Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 104: "The Moon Embracing the Sun"

When the music sounded, Junxiu pushed the atmosphere of the scene directly to a peak state with just one sentence. When the screams penetrated the entire venue, when the sound waves made the ears of all of them standing in the day after tomorrow, this made the audience feel pain. Then the function girls who came to the stage behind Junxiu were Alexander one by one. They stared at Junxiu who was performing handsomely in the demonstrator, and couldn't help sighing.

The function girls standing in the sound, staring at the monitor in front of them, the confidence and radiance of Junxiu standing on the stage in the picture, they are all fascinated by Junxiu's stage: "Wow , Junsu Oppa is so amazing, this is a world star, as Oppa said earlier, he is enjoying the stage!!"

Yes, enjoy the stage, only when the singers go to enjoy the stage can they achieve integration, a kind of integration with the live fans. What a stage performance needs is such an experience of interaction and integration. After sighing, they stared at the screen in front of them one by one, as if they were afraid of being wrong on the stage of Junxiu.

The song lasted for more than three minutes. After the song ended, the fans at the scene shouted at Junxiu on the stage: "oppa~" The fans in the United States call him Oppa, which shows how charming Junxiu is. .

Junxiu stood in the middle of the stage with a smile and exchanged simple greetings with the fans in fluent English. Junxiu's English proficiency was no different from his Korean, Chinese, and so on. In the eyes of the function girl, Junxiu is already a genius who is proficient in three languages. You must know that Chinese is a language that the whole world finds very difficult. In addition, Junxiu's Japanese is not bad, after all, he is a person who has been active in Japan for so long.

Looking at Junxiu on the monitor, LUNA said like a little fan girl: "Junxiu oppa, he is so handsome. He has musical talent and rich language capital. This is just so jealous."

Junsu showed his personal musical charm to fans on stage, and at the same time he also showed his personal strength to his colleagues who were waiting backstage. There are indeed very few people in the entire entertainment industry who can be as good as Junxiu. Chinese, Korean, Japanese, English.


Junxiu used his personal strength to teach the members of the family a lesson, and also brought a passionate performance to the fans. This concert ended in the family chorus. All my colleagues know today that Junsu is a person full of stage charm and personal charm.

After the stage, S.M's artists all gathered in a rented villa to hold a celebration banquet. The houses in the United States are quite big, so this rented house has BBQ, champagne, and various sumptuous food for the children to celebrate. They were all very excited. After the successful conclusion of the concert, each of them was very happy, and the voices brought by the fans at the concert were still lingering in their hearts.

The function girl who was sitting together eating food looked for Junxiu: "Why didn't Junxiu Oppa come to the celebration party?"

Junxiu's stage performance left a deep impression on them, so they also wanted to chat with Junxiu during the celebration banquet, maybe they could get some experience from him.

Yes, Junxiu didn't go to the celebration party, because at this time he was already flying to the shooting location of "The Jungle".

This time, the "Law of the Jungle" is really in the jungle. The same is not allowed to eat or drink. In addition, the mosquitoes in the jungle will torture people to death. The shooting of this show is simply a Kind of self-abuse. Fortunately, this time the filming has learned the lesson of the last time, and the staffing has become a little more, and there are even female guests.

Shooting is very hard, but in the presence of nature always makes people feel healed, but natural healing is still not enough to hurt the heart. So when Junxiu came back from "Law of the Jungle" and got on the nanny's car this time, the first sentence: "I really don't want to do this gruesome show anymore, what happened to that TV series? Have you contacted me, I really can't do it? Just find me any TV show."

Listening to Junxiu's complaint, the agent really wanted to say, why did you plan this kind of thing in the first place? This is simply a typical example of asking for trouble!

For the first time, Junxiu felt that the shooting was so hard and tiring, and the environment in the jungle was not as beautiful as imagined, it was really torturous, so Junxiu didn’t want to shoot this show again even after being beaten to death.

In the face of Junxiu's inquiry, the agent gave Junxiu a piece of great news: "Well, the crew has already communicated, and they agreed to invite you to play. By the way, you may not know that you are shooting in the wild. At the end of next year, you will go to New York again. This year, you have to go to Times Square for New Year's Eve! The invitation from there has come, and I hope you can sing the two songs "Jiangnan Ribbon" and "Moves.Like.Jagger"~www .wuxiaspot.com~ The company has already agreed."

Last year, Junxiu also performed on the New Year's Eve, but it was a song after the singing time. And this year, his song time has suddenly increased to two songs. This has really become a super big name. Of course, the company will agree because of this Korean song by Junxiu in this song. This has the effect of promoting Hallyu, so it is impossible for the company not to agree.

"I thought I would be able to participate in "Ballad Daejeon" in China this year, but I still have to go to the United States. I can't remember how many years I haven't participated in this show. Hehe.. But I'm more concerned about this time. The TV series "The Moon Embracing the Sun" is a very interesting script."

"You can just wait for the TV series to start. As for "The Ballad Wars"... It's better to wait until next spring to participate in Grammy. Your song should win an award this year, right?"

"Who knows? There are so many outstanding singers in the world. It's normal for me not to win awards. Grammys are not like MAMA!"

Speaking of the MAMA held this year, this is a year of reconciliation between S.M and M-NET, so S.M will soon send N groups of artists to participate in this "Pork Divide". Of course Junsu won't participate, because he has to film a TV drama next. However, Junxiu is also clear about the consequences of not showing up, and he won't receive the award.

In fact, Junsu doesn't care about the award that MAMA awarded him, because that award ceremony is becoming less and less fair. Of course, from the perspective of the TV station, they must have invested a lot of money in holding such awards. Naturally, they want to pay back the money in ticket sales. If the big names don't participate, how can the tickets be sold.

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