Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 103: family concert

The S.M family concert in Madison Square Garden, New York, as the influence of Hallyu spreads around the world, there are also a lot of American fans who came to the concert today. Fans in the United States rarely get a chance to meet their favorite groups. Outside the indoor stadium, fans have been waiting in line since around four in the afternoon.

It was not until an hour before the concert that the release began, and the fans entered the venue one by one and finally got to see the stage layout of the scene. Fans in the United States started to get excited before the concert started, and they heard the cheers outside the stage when they sat backstage. No one was outside, Junxiu really didn't know what they were cheering for?

It is true that almost everyone in the United States came to the concert with high enthusiasm, so Junxiu's commercial performance in the United States felt that the fans here and the audience were very enthusiastic. The enthusiasm off the stage will always infect the performers on the stage, with their cheers and their screams, which will make the artists on stage also enthusiastic. To be honest, Junxiu really likes the United States. The atmosphere brought by the fans.

Because every time they make a sound, Junxiu's blood will burst. The fans here are still so enthusiastic today, even if there is still an hour before the concert, they have already started to scream.

As everyone knows, fans outside saw that there was a camera shooting, so they screamed at the camera lens. Many fans shouted their favorite idol when the camera swept the area where they were. name. Americans are called Korean names, it sounds a bit messy. This also needs to be understood!

Time passed quickly, and soon the performers backstage began to prepare. Junsu was the opening guest of a normal concert, so he was called to the stage five minutes before the start.

The big screen in front of Junsu had already started showing a video clip of their song while Junsu was standing backstage, and just as Junsu was getting ready to perform on stage, the F(x) kids stood behind Junsu, who followed Junsu. The performers of the performance, but Junxiu's opening show company arranged two songs for a total of 10 minutes, because after the first performance, I have to communicate the atmosphere with the fans at the scene.

So, they don't really need to come over so early to prepare. Junxiu looked at them in surprise: "Why did you guys come so early?" Logically speaking, they had to wait for their first song to finish before coming over, right? I really don't know why they came here so early. Fortunately, the stage of the venue is large enough, so the place behind the stage is not crowded.

Victoria Song said with a smile, "oppa, it's the first time we've stood on such a big stage, and I'm a little nervous, so I want to come over and see what your stage preparations, oppa, look like, and also see your performance, oppa. "

The girls of the function have not held their own concerts after their debut. The only concert experience is that they have held several times in Asia with the 'family'. However, the psychological level of the Asian concert is different from that of a large stage like Madison, so each of them is very nervous.

Of course, Junxiu knows that each dance group has practiced more than a thousand times. In fact, they already have a kind of muscle memory. As long as the music starts, they will be able to perform naturally. It's just the nervousness before starting to go on stage. The feeling is hard to get rid of.

This is their first time to perform behind Junsu, and the pressure is really great. What they are most afraid of is that after the performance of the previous handsome show has heated up the atmosphere, the atmosphere on the stage will become cold. This is the main reason for their nervousness. You must know that Junsu has quite a lot of fans in the United States, and even the number of fans here can be compared with that of South Korea. Of course, South Korea's population base is just that little bit, which is really not comparable to the United States!

And it was the first time for them to watch Junxiu's performance at the back of the stage, which means that they had the opportunity to observe Junxiu's typhoon up close. You must know that these are accumulated from stage experience. Every time they face the camera of the concert The expression on the face, that is a very important course. After all, they have little experience in large-scale stages, and these are psychological qualities that they need to learn and hone many times.

Junxiu smiled and watched the TV broadcast in the backstage: "Actually, the stage of the concert doesn't need special preparations. After you take the stage, you will perform all the things you practice on weekdays, so you don't need to be nervous. Take a deep breath~~Two mouths , and then just enjoy the stage. Don't worry about anything wrong, the fans who come to the concert will not care if the dance is neat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They only care if your performance is good or not, as long as it can continue to drive everyone Emotions are high."

Just when Junxiu finished saying this, the lights on the scene went dark, the video on the TV ended, and the staff immediately called Junxiu to take the stage.

At the moment when the lights at the scene went out, the fans at the scene broke out for the first time with enthusiastic screams. Although the lights on the stage were off, Junxiu could take advantage of the dim lights in the auditorium to get on the stage accurately.

When the logo of 'S.Mtown' was lit up on the big screen, Junsu stood in the middle of the main stage, a beam of lights hit Junsu, and the big screen behind him immediately turned to Junsu's smiling face. Junxiu's appearance made the fans in the United States burst into the biggest screams for the first time tonight. Along with the screams, Junxiu took out the sunglasses from the chest pocket of his suit and put them on.

The moment he put on his sunglasses, the music of "Jiang/South Ribbon", which has recently become popular all over the world, also sounded, Junxiu said with a smile: "im "oppa~! ! "

As Junxiu's voice fell, the fans in the entire venue raised their volume and screamed again: "Ah~~!!" The fans in the United States really took out the strength to suckle and roared. Word by word, the atmosphere of a music scene was instantly ignited.

The voice occupied the entire venue, and the artists who were waiting in the backstage felt Junsu's terrifying popularity in the United States. I don't know if the children who appeared behind Junxiu are under a lot of pressure?

Yes, when Junsu directly ignited the atmosphere of the entire venue with just one sentence, the children of F(x) who were standing in the background looking at the monitor all sighed...

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