Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 94: Not suitable for being a month old (below)

After Park Shanlian came out of the shower, she couldn't find Song Qian in their room. She thought that Song Qian went to Xiaojing's triple room while she was taking a bath. So she followed along. After all, they can't go out for shopping tonight. Naturally, they will rest after exhausting their energy before going to bed, right?

After all, jet lag is a headache for all the artists who came to New York this time. However, to pass the time, all of them must be together. So Park Sun-rye passed by after taking a shower. However, Song Qian's whereabouts were not found in Xiaojing's room. Where did Song Qian go? This has become a mystery.

It would be understandable if she went out at night in South Korea. After all, as a foreign artist, Song Qian has to get together with her 'people' from time to time, and there is no 'curfew' restriction in the company's dormitory. . So it is normal for her to go out to play at night in Korea, because everyone has to work during the day.

But today is in New York, and she doesn't speak fluent English like Crystal and Amber, so where can she go? Are you going to play in the senior's dormitory? It seems that everyone is about to take a break at this time, so it is not suitable to go to the senior's place to play. After thinking about it, there seems to be no place where Song Qian can go, so her whereabouts have become their most curious mystery.

When F(x) was curious about Song Qian's whereabouts, she was already sitting on the sofa with Junxiu, An Qixuan, the two seniors of the company having a 'snack' together. Junxiu smiled and asked Song Qian: "What to drink? Beer? Red wine? Or drink white wine like me?"

Baijiu was called for room service in the hotel's Chinese restaurant. Tonight, when he and An Qixuan were in the room thinking about what to eat, Junxiu decisively chose Chinese food. Because there are cold dishes in Chinese food, this is better than salads and cold dishes in Western food. So Junxiu ordered the Chinese restaurant to bring food and a bottle of Huaxia liquor.

"Drink some white bars. It's been a long time since I drank Huaxia's wine. It's really intimacy to see it here today." Song Qian has not been back to Huaxia for a long time since her debut. is impossible. Because she not only has to follow the team to carry out activities, but also to shoot the variety show "I Knot".

Junxiu nodded, brought her a red wine glass and poured some white wine. Junxiu looked at An Qixuan: "Brother, it's our first time drinking with Song Qian. Don't you say a toast as a senior?"

Although it was not the first time the three of them met, it was their first time drinking. So the toast in Junxiu's mouth... directly attracted An Qixuan's retort: ​​"Hey~~ we all drink in private, regardless of seniority. Everyone can order it at will, just drink happily."

"For fun~! (For fun All three raised their glasses and repeated the toast from Junxiu's mouth.

After clinking glasses, Song Qian learned Korean etiquette. She turned to cover her drinking and started drinking. She was very refreshing, but Junxiu didn't pour her a very small amount of wine, but she still cheered refreshingly.

Looking at Song Qian who was cheering, Junxiu laughed: "Hahaha~~ It's the first time I saw a woman drinking so boldly! This wine is also close to fifty degrees. It's really amazing, Song Qian, eat something first, eat first Order something, lest you get drunk easily by drinking on an empty stomach."

Junxiu started to take out the bowls and chopsticks when she was talking, and asked her to eat something to pamper her stomach. At this time, supper and wine are a perfect match. Song Qian smiled and said, "I've already had a toast with you, Senior Junxiu. Why don't I toast? Besides, isn't Korean etiquette a toast to the first cup?"

"Uh..." Junxiu held up the half glass of white wine in the red wine glass in his hand: "My toast is going to kill people."

"Hahaha..oppa, you don't have to toast after you poured so much."


After Junxiu took two sips of the first cup, the doorbell of his room rang again, and Junxiu got up again to open the door. Originally, he thought it was Taeyeon or Shun Kyu, but he didn't expect that it was Yoona who came out of the shower with half-dry hair standing at the door of her room. Yoona looked at so many people in the room. After smiling and nodding to the people inside, he said to Junxiu, "Oppa, are you having supper?"

Junxiu nodded and said, "Well, why don't you go to rest? Can't sleep?"

Yoona sniffed the smell of alcohol that Junsu was carrying when she spoke, she showed her logo crocodile smile and said, "Well, I can't sleep, after taking a shower, sister Yuri, who was in the same room as me, didn't know where she went, and I still Thought they came to find you. Shall I go in and have something to eat?"

"Er.." Originally Junxiu really didn't plan to let Yoona get involved in this matter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, it's an important moment for him to be a 'moon old', why is she a foodie? ? to eat? Listen to the story?

Before Junxiu could refuse, Yoona passed Junxiu's side and entered the room: "Kangta Oppa, it doesn't matter if I join in too?"

Yuner offered to join the 'night supper' team, but An Qixuan was too embarrassed to refuse, he had to smile and said, "Of course it's okay, come and have something to eat, but I heard that you are a big girl in Girls' Generation. The King of Stomach. Hehe..."

Yuner sat down without any explanation, and Junxiu also entered the room helplessly and said, "There are no dishes left. The restaurant is closed at this time. You can't call room service.."

"It doesn't matter, I'll just use your oppa." However, Yoona didn't care that Junxiu used the chopsticks, she picked up Junxiu's chopsticks completely, and picked up the cold dishes on the table first.

However, Yuner's natural performance did not dislike Junxiu's use at all, which made Song Qian next to her seem to understand something. She looked at Junxiu and smiled slightly. This smile contains a lot of content, but Junsu has not yet reached the level where he can crack the 'smile code'.

So Song Qian's 'smile' didn't make Junxiu feel anything strange. Maybe he and the members of Girls' Generation are so familiar that they don't mind each other's dishes. You must know that when Junxiu entertains them at home on weekdays, Yoona also likes to go to the kitchen to steal food. The chopsticks she used were the ones that Junsu put on the stove to taste by himself, so Junsu didn't think it was strange for Yoona to use her own chopsticks over time.

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