Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 125: "No Challenge" America Project

Liu Zaishi does not drink alcohol, so the two do not communicate much in private on weekdays, but they occasionally eat together because of the existence of Haha or Kim Jong Kook. It was the first time that Junxiu took the initiative to call and invite Liu Zaishi to eat like today. Of course, Liu Zaishi also knew that Junsu couldn't say that he called him to eat for no reason, and the dinner was just an excuse to invite him.

So Liu Zaishi was very surprised when he entered the private room. His first sentence was: "What's the matter, why did you think of inviting me to dinner today?" If Liu Zaishi was an alcoholic, then Junxiu invited him to dinner is a matter of course. But he doesn't drink alcohol, so calling him out at this time must ask for something.

Since Liu Zaishi agreed to Junxiu's invitation, he was mentally prepared. If Junsu's request wasn't so difficult, then he wouldn't refuse. After all, Junxiu has also appeared in his variety shows many times, which can be regarded as helping him a lot. You must know that it is the most difficult to invite Junxiu to any variety show on weekdays! Only Liu Zaishi's show Junxiu has appeared many times, and there are many people who classify Junxiu as Liu Zaishi LINE.

Well, Junsu is earning Liu Zaishi's camp. Jiang Hudong is in bad luck this time, and Liu Zaishi, as always, acts as the biggest mountain in the entertainment industry, because his lifestyle is too saintly, he doesn't smoke, drink, and he can't even hear him in private What a dirty word. This is why the public likes Liu Zaishi so much. He is also the only artist in Korea who has no black fans, the only one! !

Liu Zaishi directly asked Junxiu what was going on, and Junxiu didn't want to beat around the bush, so he invited Liu Zaishi to sit down: "Brother Shi, sit first, let's chat while eating."

The exquisite Korean beef tenderloin made a 'raining' sound on the grill. Junxiu, as his younger brother, was earnestly grilling the meat for Liu Zaishi, while Liu Zaishi was sitting next to him drinking tea and looking at Junxiu with a smile. : "Junxiu still hasn't changed. He has always been so polite. I heard a lot of staff talking about you in the circle."

"The 'politeness' in this circle is the root of word-of-mouth. I have too many black fans, so I don't want people in the circle to think that I will become lawless after I achieve results." Now many artists are beginning to have After such a bad habit, being polite in front of the camera, after the camera is turned off, it's like a different person. Even after the filming of the show, I left without saying hello.

And such a person will only become a rude person in the mouth of the staff, and will also become the object of the staff chatting after dinner. Anyway, such a person will not get a good word in the mouth of the staff. Maybe, when you are popular today, everyone will not say anything about you. When you are in trouble tomorrow, all the people who are in trouble will come out.

Junsu feels that a person's reputation is not reflected in his achievements, but in the way he treats others. When you are kind to others, others will respect you. People are all complementary to each other, and no one is more noble than the other. Especially in this circle, word of mouth is a very important part.

"Hehe, don't say that you have a lot of black fans, Korea likes you more now. Everyone sees what you have done. It has lasted for almost ten years. The artist who donates the most every year is you. After ten years of donating, you can be called a great benefactor!"

"Don't say that, what kind of person am I? I donate a lot because I made this agreement with all the fans after my debut. As long as I shoot a show, or a TV series, or an advertisement, I will donate 10 million won. Donation project. However, I am the one with the highest salary in Korea now, and I have been disclosed by the media. If I don’t do something, I think everyone will hate me, right?”

"How much money you make depends on your ability. You can make money with your ability, but donating money is your kindness. These are two different things. Kindness is kindness, no matter if yours is the agreed kindness or whatever, you can persist for ten years. That's worthy of respect! At least I don't think I may be able to persevere like you. Perseverance can be called a real good person!!"

Yoo Jae Suk is showing Jun Soo a bright road. Junxiu has persevered for ten years, so please continue to persevere. Maybe there were no major accidents in society during this period of time, so everyone didn't pay much attention to donations, but Yoo Jae Suk believes that Junsu's kind deeds will one day become the hottest topic for everyone. Waiting for that time Junsu's reputation will rise like a rocket, because what he does is indeed worthy of being respected by all Koreans! !

"Thank you for complimenting Brother Shi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ good deeds, I will continue. But I came to you today, not to talk about this matter. But..." Junxiu paused here, deliberately It's for sale.

Liu Zaishi is always a talker, so he is also a little eager: "What is it, how to say half of it? This is not filming a show."

"Although we're not filming the show, what I'm talking about is related to the show."

"Hey~~ the show... Let's talk about it first, Junxiu, I don't have time to participate in your variety show." Liu Zaishi blocked Junxiu's invitation first, not that he was unwilling to participate in Junxiu's variety show "The Law of the Jungle" ", but he really doesn't have time. Because he has several shows to shoot every week.

"I didn't ask you to participate in "Law of the Jungle", and the show has stopped during this time. I'm about to start filming the TV series, so the show team said that I will wait until the TV series ends before filming, take advantage of this They also took a good look at other places for a while."

"Oh? Your show team actually stopped waiting for you. It's really kind and righteous. However, I am PD and I will do the same. Your show is really interesting. I believe that the next SBS Entertainment Awards will be a big one. You are the recipient of the reward."

"Hopefully, it would be great if I could get the grand prize. Now I'm short of one performance award. Well, I'm looking for you today because I'm going to the New Year's Eve concert in Times Square, New York. The song we performed was "Jiang/South Ribbon", I was thinking about whether you want to come with me, can you call your "Infinite Challenge" program team?"

"Times Square New Year's Eve Concert? Is this allowed for our program team to shoot?"

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