Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 99: confession that can only be refused

Most Huaxia liquors are of high grade. After drinking liquor, you will feel that everything from the throat to the chest is burning like fire. Generally, novices like Yuner choose to taste it and stop at it. Come for a drink. After she took two sips suddenly, Junxiu finally opened her mouth to dissuade this desperate guy. You must know that the white wine will burn your stomach to pierce.

However, Yoona, who had eaten two glasses of white wine, suddenly said to Junxiu, "I like you." ' But Junsu, I don't feel much about this sudden 'like', because when Junxiu treats them better on weekdays, every now and then they will say 'Salang hey' to Junxiu Woolen cloth. And she still said 'I love you' in front of Taeyeon.

So, Yuna's "I like you" Junsu who suddenly appeared at this time didn't think about whether she was really confessing? In his heart, he just thought that it was the same mantra as they were smiling and saying 'I love you' to him on weekdays. If I really want to attach a meaning to this I like you, I love you, then Junsu thinks it is more of a kind of gratitude and gratitude.

Junxiu didn't care about Yuner's confession at all. At this time, he nodded his head and said, "Nei, I like you too." He reached out and took Yuner's cup over: "Why are you drinking in such a hurry? Yea, this wine would be gut-wrenching for a novice like you."

Yes, it was a very casual echo. When they used to fly their hearts towards Junxiu with their hands, they must have forced Junxiu to return their love. Of course, when they tell Junsu that I love you, even in front of Taeyeon, they must force Junsu to reply, I love you too. There are so many jokes, such a sincere confession becomes a joke.

Yoona listened to Junsu's perfunctory words towards them as usual, and she looked at Junsu angrily. This made Junxiu, who had just taken the wine glass, look back at her in surprise: "What, why are you looking at me with such bitter eyes? I think it's okay if you drink some beer, this wine is really easy to intoxicate. Woolen cloth."

Yuner's eyes at this time, in Junxiu's interpretation, is naturally "he expressed his dissatisfaction by stealing her wine glass", so he explained that this white wine must be enough for a beginner like Yuner. Of course, beer will also be intoxicating, but liquor will come more violently.

Seeing Junxiu's incomprehension, Yuna was really angry. She actually frowned at Junxiu and said, "oppa~~ (what's wrong?) Do you...do you not understand, or do you pretend not to understand?"

"What do you understand, what you don't understand, I don't even know what you are saying to me? Are you really angry because I stole your cup? I didn't want you to drink, but you are a girl drinking..."

Junxiu once again brought the topic to the issue of grabbing wine glasses and wine, which made Yuner, who had eaten a can of beer and two glasses of liquor, instantly shouted at Junxiu in a fit of rage: "Enough!!"

Wine, isn't this thing always said that it can strengthen the courage? However, Yoona fully proved this at this time, she actually performed the scene of 'wine strong and cowardly' for Junxiu right away. Inexplicably, she roared at Junxiu in anger, and almost didn't pat the table.

Yuna's sudden shock really startled Junsu. On weekdays, although Yoona is said to be naughty, most of the naughty are of the very cute kind. But today Yuner has changed from 'Lin Xiaolu' to a 'King of the Forest'. Junxiu was stunned by Yuner's sudden roar.

And Yuner herself knew that her sudden lion's roar seemed to be too much. Now Yuner is only drunk, not drunk yet. Therefore, her strength is the same as that of the 'Barbarian King', only for a few seconds. A few seconds later, when Yoona looked at Junxiu's surprised eyes, her momentum disappeared, and she softened apologetically: "I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to."

Facing Yoona's expression of apology, Junxiu smiled and nodded and said, "Understand, understand, fully understand, it's the wine that's doing the trick. It's just Yoona, alcohol, it must be done in moderation. Don't look at Shunkyu very well, why? I can't even get drunk. In fact, she has the same measure as me. She will never drink again when her head turns into a paste. Because you are all women, first of all you have to learn to protect yourself. Wine can add to the fun , wine can also make trouble. So, you must know how to control the amount. Okay, let's go here today, go back to rest, we have a performance tomorrow. "

Junxiu ordered Yuner to be expelled after telling Yoona about the wine problem. I don't know if he was angry or what?

However, in the face of Junxiu's eviction order~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yoona sat motionless, and she looked at Junxiu with those eyes that gradually became blurred after drinking.

As for Junxiu, after looking at Yuner's eyes at this time, he smiled softly at Yuner, and with a smile, he stretched out his hand towards Yuner and touched her head: "Okay, everything is fine. Don't say it, just go back like this."

Junsu's words mean that he already understands what Yoona means? Yes, Junxiu is not stupid, maybe she really didn't feel it before, but Yuner has been sitting still at this time, and he himself is talking about the topic of 'wine', she doesn't answer, so what else? All that's left is the statement to himself.

Finally, when Junxiu touched her head, Yuner couldn't help but burst into tears: "oppa~~" Because Junxiu told her to go back like that, it was like saying that her confession was rejected! !

Yes, Junsu can only refuse! And it must be rejected! ! She, Lim Yoona, is Taeyeon's teammate, so what can he say in the face of Yoona's confession? There must be nothing to say! It's fine to refuse in such a slightly euphemistic way.

Isn't Yoona pretty? Of course not, she is the face of Girls' Generation, how could she not be beautiful? Then, touching his chest, he said, has Junsu ever had such a second, such an instant, that he was moved by Yoona? Yes, there must be, maybe at a certain point, Yoona suddenly made Junsu's heart move, but this heartbeat was only for a moment.

If you keep this heart in your heart, it will be a little too perverted. After all, Junsu now has two girlfriends.

As the captain of Girls' Generation, Taeyeon has always been loved by fans. There is also Yui Aragaki, she is the number one actress who is most wanted to date by the Japanese media.

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