Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 139: A new drama that dominates the crowd (Part 1)

"Infinite Challenge" participated in the New York New Year's New Year concert with Junsu, which is a big event for the Korean entertainment industry. But the appearance of this news can be regarded as a disguised promotion for Junsu, because everyone knows that without Junsu, Korean artists would not have the opportunity to appear on such a world-class stage.

Although the news said that Liu Zaishi went to the concert in Times Square, the reason he came on stage was because Junxiu sang on the stage. So, Junsu's fame has been promoted again. This is a good thing for the entire crew. The TV series will be released in two days. At this time, the topic of Junxiu has become popular. Isn't it like doing pre-promotion for their drama?

At noon that day, the buffet at the hotel Junxiu ordered was delivered to the crew. This made the crew members very happy, because such a sumptuous dish is very rare for the crew. On weekdays, everyone eats a boxed lunch, even Junxiu is no exception. So the New Year's dinner that Junsu invited everyone to eat today is a blessing for the entire crew.

After eating well, everyone will have the strength to work. There are more than 100 people in the entire crew. Junxiu spent a lot of money this time. The buffet at the hotel should start at 100,000 yuan per person. It's like saying that Junsu spent at least 10 million won for this meal. This is something that the director never thought of.

At lunchtime, the director came to Junxiu with a plate and thanked him: "Junxiu, you're embarrassing our crew, what should we do next month after such an expensive New Year's meal?"

Junxiu said with a smile: "If our TV drama ratings are high, then the production crew of the finale banquet will invite us to eat Korean beef, don't you think? It can't be said that the TV station won't even spend this amount of money, right?"

Generally speaking, the banquet is to eat barbecue (pork), but Junxiu deliberately said 'eat Korean beef' at this moment and got the support of the staff: "Yes, yes, the banquet eats Korean beef. "

Listening to the big guy's voice, the director could only shake his head with a wry smile and say, "If our TV series breaks 40% of the ratings, then we will eat Korean beef for the banquet! Even if the TV station can't make money, how about I pay for it personally?"

Junxiu took the lead in applauding and said, "Okay~~!! For our Han Niu, everyone cheers! Be kind~~!"

"Pretty!! Hahaha~~!!"

The whole working atmosphere on the set is very good, especially when I met a 'good' actor like Junxiu, and I met a talkative director, the atmosphere of the whole crew was very active. This made the staff who worked hard in the cold winter warm in their hearts. The atmosphere was good and the work was not so depressing.

After eating two bites of the dishes on his plate, the director said to Junxiu and Han Jiaren, "The TV series will start soon, how much do you bet Junxiu?"

Betting on ratings is not real gambling, but a custom of the crew. Because the ratings of the TV series are very important. Only when the TV starts well, everyone will be particularly happy and motivated!

When talking about the ratings, Junxiu smiled and said: "Then I bet 20%. If our ratings for episodes 1 and 2 reach 20%, the director will invite everyone to drink coffee? If it doesn't reach 20%, then I will invite everyone to drink coffee. ?"

It reached 20% from the start of the broadcast, which is a very scary rating. In recent years, no drama has reached 20%. Even "Bread King Jin Zhuoqiu", which has the highest ratings in the past two years, did not reach 20% when it was broadcast. Junxiu said 20%? If it was in the early 2000s, the ratings of TV were not bad, and with Junxiu's ratings appeal, it would be normal to open 20%.

But in today's internet age, many people don't watch live TV on TV anymore. With a convenient network, you can search and watch it anytime, anywhere, so many people wait to watch the playback on weekends. After all, chasing dramas is a very hard thing. And Junxiu's drama is not a weekend drama! So it is normal for everyone to choose to watch the replay on weekends.

The director was stunned when he heard Junxiu speak the number directly: "Wow... Junxiu, your 'point' is really scary, I'll take it as you are joking."

Han Jiaren continued the director's words and said to Junxiu: "Yes, Junxiu, if this number was in the past, it is still possible. But it has been many years since the opening 20% ​​ratings, and one or two episodes, you , I haven't even played yet."

Han Jiaren felt that if Junxiu appeared in the opening chapter, then if he bet 20%, then he could really try to gamble. After all, Junsu's own TV dramas have very high ratings. But in the first five episodes, there were no Junxiu figures, all of them were young actors, or rookie actors, so what did he bet 20% at this time, which made people think that he was deliberately talking funny.

Junsu said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I'll bet 20%. If we reach 20% at the beginning of the drama, then our drama is very likely to reach 40% later. So, I bet 20% in order to get a good moral, no When I reach it, it's like I want to invite the hard-working staff to drink coffee."

The director shook his head and said, "Well, since you all said you want to get a good moral, then I'll bet 15%!! Let's see who is closer then."

Han Jiaren said with a smile, "Then let me bet too~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll bet 13%!! If it really reaches 20%, the director will invite you once, and I will also!"

"Okay, that's it. When the broadcast starts the day after tomorrow, we will book a restaurant to eat!!"


Two days later, in a restaurant with grilled fat sausages not far from the crew, in a private room with a TV, Junsu, Han Jiaren, etc., the leading actors, as well as the director and screenwriter all sat there waiting for the ratings after the broadcast ended. report.

Junsu bet 20% of the ratings in the opening of the drama, which made many staff feel that Junsu was talking stupidly. Everyone doesn't believe that the TV will reach 20% after one or two episodes are broadcast. You must know that betting on the ratings is not a moment of gambling. If it is an instant, there may be some hope. The script is a drama that Junsu participated in, and everyone is very curious about the situation at the beginning.

But the crew bet on the average ratings. And Junsu's average rating of 20% is a bit of a fantasy. You must know that both his and Ha Ji Won's "Secret Garden" have not reached 20% recently, and the original promotion was two actors with a box office of 10 million yuan. This publicity is much stronger than their drama! !

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