Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 118: 1st trip (seven)

After visiting Kiyomizu Temple for an afternoon, from the temple to the souvenir shops and snack bars on the street, they are all places where they spend their time. After walking down the mountain, Junxiu brought Yui to the Sukiyaki restaurant where he had done his homework beforehand. It's a restaurant. After entering the restaurant, I was led to the private room by the waiter here.

Kanto's sukiyaki and Kansai's are two different things. Kanto's is to put vegetables in a pot, then add beef and cook a pot with broth. The sukiyaki in Kansai is grilled on the iron plate, and their special sauce is added during the grilling process. Boiled, grilled, these are completely different forms, although they are both called sukiyaki. But Junsu prefers Kansai's 'grilled' sukiyaki.

Entering the private room is pure Japanese-style tatami, and behind the door of the room, you can hear the sound of flowing water in the courtyard. Yui sat in the private room and observed it, and said, "After entering the store, looking at the handrails and stairs, and the polished appearance, I can feel the heavy history of this place."

"I read the introduction on the Internet and said that it has been in business for 140 years. This store can be said to be the representative of Kanto sukiyaki set meals. I am already looking forward to it!"

Just as Junxiu and Yui were chatting, a middle-aged and elderly woman waiter in a kimono came in with their meal. The moment she entered the private room, she saw Yui Aragaki who had taken off her coat and mask. Maybe she only knew Yui who appeared in Japanese TV dramas. After being stunned for two seconds, she nodded at Yui with an apologetic smile, and then turned her attention to Junxiu.

After seeing Junxiu, she also smiled, and then began to place tableware for the two, send hot towels and so on. When Junxiu and the other two were wiping their hands, she brought up tonight's protagonist, the top-quality beef with exquisite marble patterns, and displayed it in front of Junxiu. The marble pattern alone made people addicted. Junxiu raised his brows at Yui with a smile when he saw the meat.

Expressing his admiration for meat, Yui is a meat fan just like Junxiu. She loves meat more than sashimi and sushi. Whether it is pork or beef, they are her favorite food! So the exquisite beef in front of her made her excited. Because of her weight loss, Yui had not eaten meat for a long time, so when meat was placed in front of her today, she couldn't help but relapse.

To lose weight, wait until the end of the trip. Traveling with someone like Junsu who is picky about food, food is an essential part. When I came to the place, I didn't eat some local delicacies, which is too sorry for myself.

The waiter introduced the beef to Junxiu and the two and said, "The beef used in our store is the best beef that participates in the auction every day. Only with such quality meat, we will provide it to customers."

The waiter's hands didn't stop when she introduced them. She beat Junxiu and Yui with eggs, and then placed the sukiyaki iron plate on the stove and lit the flames.

After the iron plate was a little hot, the waiter started to smear the iron plate with butter. In order to prevent the beef from sticking after it was put into the pan, the fragrance of the butter exuded an attractive smell at the moment of application. Although it was oil, the alarm clock The automatic response became meaty. The eyes of the two also watched the hands of the waiter serving them, because she was holding a bowl and sprinkled the sugar in it on the iron plate.

Yui said to Junxiu, "oppa, sukiyaki in the Kansai region needs to be sprinkled with sugar. This is a key point."

"Oh? Have you ever eaten?" Junxiu asked because Yui was not from the Kansai region. And she lived in Okinawa when she was a child, and then lived in Tokyo after entering the circle. Tokyo's sukiyaki is all the way of Kanto.

Yui shook her head with a smile and said, "I haven't eaten it, but I've heard of it. I heard about it when I came to the Kansai Run event and performed on weekdays, but I didn't have time to eat once when I was busy with work."

Of course Junxiu understood, because when he was busy, he went to places to do activities, and he would rush back immediately after the end of this place. Even if I go to a place, I rarely have time to go to the local gourmet restaurant for a meal.

When a large piece of beef was put on the iron plate and the sound of 'chichi~~' came out, Junxiu smiled and said to Yui, "Wow...it's the sound of rain."

Yui understands the source of Junxiu's words, and many comics refer to the sound of barbecue as 'the sound of rain'.

"Listening to the 'Rain Sound', not only did my heart not calm down, but it made me more concentrated. Hahaha..." Yui laughed happily. Meat is always the favorite of artists.

Junxiu responded with a smile: "Yeah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially for someone like you who is losing weight, the sound of rain is a tormenting sound. So, why do you exercise more on weekdays? It's been so hard, my sisters and the others said that the best comfort in going to the gym is that you can eat what you want to your heart's content!!"

There's no way this is a common problem for Junsu and Yui's profession. Maintaining the figure is the basic of being an entertainer.

Watching the thin sliced ​​beef gradually mature, the waiter poured the special sauce on the surface of the beef. The aroma of the meat and the sauce took over all the nerves, and Junxiu and Yui's voices also became quieter. At this time, the room was filled with the special smell of sukiyaki.

The aroma of the beef is combined with the sauce, and the caramel aroma after being roasted with the sugar in front of it is really tempting. Junxiu couldn't wait to start adjusting the egg liquid in front of him.

The advantage of thinly sliced ​​beef is that it is easy to cook. After Junxiu has adjusted the egg mixture, the mature beef has already exuded a charming luster. Junxiu couldn't wait to put a piece of beef into his own egg mixture, and Yui also picked up the beef and put it in. Waiting for Junsu's reaction in the egg wash.

The beef slices with such a big face were folded like a quilt. Junxiu wrapped the egg wash and put it into his mouth, and it was a mouthful. Yui watched Junxiu eat so deliciously, and she also grew her mouth as if she was eating.

After the beef is eaten, it really melts in an instant. The deliciousness brought by the sauce, the aroma of the beef itself, and the looming sweet taste, Junxiu frowned as if angry and groaned: "Hmm~ ~”

After sighing, Junxiu couldn't help but let out an instinctive laugh, "Hehehe~" A large piece of beef was swallowed twice in his mouth. Junxiu finally said the first sentence: "Delicious~~!!"

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