Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 141: Viewing report

The ratings report that came out of the director's phone hands-free surprised the two leading actors, including the screenwriter, director, and Junsu, who were present. Even Junxiu didn't expect the first episode of this new drama to reach such a high level. This is the first episode! As Junsu expected, after the first and second episodes were broadcast, he hoped that the ratings would directly break 20%. The first episode reached this level, so 20% can not be expected when the second episode is broadcast?

18% nationwide and 19.9% ​​in Seoul. After the ratings came out, Han Jiaren really stared at Junsu with wide eyes. As the female lead, of course, she knows that Junxiu's appeal to ratings is very powerful. The TV series that Junsu shoots should be expected by fans and audiences a lot, because his 'drama' is the guarantee of quality. But the problem is that in the first episode, Junsu didn't even appear and reached 18%? Waiting for Junsu to appear, wouldn't the ratings reach 30%?

Han Ga In, who originally had very big eyes, was so frightened that her eyes were about to 'drop out' because of the ratings report. Her mouth was slightly open in disbelief, dumbfounded and quiet, just looking at Junxiu not knowing what to say.

The director was also shocked by the news. The staff who reported the ratings on the other end of the phone listened to the quietness here and emphasized again: "Director, director, are you listening? 18%, 18% nationwide. !"

"Uh... uh, I'm listening, I'm listening, I already know. You edit the film and send it for inspection. With such a ratings, we all have to work hard, don't let the ratings fall later, I'll watch it tomorrow. Check the official website to leave a message and report to me.”

After the director hung up the phone, everyone replied, Junxiu also looked at everyone with a smile: "Hehe~~ It seems that this time the ratings bet is the closest to me, director, you can remember to ask me tomorrow. Everyone drink coffee."

"I'm willing to give up gambling, I'm willing to give up gambling, wow... I really didn't expect the first broadcast to hit 18%. This is a number that hasn't appeared in many years? I really look forward to whether our TV series will really be as good as it will be after it airs tomorrow. How about 20% as Junsu said?"

The screenwriter sat next to him with a smile and opened another bottle of wine. She poured the wine for everyone and responded to the director's words: "Surely, the ratings of the first episode of the broadcast are like this, and the second episode should increase by two. Percentage points. Junsu, you guys have to do your best, Kim Yoo Jung and the kids gave us a good start. We have to keep going like this all the time! I hope this drama can break through 40%!!”

Junxiu smiled and said to the screenwriter: "Writer Chen, why don't we make a bet, I bet this show will definitely break 40? If it really breaks 40, would you invite everyone to drink coffee?"

The writer laughed and said to Junsu, "Hahaha~~ How much coffee do you drink a day?"

"The more the better, how comfortable it would be for everyone to hold a warm cup of coffee in their hands in this cold weather."

"Do you think coffee is a warm baby?"

"Hahaha, coffee is much better than warming a baby. It can warm your hands and stomach. It kills two birds with one stone."



After the ratings of the first broadcast came out, everyone's mood became happy. The ratings of the first broadcast were so high, which seemed to say that the future of 'Embrace the Moon' is bright. You must know that Junxiu hasn't even appeared in the first episode, so it is naturally the plot that attracts the audience.

Taeyeon sent Junsu a text message half an hour after the drama ended, asking him how much the premiere was? However, Junxiu's answer made Taeyeon dumbfounded. She took the text message on her mobile phone and looked at it stupidly: "Oppa's ratings have also come out. This gap is not ordinary."

Pani looked up at Taeyeon: "Oh? How bad?" The ratings of Sika's TV series were quickly reported to his teammates, so Pani knew that Sika's ratings were only 7%, but Junsu's drama is only now knowing the ratings.

"Oppa's first broadcast is actually 18%? This gap... is 11 percentage points."

"So high? Oppa's drama, didn't he not appear in the first episode? Is it so high?"

"How do I know?"

Yes, they don't understand, and the same reporters don't understand, Junxiu's TV series showed its 'unmatched' attitude when it premiered, 18% of the premieres, at the same time period, is arrogant. occupies the top spot. This time Junsu and Girls' Generation Sika fought each other in the TV series. Although neither of them appeared in the first episode, the ratings were more than doubled. This is a complete victory, a complete victory.

18% of the premiere ratings, and it's even before Junsu has appeared. The reporters are all curious, if Junxiu appears, how much will the ratings of this TV series rise? But what the reporter wanted to see more was waiting for the protagonists to grow up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At that time, the ratings dropped, which is called wonderful. Because then they have more room to play.

The next day's news was all about Junsu's drama. However, Junxiu is seriously filming in the crew. Now the whole crew is full of energy, because Junxiu won 18% of the ratings without even appearing, which is undoubtedly the best encouragement to everyone.

This morning, the director brought the coffee he promised before starting the machine, and all the staff drank a warm cup of coffee in the cold morning. Many staff came to thank Junsu. This made the director cry at the group of 'beasts' in disbelief: "Yeah~~ you guys are scumbags, I bought the coffee for you personally, but you thank Junxiu?"

The lighting director responded with a smile to the chief director: "Of course I have to thank Junxiu, this is his suggestion, please invite all the staff to drink coffee. If we follow the usual practice, wouldn't it be 10,000 or 20,000? Even if If you win, buying a pack of cigarettes is not enough for everyone. Do you think we have to thank Junsu?”

After hearing this fallacy, the director waved at the light and said, "Get out of here!"

Junxiu listened to the conversation between the two directors and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha~~ Director Chen, it seems that you don't have many guests on weekdays. Hahaha~~ Today, I've cost you money!"

"You kid, aren't you afraid that I will avenge my personal revenge? How many more CUTs will you take during the shooting?"

"Okay, a few more CUTs, preferably during the kiss scene, you CUT me for a day, I don't care."

The director smiled angrily towards Junxiu and made the appearance of 'fighting': "Yeah~~You bastard, you're not afraid of your mouth being soaked?"

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