Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 93: Not suitable to be a month old (Part 1)

The corridor outside the room gradually became lively. After the rehearsal was over, the entertainers returned to the hotel with laughter and hilarity, making this enclosed floor just like a traditional market. . Junxiu, who was sitting in the room and had already started drinking, said with a smile, "Brother, it seems that the rehearsal is over."

An Qixuan smiled and nodded, the loud noises outside had explained everything. Because the artists in the rehearsal all came back on the bus arranged by the company, they naturally felt that everyone came back together, so there was no need to control the volume or anything. Besides, each of them has become very spiritual at this time because of the time difference.

So the noise at the entrance of the corridor is understandable, after all, only S.M staff live on this floor. They don't have to worry about disturbing other guests. Especially after the Hung Zituan came to the corridor, their loud voices were really not restrained at all. They were totally screaming and shouting in the corridor, giving people a headache.

Overseas hotel rooms are allocated for two people to live in one room. So if they want to visit or something, they will definitely say hello in advance. As for them, they took the most direct way, using roars.

An Qixuan smiled and listened to the sound of the door. He smiled and said to Junxiu: "Listening to their energetic voices, I also recalled when we were young. Although we rarely had the opportunity to perform overseas at that time, However, we were equally noisy after returning to the dormitory. If I have to say, it is also thanks to you that I can follow you all over the world at our family concert now."

The original 'H.O.T' was very popular, but it was only limited to China. They have never even ventured overseas, let alone a world tour. So today, a new generation of 'Korean Wave' has been launched in the music industry and k-pop has entered the world. He also followed Junsu and other new generation idols on a family tour all over the world.

"Without the foundation of the music industry laid by you seniors, how could we have the opportunity to enter overseas? The Asian market is indeed greatly influenced by K-POP. This is something I never thought about. Once we were asked to enter the Japanese market after BoA, and our hearts were also uncertain. Now the times have changed, and the environment has also changed. In the past, entering the Japanese market was considered a very powerful artist, but now the Japanese management company It has begun to actively contact us, which is something that I never dared to think about before.”

Entering the Japanese market was indeed a relatively difficult thing. Compared with Junxiu and other idols belonging to overseas artists, language is a very annoying thing. If you want to develop overseas, you must first be accepted by the market there, and you need to know basic language.

Development is not about making money, it is not about performing concerts in the past, and it is not a matter of flashing people after a few gold nuggets there. If you want to develop at least a basic language to survive, Junsu has studied Japanese for many years before he can have a basic conversation. Now, there are foreign language courses in the trainee course, including Chinese, Japanese, English, etc. The current brokerage company can be said to be a part-time language school.

In other words, from the day I became a trainee, I began to prepare for overseas expansion. This is something that artists of Junsu's era could not imagine. Junsu and the others used to start learning Japanese only after they had decided on who would debut. Now, dance, voice, language, musical instruments, production, etc., basically everything has to be learned.

And South Korea's brokerage company is not only a company that only knows how to make profits, it has also become an 'artist academy'. So the groups coming out of Korea are very standardized. What kind of appearance does it have, there are lead singers, there are dances, and now there are more jokes and acting skills. Aidou, gradually began to train towards comprehensiveness, it's really scary to think about.

That is the emergence of such a system, and Korean groups are 'producing' like an assembly line. At least a hundred groups appear every year. However, the Korean market is so big, and so many groups appear every year, so naturally not all groups will get attention. There are even some groups that have never even heard of their names, and there are many groups that can't even get on the song show.


Not long after Junxiu and An Qixuan were chatting about the changing history of the times, the doorbell of his room rang, and it should be time for everyone who came back to finish the first bath or something. When the doorbell rang, it wasn't necessarily Song Qian's arrival, it could also be the children of Girls' Generation.

Junxiu got up from the sofa and went to open the door. It was Song Qian who was standing at the door of the room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She smiled sweetly at Junxiu, and also looked into the room, looking at The company's senior An Qixuan was sitting in the room. She said to Junxiu in Chinese, "Someone, then..."

Seeing that there was still a senior in Junxiu's room, she naturally thought that the two were talking about work or something, so Song Qian planned to leave first.

Is the protagonist leaving? Of course Junxiu couldn't let her leave. Before he finished what Song Qian said, he beckoned her into his room: "It's okay, come in, brother Kangta is also here to drink with him, and he is also in Huaxia. After the event, it is considered that I have a better understanding of Chinese culture. Let's chat together, let's come first..."

An Qixuan has indeed been active in China. Not only did he form a music album with that person there, but he also starred in TV dramas there. And he is still the 'Emperor', although his acting skills need to be ~~~ that. But it is indeed someone who has been active there for a long time.

Song Qian smiled and nodded. Under the leadership of Junxiu, she entered the room. When facing An Qixuan, she immediately bowed and greeted: "Senior Kangta, hello, I'm Song Qian from F(x), please. Take care."

"You're welcome, sit down, please." Gentleman An Qixuan stood up and nodded in return, and at the same time invited Song Qian to join the wine party.

In F(x)'s room, Song Qian and LUNA lived in the same room. At this time, she ran into Xiaojing's room and said strange things: "Did you see V's mother? She just took a shower. Going out, I thought she came to your side?"

In this way, they couldn't find Song Qian's whereabouts, which made them all curious. Where did she go at this time?

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