Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 115: 1st trip (four)

After Yui frowned and said at the front desk, the staff member realized his rudeness and quickly helped Junxiu and the two to register. Because the photo on Junxiu's passport is the old one, he has never changed it on his own photo, and the registration photo is like that, and it has not been edited and corrected, so the person in the photo is working The staff didn't recognize Junxiu at all, she thought Yui came here for work or something.

After a quick registration at the front desk, the key was handed over to Yui, and the two went to find their room together with the key. The hotel here occupies a large area, and it is full of Japanese-style villas. The Japanese-style suite where Junsu and Yui lived was very nice. The room is divided into a living room, a bedroom, and an outdoor courtyard.

The living room is completely Japanese style. There is a carpet in the center of the living room, a low table is placed on the carpet, two chairs without footstools are placed on opposite sides of the table, and a small vase is placed on the side of the table. Central sitting embellishment. The Japanese style is simple and clean. A bedroom is simply placed with a double bed and a cabinet.

After a brief look at the room, Junxiu didn't find the place to take a bath. He said strangely, "Why didn't we see the bathroom? Could it be that we are not allowed to take a bath?"

Yui, who was packing her luggage, smiled: "Why not, the door in the living room that faces the outdoors is open, and it's open air."

Junxiu tilted his head and said, "There are still hot springs? No, there are hot springs in Kyoto Prefecture?"

Yui rolled her eyes speechlessly and said, "ppa, don't you think that the only hot springs in Japan are Hokkaido? Hakone? Kyoto's hot springs are also very famous! When you entered the hotel earlier, you didn't see what was written on it. Hot spring hotel?"

"Er... I didn't pay attention. I got out of the car and went to get the box. After I got the box, I came in. I didn't even have time to see the sign. Yes, this hotel has an open-air hot spring."

Junxiu said and went to the living room. The Japanese-style door of the isolated courtyard in the living room had been opened by Yui when Junxiu visited the bedroom. Outside the living room is a Japanese-style courtyard surrounded by high walls. There are several maple trees around the courtyard. The bright red maple leaves exude charming colors. Among the surrounding maple trees, there is a pool surrounded by large stones. The hot springs rose up, and the water of the hot springs passed through the bamboo and fell into the soup pool.

Just when Junxiu was shocked by the scenery in front of him, the breeze gently blew, and a few falling red leaves just fell on the hot spring pool and made waves. This beautiful picture can no longer find any adjectives. Junxiu is just like that. Quietly absent-mindedly looked at this small courtyard. At this moment, his heart was fascinated by the scenery in front of him, he just stared blankly at the scenery in front of him for a long time and lost his language.

So beautiful, so beautiful. The perfect combination of architecture and nature makes people really indulge in this scene. Just when Junxiu was in a daze, Yui walked out of the bedroom with her bag. She was about to call out Junxiu to set off, but she saw Junxiu who was motionless quickly put away her voice. Because she knows that Junxiu is a musician, it is possible that his sluggishness at this time is the sudden inspiration in his heart.

So Yui could only stand behind Junxiu and look at the natural beauty in front of him with him. Junxiu just stood there for five minutes and then turned around. Yui behind her looked at Junxiu who was moving, and she showed a sweet smile: "ppa, what are you looking at? You are so fascinated?"

"Of course it's the beauty here. What else can I see? It's done? Let's go. The scenery here is so beautiful that I want to see the beauty of Kiyomizu Temple even more."

"Oh? I thought ppa your inspiration suddenly appeared."

"Hehe.. the inspiration is a little bit, but it still needs more inspiration. The melody of the song is almost finished in my mind now, the lyrics.. this time I plan to do it in Japanese. How about singing this song for you ?"

Yui immediately showed a look of disgust and said: "Hey~~ let's forget it. You have said it many times, my singing ability is at most a person who can sing, but it is still far from a professional singer. There's a big gap, and I'm not planning to release any albums anymore."

Junxiu smiled and shook his head and said, "Do you know how much South Korea's agency asked me to pay for a song? 500 million won, equivalent to 50 million yen. I gave you a song, but you still don't want it. ?"

"No, even if it's 500 million yen, I don't want it. Anyway, I don't plan to sing now, lest you laugh all day that I'm an amateur on stage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And you're right, buy my album People don't like my singing, but my fans. The release of the album like this is undoubtedly killing the friendship of the fans. So I just need to be a good actor."

Junxiu nodded and said, "In that case... let's talk about it, anyway, the song hasn't been done yet. It's too early to say this, let's go and enjoy the maple leaves."

From the hotel, Junxiu and Yui took a taxi directly to the overcrowded Kiyomizu Temple. Because of the red maple leaves, people from all over the world came here to appreciate the red leaves here. After getting off the bus, Junsu and Yui

Walking from the station to Kiyomizu Temple, you will pass a long small street. There are many shops on both sides of the street, and you can buy many souvenirs and snacks with Kyoto characteristics. Junxiu is a self-proclaimed 'foodie', so how could Junxiu easily miss out in front of such a snack stall? Even though there are already too many people queuing in front of the food stall here, he still wants to buy some snacks to taste.

Yui was quite speechless when she looked at Junxiu in the queue, because Yui was always worried that the two would be recognized by passers-by when they stood in the crowd. Because there are many overseas tourists here, there are more tourists from Japan. Just like today, although it is not a weekend or a holiday, there are many students wearing kimonos and sailor uniforms.

These dressed up are obviously Japanese, and Yui and Junxiu are the kind of people who stand out from the crowd in the queue in front of the food stall. If the two were blond and blue-eyed, it would not be so noticeable, but both of them have yellow skin and black hair, so their height will attract everyone's attention.

You may not recognize them at first glance, but if you look carefully at the two of them with a little attention, you will definitely be recognized.

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