Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 116: 1st trip (5)

While Junxiu was waiting in line to buy snacks, Yui, who was standing beside her, looked around, looking a little nervous. She was really afraid of being recognized on this crowded street. Looking at her slightly nervous brows, Junxiu smiled and waved at Yui, motioning her to lean over. He whispered softly in her ear: "It's okay, don't be so nervous. In fact, when there are more people, as long as we behave naturally, these people have no intention to pay attention to us. And you don't Did you notice that most of the people lining up to buy snacks are overseas tourists?"

Often when there are many people like this, everyone seldom pays attention to the people next to you. As long as the people next to you don't look around like that nervously, who will pay attention to you? Just be natural, don't act like a thief, usually it won't be discovered.

So Junxiu persuaded Yui to relax and come out to play, then treat this trip with a 'playing' attitude, and don't make yourself nervous.

Junxiu continued: "Actually, what if the two of us were discovered? Who said we couldn't travel? So, don't worry about it, just recognize it when you recognize it! Relax and enjoy the trip. Isn't that what we came here for?"

"Understood, anyway... that's it." What Yui wanted to say was, "If the news about the two people's love is spread again after being discovered, just admit the relationship, or not deny it, no admit. ’

Junxiu nodded at Yuyi and smiled and continued to wait for his snack. While waiting, he looked at the tourists who went up and down the mountain. Everyone who went up the mountain was full of expectations, and everyone who went down the mountain was full of expectations about the scenery on the mountain. Full of compliments. Beautiful, so beautiful, the admiration for the scenery, Junxiu has been waiting, I don't know how many words I heard, there are Chinese, English, Japanese...

After a while, Junxiu finally got himself in line. He bought two ice creams that are very famous here, and almost one of the overseas tourists who come here. Junxiu handed the ice cream to Yui, Yui smiled and said, "ppa, eating octopus **** is better than eating ice cream, right?"

The weather in November is cooler, and Yui feels that it is a bit out of place to eat ice cream at this time. Although the food is delicious, the excitement in the mouth of the ice cream is still very 'cool'.

Junxiu pulled the mask down and put it on his chin, and happily ate the ice cream in his hand: "It's delicious, no matter how much it does, everyone is eating it, it seems that we are at a loss if we don't eat it. "

Yui also followed Junxiu's way of wearing a mask, and the two of them were eating ice cream with their masks on. However, even if they took off their masks, the pedestrians on the street still didn't pay attention to the two of them. Yui walked and ate at the same time, which finally proved that Junxiu was right. No one came back to care about them when there were many people. . There may be one or two glances from time to time, but everyone can only see two people eating ice cream. As for who they are, maybe it really doesn't matter to them, right?

As the crowd slowly walked up the mountain, it was worth the effort to climb the hill for the beautiful scenery.

It didn't take long for the big red mountain gate of Kiyomizu Temple to appear in front of the two of them, and the red maple next to the mountain gate had already shown its beauty. The corresponding beauty of the red mountain gate and the maple tree lies in the beauty of the synthesis of "heaven" and "human" created by people's artistic sculpture of red leaves. Harmonious and unified.

It's just a pity that the maple tree that greets guests by the mountain gate has not been completely dyed red, and half of it is green. The red and green maple tree has another kind of beauty, just like a woman in her early 20s, although not as good as 30, The 40-year-old woman is charming and charming, but at the same time, there is no substitute for vitality and vitality.

Facing the beautiful scenery, Junxiu and Yui became relatively quiet, and the two began to quietly appreciate the beauty in front of them. Every time you walk, there will always be an amazing scenery, or the red maple leaves, the red leaves of Kiyomizu Temple are red like fire, and the radiance is like a glow. In front of the beautiful scenery, how can you not stop for a while?

Junxiu and Yui did not rush to the 'Qingshui Stage', the most famous place for viewing red leaves, but were now strolling leisurely inside the temple. Every time the scenery is intoxicating, even the small scenery of a small courtyard with no one is as quiet as the years. Although the human voice is chaotic, the temple always has a magical and reassuring magic.

Yui held the camera in her hand and kept recording the beauty in front of her with the shutter.

Appreciate slowly, walk slowly, they don't have travel agency's time regulation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So walk all the way, watch all the way, stop all the way. Both have left their footprints in this temple.

There are two very old love fortune-telling stones in the shrine. It is said that if you can go from one love fortune-telling stone to another with your eyes closed, you can get a good match. However, a lot of people are trying it, but Junxiu and Yui have no interest in that, because they both feel that each other is a good match, and they don't want to end this relationship, so naturally they don't have to make any wishes for love. .

Junsu saw a lot of students in sailor uniforms, and some women in kimonos were looking for a good match for him.

Slowly, Junxiu and Yui finally came to the iconic scenic spot, the main hall and stage are also called Shimizu Stage. Standing on this crowded 'stage' and looking at the red leaves in the middle of the mountain, Junxiu and Yui have not spoken for a long time, the beauty in front of them has shocked them both.

The pictures on the Internet and what I saw with my own eyes, the shock is really incomparable. Of course, the pictures on the Internet are beautiful, and everyone's amazement is just one sentence, it's very beautiful here. Then I won't look at it carefully and carefully. What unfolds in front of you is a 'beauty' that a camera can't hold at all, and that kind of beauty hits the soul directly.

Junxiu looked down at the red in the middle of the mountain, a red that was so bright and refreshing, he finally couldn't help sighing: "Wow~~Really~~It's so beautiful, really!!"

"Yeah, it's so beautiful, thank you ppa, if you hadn't brought me here to enjoy the beauty here, I really don't know if I would have come by myself." Yui continued with a smile: "I always feel that 'Beautiful View' is always there at that time of the year, and you can come anytime and anywhere as long as you want. However, this has always been just an idea in my heart, and I have never thought to realize it!"

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