Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 140: A new drama that dominates the crowd (below)

Junsu's bet on the 20% ratings is actually too much for everyone. Although Junxiu's betting on such ratings is good, the entire crew did not believe that such terrifying ratings would still appear on TV dramas in this Internet age. You must know that Junsu and Ha Jiyuan, the two actors who made tens of millions at the box office, did not achieve such a rating for the first broadcast of the TV series. Their drama has not been promoted as much as the "Double Thousand" drama. Naturally, everyone is in their hearts. Deny Junxiu's bet.

The director knew that what Junsu needed was a good fantasy for the premiere, so he would pay everyone to drink coffee afterward, regardless of whether it was achieved or not. After all, you can't just let Junsu do all the beautiful things alone, right? He is the director, he is the general person in charge of this drama after all! The director invites everyone to drink coffee and speak out!

Junsu and the others got together and waited for the premiere ratings to come out, and the same Girls' Generation's dormitory was also depressed because of the drama. What they are depressed about is that there is only one TV in their dormitory, but there are episodes of Junxiu and Sika at this time. So who should we look at?

Junsu's TV dramas have always been of the kind that have a good reputation, so if you really want to look at the storyline, Girls' Generation's hearts are more inclined towards Junsu's dramas. But the problem is that this is Sika's first time appearing in a TV series. If they are teammates, why should they support Sika's drama? So the only way is to watch this channel for a few minutes, and immediately switch to that channel to watch it for a few minutes. As a result, the storylines on both sides of the TV were not seen.

Both TV dramas were confusing to watch. Yoona, who was waiting in front of the TV, said helplessly: "Hey.. Oppa's new drama, Sika's new drama, actually belonged to the ones that didn't appear when they started airing. It went over and over again. Look, I really don't know what I'm watching? Forget it, don't watch it, I'm going back to read the script."

Yuri followed Yoona's words and shrugged, "I'm going back to read the script too."

Recently, Girls' Generation has finally entered the vacation period after the end of singing. However, in this so-called rest period, Sika was the first to receive an invitation to TV dramas, and then Yoona and Yuri received invitations to TV dramas. If it wasn't for the premiere of Junsu and Sika's TV series today, the two of them would definitely not have stayed in front of the TV. Because they also have their own roles to ponder.

Especially Yuri, this is the first time she has officially appeared in a TV series, and it is an adaptation of a super popular webtoon, so she is under a lot of pressure. Because she has the original comic book for comparison, if she does not play the role in the comic well, it is estimated that she will be scolded by the fans.

Yuri, who is worried, is about to have her first TV drama shoot, so she is full of worries. You must know that Sika still had Junxiu for one-on-one tutoring before filming the TV series, but now she can't ask Junxiu for advice, because Junxiu herself has a lot of work to do. So, about the role and so on, she can only read and comprehend it herself, at most, just call and ask the professor at her school.

After Yoona and Yuri left, Girls' Generation's dormitory was left with Taeyeon, Pani, and Seohyun. Hyoyeon went back to her hometown in Incheon to accompany her parents while she was resting. Anyway, Incheon is only an hour's drive away from Seoul at most, so she can come back at any time if something happens. And Xiuying followed her father to run some public welfare activities, and Shun Kyu participated in the regular variety show "Invincible Youth 2".

Girls' Generation's nine members are now three people who have TV dramas, and three people have personal arrangements. The rest are only the three of 'Tetixu' who have nothing to do, just idle in the dormitory and planning to catch up on dramas. Taeyeon wants to go back to Jeonju, but there may be a job here in Seoul, but it won't take one or two hours to wait for her to come back from Jeonju.

This made Taeyeon and the three of them unable to leave Seoul and have nothing to do. What else can you do if you are not idly chasing dramas in the dormitory? So in the case of only one TV, the left and right can only be flipped back and forth when they don't know how to support it. Now after Yoona and the others entered the room, Taeyeon put the TV on Junsu's drama. As for supporting Sika, hasn't she appeared yet? Let's wait until she comes out!

As for Junsu's TV series, not only Taeyeon and others are curious, but all the media and fans are very curious. This is Junxiu's new drama after a year, and Junxiu has never failed. What kind of story is this drama about? Whether his acting skills have improved or not depends on fans, the media, who are waiting to watch in front of the TV.

In the case of everyone's curiosity, the premiere of Junxiu's TV series occupies an absolute position in this time period.

Pani looked at Junxiu's TV series and said, "The new actors in Oppa's TV series are very good at acting. Especially Kim Yoo-jung, I like this child star very much."

With the broadcast of the TV series, the children's actors of the protagonists showed a solid foundation of acting skills, which made many viewers in front of the TV feel bright.

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Everyone is saying that her acting foundation is very good, she will definitely be a backbone actor in the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Didn't you also praise Kim Sae-Ron who starred with him in "Uncle"? They Which of the two is better at acting?"

"Hehe.. Say, both of them have very good acting skills, and there is no way to tell the winner. But Kim Yoo Jung's appearance is more beautiful than Kim Sae Ron, so her popularity is higher than that of Kim Sae Ron."

"Ah~~~ It seems that Oppa likes Kim Yoo Jung more."

While Pani and Taeyeon were chatting, the first episode was over. And Junsu has already drank two bottles of soju, he has stopped drinking, and everyone is now competing and waiting for the TV ratings report to come out. Everyone was staring at the phone the director put on the table!

As soon as the ratings come out, the director's phone will ring as soon as possible, so everyone is focused on the phone.

Jingle bell~~ The director's phone finally rang under everyone's attention. After he answered the phone, he immediately switched to hands-free. The staff on the TV station said excitedly: "Director, director, tell you a Good news, the first episode is out, 18% nationwide and 19.9% ​​in Seoul!!"

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