which makes An Qixuan very dissatisfied: "Are you pretending to be stupid or really stupid? You are the 'Yue Lao', is this the way to connect, you didn't give Kim Jong Kook, HAHA Have you ever been introduced to a girlfriend?"

Junsu really wanted to say something, haha, I don't need to introduce myself now.

Although he was thinking so much in his heart, Junxiu didn't say that: "Then... why don't you just call out for a meal? Let me introduce you to private contacts. As for what you want to ask, it's fine. And I really don't have the experience to introduce."

"Okay, just send her a message and ask her to have dinner together at night."

"Um... well, then I'll say it." Junxiu took the phone and started editing the text message, "Is there time in the evening, let's have something to eat and drink together." ’

Looking at Junxiu's text messages, An Qixuan always felt that the feeling was not so right: "Will it be too much for you to invite directly like this?"

"No way, I had a good chat with Song Qian during the filming this afternoon. Besides, let's have an appointment to eat and drink together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She is the only one in their group who is an adult now. , If it is sent like this, her teammates will not appear."

Junxiu thinks more thoughtfully, because Song Qian said in the first issue of "I Knot" that she wants to drink. Besides, how can people who grew up in China not drink. There is no 'adult limit' for alcohol over there. When living in China, especially after high school, people who are celebrating New Years and holidays should drink two glasses, right?

Hearing Junxiu's explanation, An Qixuan nodded in satisfaction, and the rest was waiting for her reply.

The two just sat in the room and stared at Junxiu's phone on the table. After a while, a ding dong sound appeared, and An Qixuan called Junxiu to quickly pick it up and look at it, because Junxiu's phone was set with a password, so only Junxiu could open it.

Victoria Song's reply 'Is something wrong with Oppa? ' Because Junxiu suddenly invited her to drink in the text message, which made Song Qian feel very strange too. You must know that she and Junsu don't have much contact on weekdays. If it hadn't been for a little more chatting during today's filming, they would only be very close.

'It's nothing, I just want to chat with you. Because of the jet lag problem, I had to choose to pass the time with wine, and we had a good time chatting this afternoon. ’

'Oh, that's fine. I'll send you a message to oppa after my rehearsal is over. ’

As the busy group of S.M this time, their rehearsal time was naturally pushed to the end. So when they came back, it was probably ten or eleven o'clock.

After receiving Song Qian's reply, Junxiu said to An Qixuan, "Okay? But, brother, what dishes should we prepare when we drink at night? We can't eat ramen, right?"

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