Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Brother Shi and I go to America, right?

The media has always said that Junsu has a very poisonous vision when choosing scripts. He seems to be able to see clearly which scripts will get high ratings after they come out. Therefore, the TV dramas he has acted in so far have received good ratings returns. Even if the ratings are slightly lower, the topic of the whole Korea is still so strong, and all the works he has starred in have never failed!

So, when Junsu took Sika's script and said that he would not appear in this drama, could it be a change of direction to show the future ratings of this drama.. he is not so optimistic? Although Junxiu added that the plot of the story is too old-fashioned, it also shows that this drama is not worth watching, and the audience will not pay for it.

Sika smiled bitterly: "Oppa doesn't like this drama so much? What should I do? I wouldn't take it if I knew it earlier."

"Don't listen to his nonsense, the TV series haven't been released yet, who knows what will happen in the future? Maybe the audience likes such an old-fashioned plot? I like your drama more, Sika is pretty!! "Li Shungui finally cheered on Sika, just because she didn't want her brother's words to affect her mood.

In fact, Li Shungui also felt that such a story was unattractive. After all, there were too many TV stations showing such a story. It's just that the actors have changed, and the roles and occupations of the hero and heroine have changed, and the content is similar. Although she is not optimistic, she has to tell Sika if you want to cheer up. This is the role of teammates.

However, Junxiu didn't seem to understand Shungui's intention, he just smiled contemptuously and took a sip of his wine glass: "Such a drama, to be honest, after the broadcast, the ratings can break into double digits, thank God. "When Junsu said this, he looked at Li Shungui's stinky face and her hinted eyes, and Junsu immediately said, "Uh, I just look at this story from the eyes of the audience. Maybe...you Jessica. The TV dramas I acted in can get good ratings.”

"Hey~~ don't lie. It's very difficult to be able to grab the ratings at the same time as you. And when I first met the director, he was joking and said, how can your TV show be released at the same time? Ah, bad luck. The director is saying bad luck, but you can imagine that our drama is difficult, right? But, 10%.. should be OK? Oppa, let's make a bet, what if the ratings reach double digits Say?"

"Haha.. don't say anything, I will bless you as soon as you reach it. Okay, okay, don't talk about that. You can come here a lot during this time and I'll train you on your acting skills. Regarding the ratings, you can do it. Don't think about it, you're not the main actor anyway, just play your own role."

Junsu didn't want to be entangled with Sika about the ratings. As Shunkyu said, the drama has not yet started airing, and it's too early to say all of this.


The next morning, Junxiu got up and rushed to JS Entertainment, where he had to see how the preparations for Li Zhien's comeback were going, whether the dance was practiced well, and whether there was anything to improve.

Junsu sits in the practice room with his legs crossed, watching Li Zhien and the dance group collaborate on the title song of this new album, "You and Me" composed by Junsu. After Lee Ji Eun performed once, Junxiu nodded and said, "Well, yes, it's enough to keep the stage like this. Protect your voice during this time, so that there will be no problems when you sing LIVE. This song It won't play you a recording like Good Days."

The three high notes of "Good Day" put a lot of load on the voice, so after the first week of singing, the company issued a statement that Li Zhien would not be allowed to sing three high notes in the singing program, in order to protect his voice. Li Zhien's uncle and fans all understand it very well. After all, the pitch of the third paragraph is too high, maybe it will hurt the voice. This time, although the pitch is high, Li Zhien can still handle it, so this time the song will be LIVE, and the recording will not be played.

"Well, I know, thank you teacher, I like this song myself." Li Zhien said with a smile: "Teacher, when will your TV show be released?"

"New year's new drama, the filming has already started during this time. But now we are shooting our children's characters, and I have to wait a few days before officially joining. When you play songs, I will not be able to come, you You have to cheer yourself up."

"Don't worry, there's no problem. The teacher is also in the TV series! I'll ask my family to watch it together, hehe~"

"Okay, you are practicing here. I still have something to do at noon and have dinner at Brother Shi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Zhien's always reassures Junxiu, and this time, she wrote the song written by Junxiu again and again. The singing made everyone so satisfied, and Minhyuk also liked Ji Eun's title song this time. So when filming the MV, he even added a little storyline, because Ji Eun is also with her teacher now In the same way, she has become a well-rounded artist. She has received good praise for her singing, acting, and variety shows.

When Junxiu woke up in the morning, he thought of inviting Liu Zaishi to eat, of course, because he had to go to the United States for the New Year, and the song to be performed on New Year's Eve was the song "Jiang/South Ribbon" from the Korean album, which became popular all over the world. Woolen cloth. So Junsu wondered if he should bring Yoo Jae-suk and Noh Hong-chul over there? Of course they were called over to shoot an issue of Infinity Challenge.

The New Year's Eve concert in Times Square has a lot of world stars. After the show team goes in with Junxiu, maybe they can find one or two big stars to appear.

Junxiu asked Liu Zaishi to have dinner mainly for the purpose of discussing this matter. He had to tell Liu Zaishi first, and then let him communicate with the "Infinite Challenge" program team.

Lunch was set at a barbecue restaurant near Yeouido, because Liu Zaishi had a show to be filmed in the afternoon, and Junxiu deliberately chose this place to facilitate his work.

In the private room of the barbecue restaurant, Junxiu arrived first and then sat inside waiting for Liu Zaishi to appear. After a while, Junxiu heard a knock on the door. After the private room door was opened, Liu Zaishi smiled brightly and said to Junxiu, "What's the matter, Junxiu, why did you remember to invite me to dinner?"

Liu Zaishi does not drink alcohol, and Junxiu rarely has the opportunity to have private contact with him on weekdays. So today Junxiu suddenly invited him to dinner, which felt like a kind of trip to the Three Treasures Palace.

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