Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 98: Yoona's Confession (Part 2)

Junsu put away the phone and returned to her familiar appearance. Although his attention was not completely focused on Yoona, he was talking while pouring wine, but Junxiu's voice in Yoona's ears was so warm and gentle. This is the first time she and Junsu have been alone. Really, Yoona has never been alone in a space with Junsu like this.

There are no other people, no teammates, just him and her. I don't know if I was too nervous, but suddenly Yoona smelled a hint of Junxiu's hair. The scent was familiar, and it made her heart beat faster. Maybe this is the 'first' tension?

Yoona bit her chopsticks and hesitated. Because of this opportunity to be alone, she wanted to tell Junxiu what she was thinking. She liked him, and she has always liked him. Maybe this thing doesn't get a response, maybe this thing will make her relationship with him, her relationship with her embarrassing. But for Yoona, such an opportunity is a feeling that it will never come again.

Thinking about 'confession' seems to be a very simple thing, but when Yoona really wanted to say the words of confession, she suddenly felt difficult again. So she hesitated, not knowing whether to say it or not, what kind of changes will occur after saying it? Will her relationship with him alienate each other because of this ridiculous confession?

The bright wine glass, the crystal white wine, its mellow fragrance wafts in the room is fascinating. Junxiu held the cup he poured, raised his head and toasted. The wine is as strong as fire, it enters the throat as if the flames are burning, and then the aroma fills the mouth, and the aftertaste surrounds. The slightly cold New York warmed up after drinking this glass of crystal white wine.

Junxiu is very fond of wine, from soju and beer at the beginning, to foreign wine and liquor. When building the house this time, Junxiu also specially built a basement to store wine, and he also planned to order some wine refrigerators.

After drinking a glass of wine, Junxiu turned her head to look at Yoona who was stunned: "Hey...what's the matter with you? If you have something to say, just say it directly. Are we still hesitating?"

Yuna turned her head to meet Junsu's eyes and instantly became shy, and began to avoid Junsu's gaze. If there were other people beside her, this look at each other, this would never happen to Yoona. But now, when she had the first chance to be alone with Junsu, she felt timid.

So Yoona took the beer in front of her and drank it dreamily, and Yoona drank a (small) can of beer in one breath, which made Junxiu dumbfounded.

Junxiu looked at the sullen Yoona who was suffocating very violently, he smiled and shook his head and said, "Yo, what are you doing? Is there anything you're embarrassed to say, that's why I thought of a trick to get myself drunk. what?"

Yoona, who originally thought she could express her emotions very bravely, became unable to speak at this moment. Even in the face of Junxiu's ridicule, she didn't know where to start this matter. The main problem is that he is in love with his captain now, and she knows it. If she said it at this time, wouldn't it be called 'to seduce her man behind Taeyeon's back? ’

Tangled, extremely tangled, this opportunity to be alone is really a good time to confess. But at this time, Yoona felt that she couldn't have the courage at all. I wonder if she was worried too much?

Yuner still bit his chopsticks indifferently when facing Junxiu's teasing, Junxiu thought she was drunk when she looked at Yuner, so he stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Yuner's eyes: "What, hesitant, You're not in love, are you?"

It's because Junsu just went through the failed Yue Lao experience, and Yoona completely took those things into consideration. Maybe the hesitation at this time is because she wants to confess that she is actually in love?

"No, I'm not in love. I..." Yuner got stuck when she said that, and the words of the confession later came to her lips, and she couldn't say it.

It is very tempting to be hesitant to speak alone, so Junxiu was also appetized by Yoona's expression at this time: "You? What are you, just say it clearly, so hesitant Yes, what are you trying to do? Are you kidding me?"

Junsu had no idea that Yoona was sitting alone and was having a strong ideological struggle. What do you mean? Still don't say it?

Say? Yoona is afraid that she won't even have to be friends after speaking out. Because of Taeyeon's relationship, he has to choose to avoid suspicion, so he will distance himself from him after speaking out?

Do not say? But I don’t want to tell me something like this through text messages~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So today Yoona has the first chance to be alone with Junsu, if I don’t say it, will my heart be sad? will regret?

Yoona remained silent like that, and then poured herself a glass of white wine with a handsome white wine glass. Junxiu didn't have time to stop Yuner from saying this, it was very strong, she took a cup and dried it.

"Cough cough cough~~" A burst of super spicy wine, super hot wine, made Yun'a choked out of her adaptability. Originally, Chinese liquor is at least two or three times higher than Korean soju.

Yoona, a beginner in alcohol, has been drinking something like this on weekdays, so her dry mouth almost cost her half her life. Junxiu also quickly got up and went to get a bottle of water for Yuner: "Drink some water, this is Huaxia liquor. For you who drink soju the most on weekdays, it's really unbearable."

After drinking a few sips of water, Yuner finally came back to her senses: "Thank you oppa."

"How can we be so polite between us? Come on, if you want something to drink, go get it in the refrigerator yourself. You can drink this as well, drink it in small sips."

Yuner nodded and poured herself another cup, and then she did not take a small sip, but directly toasted again. After this toast, she was mentally prepared, so Yuner was wrinkled at this time. Frowning, he endured the 'burn' coiling around his chest.

Looking at Yoona's toast, Junsu said in a reproachful tone, "Are you crazy, you can drink like this as a beginner? Are you planning to become a 'restaurant' like me?"

After the burning in her heart, Yoona finally regained her courage. She smiled at Junxiu and said in a half-joking manner, "Oppa, I like you!"

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