Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 112: 1st trip (1)

Junxiu watched this movie with some associations, because he was the one who originally ordered the male lead in this movie, so he was very devoted when watching it, it shouldn't be said that he brought it in. Especially when the plot entered those 'eating tofu' scenes, Junsu really felt at a loss. After being an actor for so long, Junxiu has yet to appear in the movie "Nineteen Forbidden Love". It's not that Junxiu hasn't acted in "The Nineteen Bans". The original "Uncle" was the Nineteen Bans, but the Nineteen Bans were because the pictures were too bloody.

However, for Junxiu, such nineteen bans are not considered nineteen bans. What is the real Nineteen Prohibition? Movies like "Five Senses" and "Frost Flower Shop" are the 19th ban! ! Although the 'nature' shown in those pictures is not real, it is also a kind of tofu-eating scene. Now for Junxiu, the kiss scene is no longer like eating tofu.

Because, the TV dramas shot in this era will contain love. As long as there is love in the drama, kissing is an essential part of the scene. Junxiu has also tried all kinds of fancy styles because he is an actor. kiss. When I was young, I thought that 'kiss' was a sacred expression of love, but as the acting time has become longer, kissing has become a kind of work.

Perhaps only a natural kiss that comes from those heartwarming and touching moments can truly be called a 'kiss' for Junsu! Of course, such a 'moment' can only be given by a fixed person, such as Yui who is sitting beside him at this moment.

However, what she gave Junxiu was not heartbreak, but pain. Because when Junsu saw the scene of 'The Assault', he sighed with a 'wow' and made a deep voice in his heart. So Yui was quite dissatisfied and reached out and pinched Junxiu's waist. This is also the first time Yui has used such a move on Junxiu. She has always faced Junxiu's Yui with tenderness. Today at Masami Nagasawa's Before the movie, I finally used women's privileges and played small.

This is the first time that Yui has been jealous of Junxiu after I have known each other for so many years. Her dissatisfied pouting look is totally cute, totally. The sudden pain in the waist was also resolved by Yui's cuteness. Junxiu covered the pain in her waist, turned her head to look at Yui and said naturally: "Wow, it's really beautiful. Really, angry. It looks perfect, super, and kawaii."

Compliments are the best words for a woman, so Yui temporarily forgave Junxiu, but she still expressed her dissatisfaction with a "hum~~" at him.


The end of the movie is a happy ending, the hero and heroine are finally together, but they have gone through some twists and turns. The movie is not bad. The male protagonist met a lot of women after entering the peach blossom period, but he insisted on liking the female protagonist, even if she was an annoying 'third party'. However, he still insisted on loving her and protecting her.

The love of the male protagonist in the movie is very humble, which is also a common feature of many contemporary men, so after the movie was released, it was sought after by many Japanese otaku. After all, in the materialistic country of Japan, love would seem very cowardly. It doesn't matter if it's an otaku or a woman's. People here know exactly what they need, so most of them choose material things between love and material things.

The two came out of the movie theater without anyone finding out, and sat in the car. Junxiu looked at Yui beside him: "Would you like to have a late night snack?"

"Forget it, I don't eat after six o'clock in the evening." Yui feels that she has gained a lot of weight recently, so she will not eat after six o'clock in the evening. And she ate some popcorn while watching a movie earlier, and she thought it was okay. To be an entertainer, it is very important to maintain your figure, whether you are a man or a woman. Unless you are a comedian, your figure will not have any requirements.

"Okay, then go home and rest early. We have to rush to Kyoto early tomorrow morning."

The sun gradually rose the next day, and Yui, who had no schedule, basically slept in late. In addition, the two also did some love things last night, so Yui was very tired. Last night, Yui and Junxiu both released their thoughts of each other, and the two 'rolled over' until they fell asleep very late.

Maybe Junxiu slept beside him last night, Yui slept quite comfortably and steadily. Yui in her sleep heard a gentle whisper in her ear: "It's time for Lazy Yui to get up."

The voice was sweet, tender, and equally familiar. After the voice sounded, she felt that her forehead was being kissed, and when she lowered her head and kissed, the familiar smell of body fragrance rushed into her nose~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When his lips left her forehead, Yui did not open it. She opened her eyes, but there was a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth and she put her hand around his neck and said, "Not enough~~!"

Yui didn't say enough, of course, he was referring to Junsu's wake-up kiss. So Junxiu lowered her head again and placed it on her lips. After the two kissed and separated, Yui opened her eyes and wrinkled her nose and said, "It smells like smoke."

"Haha.. Get up quickly, I've already made breakfast, and we're ready to go after eating."

Yui nodded: "Well, oppa, get me some clothes."

Junxiu went to find a long-sleeved pajamas for Yui to put on. After a while, Yui took a shower and came to the dining room, and there were hearty dishes on the breakfast table. Fried salmon, vegetable and fruit salad, and bread, jam, coffee. Last night, Yui heard that she was losing weight, so she used some low-fat foods for breakfast.

The two sat at the dining table and ate breakfast. Junxiu kept flipping through the iPad in his hand while eating, and Yui curiously stretched out his head to look at it: "Oppa, you are reading the introduction of Kyoto Prefecture."

"Well, I looked for some travel notes of travel experts, and the recommended places are pretty good."

"..." Yui was quite speechless when she saw the picture Junxiu handed to her. It was a travel record written in Korean. She couldn't understand it, but she could understand the picture. The picture was a piece of beef: "Beef ?"

"Well, since it's a trip, of course you need to know about the local gourmet restaurants. There is no need to look for the scenic spots, but the gourmet restaurants need to be found. This is a sukiyaki set restaurant that has been in business for 140 years."

"Sukiyaki in the Kansai region?" Yui's food drawn by Junsu suddenly caught her imagination.

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