Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 156: Rest (9)

As the No. 1 music creator in Korea, the things in his music library are like treasures, and you don't know what kind of charm it will exude until you listen to it. For them as singers, Junxiu's tunes are like a perfect meal and a heart-warming designer bag. In short, the things inside are always full of mystery until they are "handed".

The absolute number one music creator in South Korea, did Pani really feel the absolute talent of 'the first is the first'? In the previous song "BANG.BANG", the melody of the song still makes her unsatisfied, but the next song makes Pani like it as much.

The styles of the two songs are completely different. If the previous song is a modern and explosive dance song, this one is a bit like a dance song that was popular in the past. That disco type of dance music, but also with a 'Funk' flavor. Especially in the latter song, there is also a demonstration of Junxiu singing by himself. Of course, this may just be recorded by him on a whim. It is the kind of very simple recording, the kind that is sung at will, not an official recording.

The song is still in English, and the quality of the song really makes Pani cover his head with a headache. Because both songs are very popular, if she wants to choose one as the main song, she really doesn't know how to choose. Pani has a feeling in his heart that this time Junxiu's English album seems to be a double title again. The song "GOOD.DAY" he collaborated with Taylor was also a hit. It's just that it was later occupied by another title song.

Taeyeon listened to this 'Funk' song, she smiled and asked Pani: "What does 'Treasure' mean?" Because Taeyeon has heard the word in the song many times, it seems that the title of the song should be this word , but she didn't know what it meant.

Pani tilted his head and said, "If you just take it out and say it, it means 'treasure' and 'treasure', and it can also be interpreted as 'cherish'. Anyway, it feels similar."

"It's great, you can understand the lyrics sung by oppa, so I can only listen to the melody."

"Hehe, I understand, he described a certain girl as his 'treasure'. As for who this treasure is talking about, I don't need to explain it? Hahaha, I should have created it when I was thinking of you." Lyrics The 'treasure' Pani described in it must be Taeyeon, not a treasure. How could he tell Taeyeon his most important password. It's like Junsu has an unlimited credit card, and he gave Taeyeon a supplementary card of his unlimited credit card for a reason.


Every piece of Junxiu's song is so amazing, it's like they entered a jewelry store and looked at the sparkling jewelry, but when they could only take one away, they instantly had a phobia of choice. Because they don't know what kind of song to choose that best suits their style, they are so dazzled that they want this and that too.

When they had difficulty choosing, Junxiu appeared, and listening to the song they were playing happened to be a song he created while taking the time to shoot. This song was created by Junxiu thinking about the images of the three of them. The song's name is "Twinkle" and it's as bright as the three of them.

The first sentence Junxiu walked in was, "Oh, this is what I wrote according to the style of the three of you. It took less than ten minutes, it's sweet, shining, and the lyrics are ready, I think it's very cool. It matches your image and the vocals of the three of you. If you don't like it, I will give it to our children. The style of the song is not bad."

Taeyeon nodded, the tone of the song is a bit high, which is very suitable for showing their strength. She said, "oppa, are your two "BANG.BANG" and "Treasure" the next English title songs?"

"What?" Because Junxiu didn't even think about the name of the song, it was the name of the song they said after listening to the song temporarily, so Junxiu was at a loss.

"It's... la la la la~~" Pani immediately hummed the melody of the two songs to Junxiu.

Junsu nodded and said, "Oh, these two songs, 'Funk' is a new attempt for me. I thought of 'Funk' in the United States when I was making the disco style on Tara's last album. ', so I made this song by the way. The main English song is the song "BANG.BANG" you said, but the lyrics haven't been written yet, I have to wait until I come back from "Jungle". What? You like that song ?"

In the face of Junxiu's question, Pani expressed his liking without hesitation: "Er.. If I had a choice, I personally prefer that song."

When Pani said that the song was better, Junxiu hesitated for two or three seconds and then said: "...Okay, here it is, who told you to like it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have no merits as a person, It's just generous! Um~~ I think about it, do you want to let you publish this song in the United States?"

Taeyeon blamed her nose incredulously and said, "Are the three of us going to the United States to develop? This..."

"What does it mean to go to the United States for development? You just released a record in the past, not to let you stay there all the time... Forget it, let's talk about it after I discuss it with the company. Just these two songs, Then we'll see if we want to put together another song, and just release a 'mini'. Let's go and see the house over there first."

After getting the song he liked, Pani happily smiled at Junxiu and said, "Mmmm, oppa, I bought a new car, it's pink, and today is the first time I'm driving you guys."

Panny's obsession with pink has reached a crazy level. He buys pink cars. Junxiu thinks about the appearance of pink cars. He immediately shook his head and threw out the strange appearance of the car: "Pink? How ugly is this?"

"oppa, my 'little fan' is super cute."

"Okay, okay, cute. Cute? Small car?"

"Of course, I still need to practice my skills a little more. It's just right for such a small car."

Junxiu turned to look at Taeyeon: "What about you, don't you think about buying a car?"

"Not yet. When I buy a car, I must choose a good-looking one, preferably a sports car!"

Taeyeon said that she likes sports cars, which surprised Junxiu: "Sports cars? Didn't you get poisoned by seeing those beautiful car girls in magazines?"

"Hehe..oppa, since I was a child, I didn't read comics, but read the car magazines my father subscribed to. I really like the handsome appearance of sports cars. So since I was a child, I thought that when I made money, I must buy a car. Sports car!!"

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