Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 157: Rest (10)

At noon today, Junxiu and his manager drank some red wine for dinner, so he couldn't drive. Fortunately, Taeyeon, Pani, Seo Hyun, all three of Girls' Generation have driver's licenses. And she only got Panney's new car "Xiaofan" in the past two days. At this time, she was still happy and slowly, so the four of them were stuffed in the small car at this time.

This small and exquisite 'little pink' is driving on the street, and its unique color has attracted the attention of many people. It is true that pink vehicles are very rare on the streets. Junxiu was sitting in the co-pilot's seat and doing "manual navigation" for Pani: "Go to the Banpu Bridge and go to Zhonglu, do you know the route?"

Pani, who has no time to go shopping on weekdays, knows what routes there are. Perhaps the only familiar route is near the Jiang/Nan Company. She looked at the sign on the roadside and said, "Oppa, do you mean to follow the highway?"

"Well, just follow the highway. Oh, by the way, the ice cream here is delicious, do you want to eat it?" Junxiu pointed to an ice cream shop that he knew, and this shop was praised by many people. Well, their handmade ice cream is very delicate, especially the chocolate-flavored ice cream, which is very thick and positive, so it is often sold out.

Pani looked at Junxiu in surprise: "Oh? Oppa also knows about this ice cream shop? I thought only our girls knew that their ice cream was delicious."

"Their home is now an 'Internet celebrity' shop." Junxiu suddenly said a new word that they had never heard before.

Pani, Taeyeon, Xu Xian, the three of them looked at Junxiu in confusion: "Internet celebrity? What do you mean?"

"It's a shop that is very popular on the Internet and has a lot of praise. Internet celebrity is a word I invented by myself. Isn't there a few Internet anchors who are famous on the Internet? They are also called by me. To be an internet celebrity, it’s just an internet celebrity!” Junxiu smiled and explained to them the cutting-edge word she created: “The internet has begun to cover our lives today, which is something no one has ever thought of. The so-called face likes in the past have now become Internet celebrities. Although they have not stepped into the broadcasting circle, many netizens know their existence.”

Taeyeon, who was sitting in the back, also nodded and said, "It can indeed be said that it is a new era. The Internet chat that used to sit in front of a computer has evolved from a computer to a mobile phone era. Now the computer has become convenient for everything. Especially online shopping, you can buy everything without leaving your home. There is also online banking, where you can pay all your living expenses while sitting in front of a computer.”

Junsu also followed Taeyeon's words: "Hehehe, remembering the past, albums could sell a million copies, but now selling 100,000 copies is a big sell. Music has changed from tapes, CDs, MP3s, to the present. Phones. Physical albums have become collectibles.”

"Oppa, don't stand and talk without your back pain. Didn't your solo album hit a million copies last year? And every time your English album is released, it's a platinum sales. I don't think the change in music format has much impact on you. Bar?"


Chatting and chatting, they also passed the Internet celebrity ice cream shop, and the car began to slowly set off towards the mountain. The trees on the mountain began to exude lush greenery as they drove along the mountain road. The vibrant mountains told them that spring was coming. At this moment, they lowered the windows of the car and let the cold air from outside enter the car, with a little earthy fragrance.

While driving the car, Pani sighed at the natural landscape here. After taking care of the reinforced concrete city, he suddenly walked on the mountain road. The emerald green made his heart feel at ease. It felt like going on an outing. An indescribable sense of relaxation: "Wow.. Seoul has such a place besides Namsan."

"There are actually a lot of places like this, but we don't have time to play. I remember when I was a kid, I used to run around a lot, Dongcheng, Xicheng, Jiangbei, Jiang/Nan, and my classmates went to play around on weekends." Seoul It is not as prosperous as imagined. There are also many slums in the suburbs of Seoul that cannot afford food. These are all things they have never been to.

The woods on the winding mountain road gradually decreased, and the scattered shantytowns appeared in their field of vision. The information revealed here is just one word, the prosperity of the poor and far away cities has become another here. A kind of world, it seems that this is not Seoul! They are used to seeing high-rise buildings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Walking here and watching these scenes appearing in TV dramas, they don't know why they feel a little surprised.

The same is Seoul, but the mountain and the mountain are like two cities. The foot of the mountain is close to Gyeongbokgung Palace. Although the buildings there are not high-rise buildings, they are all traditional hanoks. The traditional hanoks set off the Gyeongbokgung Palace where the emperors live and have an antique flavor. But the mountain is a poor shantytown. After passing by several households, they even saw the desolation that the windows were sealed with plastic bags.

The way up the mountain made them gradually become silent. Here... it's really unexpected.

Junxiu smiled and said, "Do you think the 'scenery' here is very sad?"

"Oppa, why did you choose to build a house here? Could it be that the land here is cheaper?"

"Well, it's one aspect." Junxiu nodded and said, "The other aspect is that I hope that when I come, some real estate developers or some well-qualified artists can come with me."

After Junxiu arrives, it will attract media attention. After all, paparazzi like to follow Junxiu very much. As long as Junxiu puts a little bit of information out, the pictures on their news will follow the environment here. Naturally, other artists will notice this place. Artists with good conditions may choose to buy land in such a comfortable and quiet place. This is Junxiu's expectation.

After all, a person's ability is limited, so Junxiu wants to use his celebrity effect to let more artists come here. Only when more celebrities gather, can the living environment of the people here be changed. There are more celebrities living there, and fans who come here for "pilgrimage" will gradually appear. So the people who used to live here open a small shop here, selling food or something, it can always lighten the burden of life a little, right?

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