Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 111: "Peach Blossom"

With the development of the movie "Peach Blossom Period", the male and female protagonists met for a drink in the evening after getting to know each other through Twitter. Just after this scene appeared, maybe the scene in the movie and the reality have some accidental similarities, so Yui slightly leaned her head against Junxiu's ear and asked softly, "Aren't you also with Nagasawa back then? Did Yami drink? Nothing happened after drinking?"

It's easy to have "accidents" when drinking alone, and isn't that what the movie says at this time? I missed the last bus because of drinking, so I went to the man's house, and what happened next is a matter of course. The movie played the story after returning home, and Junsu sat on the chair with a wry smile and said, "How can something happen when you drink? I've been drinking secretly since I was in my teens, just like you. Based on the calculation, I will become a professional gamer?"

Junxiu really rarely sees Yui looking so jealous. On weekdays, she always faces Junxiu with the most gentle smile. Maybe they don't even have enough time to talk about love, so why be jealous. So today Junxiu looked at her slightly jealous appearance, it was really super cute. In particular, she wrinkled her nose and burst into dissatisfaction when she said those words, which melted Junsu's heart.

Junxiu said those words in a joking way and gently took Yui's hand and put it in his own. He wanted to use this method to give Yui some psychological comfort, and he continued: " I have eaten and drank with her, but I really have nothing to do with her. Sometimes, even I feel 'lost'."

If you look at him and Masami Nagasawa from another angle, to be honest, even Junxiu himself thinks that 'explaining' seems a bit unreasonable. After all, when Junxiu was working in Korea, Masami Nagasawa went all the way to Korea to find him. Woolen cloth. This changes anyone's way of looking at this matter. If it doesn't have any 'story' in it, it will feel a little weird, right?

Yes, in Junxiu's words, this is a loss, really a loss. Her arrival made Junxiu completely fall into the crotch of yellow mud. After the news came out, Junxiu was also very depressed, but what's the use of being depressed? Depression can't change the hearts of fans who only read the news and don't ask the facts, right? After the news came out, except for the company to come forward to explain and say 'nothing'. The problem is that fans understand that the company's 'word' is nothing more than a cover.

So, now that I think about it, since I've been caught in that pot, it's fine even if I take a little less advantage. He didn't even touch Nagasawa Masami's hand. In retrospect, he was even more wronged than Dou E. You said, kissed, touched, such a pot Junxiu felt that it was okay to carry it on his back, but the problem is that nothing happened, Nagasawa Masami came to Korea like a tour guide and a tourist.

Yuyi listened to Junxiu's end and actually used 'loss' to describe her own fault, she immediately turned her head to stare at Junxiu with a speed of 0.01 seconds, her eyes were bigger than cows: "Loss? What's the loss? What, do you really want to have something to do with her? Do you feel that it's a loss for not appearing in this movie?"

After Yui's words were spoken, the movie scene just happened to be staged, the scene of Nagasawa Masami feeding the male protagonist to drink water. Her 'feeding' is in a very different and provocative way. She takes a sip of water and wraps it in her mouth, and then feeds it to the hero with her own mouth. It's like feeding a bird the same.

Yui's cow eyes were originally staring at Junxiu, but at this moment she was also attracted by the plot. Looking at Junxiu's peek at the camera, she muttered, "Do you like it?"

"Hi.. what do you like? It's so dirty. I don't know if they rinsed their mouths while filming this scene?"

Seeing that Junxiu likes the scenes in this scene, he stubbornly says that he doesn't like it. Men, of course, have also thought of some more intense love, but neither Yui nor Taeyeon are the kind of women who know how to tease men. Peaceful again.

Therefore, these scenes depicted in the movie camera can't happen to them. It feels like the big deal is to hold 'two bites' and roll over. But Yui and Taeyeon couldn't use such a "demon" method.

Looking at the expression Junxiu made when she was stubborn, Yui was also amused: "You are still stubborn, hum~~ Do all of you men like this kind of 'demon girl'?"

"How is it possible, whether it's a witch or a fairy, neither is suitable for human beings. I still like a woman who knows my heart like you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ knows my heart! Although our relationship is not so intense, it is not that This kind of so-called self-respect, but this kind of ordinary love is what I want most. I think someone said that when love comes, it is fierce, then it is very bleak when it fades. So, I think 'love' Simple is best, as we are."

Junxiu's remarks didn't describe too much love, just as plain as he said. Yui also feels that Junxiu's plain love is the true meaning of love. Heartbeat is only temporary, companionship is eternal, and love itself is actually that simple.

Yui was very heartwarming after hearing Junxiu's words, but this heartwarming feeling came and went quickly. Because of the scene in the movie at this time, Junxiu cried out in surprise, and Junxiu said abruptly: "Wow~~!!"

The warm feeling of Yui disappeared in an instant, because the movie footage tells that when the male and female protagonists are sleeping on the bed, the male protagonist actually shows his 'dragon grip' to Nagasawa Masami, such a 'big murder' is mastered by one hand , Junxiu is also very passionate. You must know that this male No. 1 was originally supposed to be him, so Chi Guoguo's 'attacker' and was a 'dirty obstacle' to knead, it should be him.

Junxiu has not experienced such a "big murderer" with his own hands. He has seen such a size in some Japanese romance films. But in reality, both Yui Aragaki and Taeyeon belong to that kind.. Hehe.. Anyway, they can't compare with Nagasawa Masami's "big goods".

In the shot, Masami Nagasawa's "big" is changing shape in the hands of the male pig's feet. It can be seen that he used force when shooting this shot. It's very exciting to think about playing with such a "thing".

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