Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 117: 1st trip (six)

When they came down from Kiyomizu Temple, Junxiu and Yui, like many tourists who went down the mountain in front, still sighed at the intoxicating beauty of the red maples on the mountain on the way down the mountain. Standing on the "Qingshui Stage" and watching the red spread in the mountains and plains in front of my eyes, I felt a sense of enlightenment in my heart, and my heart was healed by the beauty of nature at this moment.

When she came down from the mountain, Yui had completely regarded herself as a tourist enjoying the beautiful scenery, and she was no longer worried about whether she would be recognized by people on the street. The red leaves all over the mountain really made Yui excited like a child. As a Japanese, she always knew that Kiyomizu Temple is the most famous flower viewing spot in Japan. Cherry blossoms in spring and red leaves in late autumn are the best places. .

But today, as a Japanese, she came to Kiyomizu Temple for the first time. When she saw the beauty of the mountain with her own eyes, she had forgotten that she was a big star. So beautiful, really beautiful. On the way down the mountain, Yui took her camera and flipped through the scenery she recorded: "oppa, it's so beautiful, I don't even know how to describe it."

"The beauty of nature, why do you want to describe it? We can see the beauty of nature in our eyes and keep it in our hearts. You and I don't need to describe it to anyone. So, let's put this beauty in our hearts. In your own heart, let yourself be moved by it.”

The beautiful scenery in front of you is so spectacular that you want to sigh, this is a natural psychological phenomenon. But many people also have a common problem like Yui. They like to tell the people around them the scenery, but Junxiu and she have seen some beautiful scenery together. Although the moment when the scenery is fully unfolded is emotional, but this emotion is not always in the heart of Junsu, who is often untapped in the wild.

It's good to have the emotion brought by nature in that moment. Maybe when you recall its beauty in the future, it's good to come back to see it again! Although Junxiu's words sounded a bit ruthless, Yui understood Junxiu's inner meaning very well, she smiled and nodded: "Well, the beautiful moving is not as touching as the one we are together, oppa, you say yes Bar?"

"Of course, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, only those who share it will be moved. If one person appreciates the scenery, no matter how beautiful it is, we can only sigh at the most. So, it takes two people to travel to make sense. Of course, one person is fine. Aren't there so many people looking for marriage here? Maybe you can meet the other half of your life on a trip? Hahaha..."

Junxiu quickly strayed from the topic, and he suddenly talked about the "adventure" during travel, and this topic is something that often happens all over the world.

This made Yui very speechless: "Oppa, do you still want to have an affair?"

"You are the biggest affair in my life, and meeting you is enough for my life! Hehe~~"

"Humph~" Yui snorted dissatisfiedly, put away the camera in her hand, and came to the stall by the road. Perhaps because she was completely relieved, Yui started shopping and opened interesting shops on the street, but the things she chose were Junxiu's favorite items. Porcelain, in the vicinity of Kiyomizu-dera Temple, there is a famous porcelain called "Kiyomizu-yaki".

She held a beautiful teapot and looked at it. Junxiu not only likes wine, but also tea. It wasn't Japanese matcha, but the most expensive teas in China. When she was at home on weekdays, she also drank two pots with Junxiu. It was sweet and fragrant. After drinking it once, it was really fragrant. So Junxiu's tea leaves in Japan were accepted by Yui on weekdays.

Gradually, Yui also fell in love with Chinese tea. Compared with Japanese matcha, Chinese tea is more suitable for her. In particular, each type of tea has a different fragrance. Yui’s favorite is the jasmine tea that Junxiu brought from Yanjing. Although there is no jasmine in the tea leaves, the fragrant and floral fragrance of the tea leaves really makes her very fond of them. . So the teapot in her hand is ready to take home for tea!

The tea leaves are exquisite, and the tea utensils also need to be exquisite. Yui looked at the blue teapot and asked the boss, "President, how much is this teapot?"

Generally speaking, the shops on the street are priced, and some without a price are more expensive. A middle-aged uncle responded: "This, the top work of the Qifeng family, 130,000 yen."

"Hey~~ so expensive?" Yui was shocked when she heard the price. The top craftsmen in Japan are very leathery, and the things they make by hand are very expensive. In Junxiu's opinion, this work, which is still lacking compared to those porcelains in Huaxia, can actually be sold for 130,000 yen? This can be bought in some famous kilns in Huaxia.

Although she said that it was expensive, Yui was still reluctant to put down what she was holding. Junxiu said, "Buy it if you like it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's rare to come here, so it's like buying a souvenir."

Japanese things are rarely bargained, especially for craftsmen's items. Even if you like that item, he thinks that you are an insult to his craftsmanship after you bargain. Or maybe he thinks he's saying in disguise that his craftsmanship is not worth the price. Therefore, the price that is generally stated, or the price that is marked, is that price.

Yui carefully handed the teapot in her hand to the boss, then turned to Junxiu and said, "130,000, it's too extravagant to take this as a souvenir. Forget it, just look at the ordinary ones."

There are also a lot of ordinary Kiyomizu-yaki in the store, and some are priced from several thousand to tens of thousands of yen, so Yui thinks that buying an ordinary one can also be used.

When Yui went to pick out a teapot, Junxiu smiled and glanced at the boss, then took out the card from her wallet and handed it to the boss. And the boss's words made Junxiu speechless, we don't swipe cards here. Junxiu wanted to say something, if you don't swipe your card, you still sell it so expensive? Is it just for show? Who would wear more than 100,000 yen for nothing?

Junxiu came to Yui silently, while Junxiu and the boss were mysterious there. Yui also noticed something, she came to Junxiu and asked, "Did you buy it?"

"I don't have that much cash, so I can't afford it at all. The boss won't let me swipe my card."

"Hahaha~~ Let's go, let's go." Yui laughed and took Junxiu away. In the end, she still didn't choose to buy souvenirs here.

After coming out of the shop, the two continued to stroll along the street. This time Yui bought a souvenir. The same is a ceramic souvenir, but it is a very cheap one, one thousand yen, a pair of ceramic puppies.

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