Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 183: Xiaoxian's apology

Junsu has a look of contempt for those songwriters who want to find attention in himself, saying that he has disturbed the order of the music industry? Junxiu really wanted to slap him twice, the music industry is always a place to speak with strength. Out of order? The quality of your songs is not good, you can't go up the stairs, and you say that other people's songs are too good, and they disturb the order. What kind of nonsense is this?

Popular singers need to pass the quality of their songs in order to stand on the top. Girls' Generation's albums are so popular, and only their title songs are familiar to everyone. The other songs included in the album do not say how popular they are in the karaoke room. Junsu's songs are of high quality, so it is inevitable that each of his songs will be loved by the public. If you don't appear on the song show, is it called disturbing the order? You have to know that there are many countries in the world that don't have music shows, so ah, music is still based on quality!

How can it disrupt the market? It really disrupted the market, why didn't I see a front-line songwriter jumping out and accusing Junxiu? These people, to put it bluntly, are people who want to use Junxiu's name to rise to the top. Perhaps it is to let everyone know that there is still a person like him in the songwriter.

Along the way, the agent and Junxiu chatted about some news during this period. The two went back and forth, and soon arrived at Junxiu's new home. Junxiu is very satisfied with the location of her new home, because there are no buses here, and it is not easy to take a taxi here at night, so fans who want to see Junxiu's house must go down the mountain before dark. As long as he comes back at night, there will be no fans squatting at the door.

They all knew that Junsu was coming back today, so the street lights on the way from the gate to the room were all on. Junxiu carried his outdoor bag and walked towards the room with a smile on his face, and he hadn't seen them for another 20 days. In these twenty days, Junxiu has lived a life of isolation from the world, and every day I miss them a little deeper. Especially when Junsu wants to share the beauty he saw with them, the miss will become stronger.

Junxiu opened the door of the room with a smile. There was a thump, thump, and the sound of their footsteps running towards him. The smile on Junxiu's face at this time also explained everything. The first long-legged Xiuying to appear in Junxiu's field of vision: "oppa, are you back? We came here specifically to pick up the dust for you today, how is it? Seeing our surprise? Are you happy?"

Junxiu handed his own to Xiuying in front of him: "Do you want me to say 'thank you'? Really~~ You can't handle it alone!" Junxiu's outdoor backpack contains a lot of things, not only Clothes, shoes, and a lot of outdoor tools. This bag weighs about 40 pounds. Of course, Xiuying, with thin arms and thin legs, can't carry it.

After Junxiu's voice fell, each of them ran to the door to welcome Junxiu. This kind of battle seemed extremely heavy. Shungui looked at Junxiu with a tired face, and said distressedly: "I'm back, we're all waiting for you to have dinner, you go take a shower first."

Junxiu was going to reach out and touch Shungui's head, but who knew she would turn her head away when she saw Junxiu stretched out her hand, Junxiu smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, I'll take a shower first."


At the dinner table, Junxiu, Taidi Xu, Shungui, Xiuying, and Sika sat at the table. The reception banquets they prepared for Junxiu were basically packaged food. Pig trotters, fried chicken, pizza, spicy chicken feet, as well as fried rice and miso soup.

They are a group of people with limited craftsmanship, so these takeaways are the best treats. After everyone sat down, Xiuying couldn't wait to pick up her chopsticks and said 'start it', then she was the first to stretch out her hand, and then said depressedly: "oppa, your location here is not good, even takeout at the foot of the mountain. There are no gourmet restaurants.”

Junxiu unscrewed a bottle of Huaxia's Wuliangye, and nodded contentedly after smelling the wine: "I don't order takeout, I choose to live here for leisure."

When Junxiu's voice fell, Xu Xian stood up from his seat, and then bowed 90 degrees to Junxiu: "I'm sorry, oppa, I shouldn't have said your home on the show."

Junxiu gestured towards Xu Xian for her to sit down, and he said with a gentle smile: "It's alright Xiaoxian, don't blame yourself so much, you help me promote my family, I actually think it's pretty good. When I choose here..."

While drinking and eating food, Junxiu told Xu Xian about the reason why he chose the whole mountain. A lot of celebrities have already moved under the mountain in Chengbeidong, so the house prices below are gradually increasing, but the mountain is still a slum. It is only a few hundred meters higher, and the scenery on the mountain and the mountain is different. He chose this top, and he did not choose the same as everyone else~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just thinking about whether he can use the popularity to drive the surrounding area after he comes up improve?

Listening to Junxiu's words, Pani looked at Junxiu beautifully with his smiling eyes: "Wow.. The media said that Oppa is a great man. Today, I finally know that Oppa chose the mountain to do good deeds."

After Junxiu filled himself with a glass, he touched Shungui, raised his head and toasted and said something that made them all depressed: "Actually, the main reason why I choose the mountain is because of the same price, the area of ​​my house on the mountain is three points more. One of them! And the surrounding plants are all mine, so it will cost a lot of money to arrange landscape trees at the foot of the mountain. Plants on the mountain, big trees, etc. can be transplanted, and it is very cost-effective!!”

From good to philistine, this momentary change made them stop their chopsticks one by one.

Looking at their disgusted expressions, Junxiu continued: "I thought of kindness after seeing the good deal. Although you suddenly think I'm vulgar, I want to say that I'm not Jesus, and I can't do it. Caring for the world! I just want to be myself!"

Li Shungui raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, shrugging his shoulders and saying, "Ah oh...why do you feel like you have fallen from the altar?"

"I've never stood on the altar. How can I fall? Don't hold me up too high. I'm just a selfish person."

Taeyeon looked at Junxiu in confusion and said, "But the image on the news is good for you?"

"What's the advantage? I'm not in Brother Shi, and I can't live a life like his. So now the news image created by the media is suspected of being flattering. Just like I just said a little philistine, You are disappointed, and you said that you have fallen from the altar. If the Korean people have the same mind as you, I will be miserable."

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