Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 100: I will not give up

Junxiu had no choice but to refuse Yoona's confession. Although Junxiu also knows that he is not a gentleman, nor is he a Liu Xiahui who sits still, but he really can't accept her confession about Yoona. Even if Yoona can do not care if Junsu has Taeyeon beside her, Junsu can't turn herself into a bad person.

Yes, Yoona is indeed very beautiful, her beauty can even be ranked among the top few in the Korean entertainment circle. But Junsu cannot agree to her confession just because she is beautiful. You have to know that your younger sister is still in their group. If Junsu and Yoona develop into such a relationship while in love with Taeyeon, once it is known afterwards, how will Shungui stand in the group? And what kind of person will Junxiu become in their eyes?

Now Junsu is similar to Shungui in their hearts. He is a very, very close brother, and of course he is someone they respect very much. But once Junsu and Yoona develop into such a strange relationship, is he still worthy of respect? And how will Yoona behave in the team in the future? So, for myself, Taeyeon, and for Shun Kyu and her Lim Yoona. Junsu will not respond, nor can he respond.

Knowing that she was rejected, Yoona seemed to be unwilling to shed tears. She stared at Junxiu pitifully and asked, "Why?"

Faced with this question from Yoona, Junsu was dumbfounded, can't he figure out why? Of course it's because he can't, at least not when he's in a relationship with Taeyeon. However, facing the pitiful Yoona, Junxiu said soft-heartedly and embarrassedly: "Why are there so many? Yoona, don't think about this, go back and rest."

I don't know if it was because of alcohol at this time, but Yuner didn't even want to give up and said, "No, oppa, if you don't tell me why today, I will never leave."

"I...I..." Junxiu was quite speechless. If he said it too clearly, it would be too hurtful. He had to say politely, "Don't you know that I'm dating Taeyeon?"

"I know, but I just can't help but like you, what should I do?"

"Um.." What to do? This can stop Junxiu, what can he do? Like, that's Yoona's affection, how could he stop the emotional hormones secreted by her brain?

Yoona's words seemed to be calling Junxiu responsible, but Junxiu could only shake his head with a wry smile and said, "If you like it, like it."

Yeah, like it if you like it, what else can I do? It's also Yoona's own business to like it, what can he say?

Although Junxiu said this sentence with a helpless mood, but Yoona listened to it but did not know why she was very satisfied. Perhaps in her heart, this could be regarded as a kind of success, right? Of course it wasn't a successful relationship, but at least it was a confession, at least letting him know that she cared about him and liked him.

I don't know if it was because of the wine's strength, Yuner got up quickly after hearing this and gave Junxiu a light peck, and when she got close, she laughed happily: "Hahaha.. "

After Junxiu was attacked by Yoona, he waved his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, let's go back and rest. I'm also very tired and want to rest. I don't know if it's because of the jet lag that you might not be able to sleep, but you know me. I slept as soon as I got on the plane." Junxiu said in disguise that it was time to go to bed because of his jet lag, because he didn't know if Yoona would be able to hold back in this room.

After all, Junxiu is not Liuxiahui. He could endure it for a while, but if he came to tease it again and again, it would be impossible to say. As a man, there may be concentration, but there are limits.

"Humph~!" Maybe it had met her expectations, so Yuner didn't force anything to stay this time. She just snorted in dissatisfaction and then got up. Seeing her plan to leave Junxiu also felt a sense of relief, and he got up and sent Yoona out.

After taking two steps, Yoona said to Junxiu seriously: "Oppa, I also know that there are many hardships in some things, but what I want to tell you is... I will not give up!!"

"Eh..." Junxiu originally just wanted to get out of the moment, but Yoona's words before she left, let him know that he wanted to get out and got up early. Perhaps there is only one possibility to make her give up, and that is to make the relationship with Yoona completely stiff!

Because only by completely letting her put an end to such thoughts can Junxiu be able to escape. But how could Junsu and Yoona completely draw a line? After all, she is a member of Girls' Generation. If the relationship between the two becomes rigid, will he not meet them? Of course it's impossible, after all Junsu's younger sister Li Shungui is still in the team~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Yoona came out of Junsu's room, she took the initiative to help Junsu close the door. As he approached her, he leaned against the wall at the door of Junxiu's room, perhaps expressing the friendship in his heart, the feeling of a big stone falling to his heart, right? In any case, she has clearly let him know what she likes about him, and that alone is enough.

Only Yoona knows how heart-wrenching it is to have a crush. Now that secret love has turned into a clear love, which makes Yoona feel relaxed. After having liked it for so long, this heart finally let him know, maybe today will be a sleepless night?

Yoona just stood at the door of Junsu's room for an unknown amount of time. Not far away, the room door of their Girls' Generation members opened, and Penny came out. She smiled when she saw Yuna standing at Junsu's door and said: " Why are you standing there, looking for oppa? Isn't he in the room?"

Seeing the appearance of her own members, Yoona walked towards Pani. Yoona's smile made Pani feel a different feeling, which was very strange. After Yoona approached, she smiled and hugged Pani's arm coquettishly and said, "Oni~~"

A strong smell of wine emanated from Yun'er's mouth, which made Pani pinched her nose and said, "Ah, Lin Yuner, you actually went to Oppa's place to drink?"

"I just drank a little, it's alright. Hehe~~"

"You're such a big drinker that you only drink a little? Oppa wants you to drink? Taeyeon~~" Pani made a move to open the door of his room and called out to Taeyeon in the room.

And Yuner quickly covered Pani's mouth and said, "I really only drank a little bit. The wine tastes great because Oppa is drinking Huaxia liquor. I just tasted a small glass."

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