Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 184: Welcome to your door (Part 1)

The image of the great good man was touted by the media as being too tall, so when Junsu told them about the hidden danger behind this, they really understood the horror of it. Yes, Junsu after being too mythical is quite a dangerous sign. They were all worried and said, "What will we do in the future? Countless eyes are staring at you now."

Junxiu picked up a fried chicken wing and gnawed on it: "How do you live it? You have never made mistakes before, and in the future, I will try to reduce my mistakes as much as possible. Could it be that I will be no longer living after being a myth? Am I still true? Don't you want to eat fireworks? Don't watch the media care about me these two days. They are just following the trend. Maybe someone will forget my story after the big news comes out tomorrow. By the way, yours How's the song going?"

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Well, the choreography of the song has not been released for a long time. We are practicing, and it is estimated that it will be released next month?"

Junxiu gave them two songs in total, one in Korean and one in English. However, the English songs are still stored in Junxiu's lyrics and music library, because Junxiu has not yet written the lyrics. Besides, they hadn't even debuted in Korea, so they were in a hurry to go to the United States? Whether it's W.G, BOA, or 'se7en', they are all lessons for America.

After releasing an album in the United States, BOA basically failed, and finally returned to Japan to develop. But in the past two years, Japan has not only had the impact of Korean idols, but also the unrivaled AKB in the country. This also makes the days of BOA more and more difficult. But it doesn't matter to her. After all, she has created a lot of history, and has been popular for so many years, and now she has obtained some shares in the company, so she has nothing to regret.

Junxiu accompanied them to dinner, and after drinking some wine, he went back to his room and went to sleep. In the past 20 days, he hadn't slept comfortably once, and even slept until it rained in the middle of the night. After dragging him back tired, they were embarrassed to occupy Junxiu's sleep time all the time.

After they had eaten, they helped Junxiu to clean up briefly, and then called the manager to pick them up. Shun Gyu had to go to a place to shoot tomorrow morning, and Tai Di Xu and the three also went to the company to practice, so they all chose to go back and let Jun Xiu have a good rest when he came back the day before. .


I slept very early last night, and Junxiu got up and went to exercise just after the morning light. Because during the more than 20 days of filming, his biological clock got up very early. So after he got up early in the morning, he wore his tracksuit and ran up the hill to the company site. Departing at 7:00 in the morning, the staff in the malls around Jiang/Nanshi have already gone to work.

After Junxiu went down the mountain, he directly chose to go to the bicycle shop. Junxiu had no plans to buy a car for the time being, but it was very inconvenient to travel by himself on the mountain on weekdays, so a bicycle became the best choice. It's easy to go up and down the mountain, you can take a taxi when you go back.

Bicycles are energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and they can also exercise. Junxiu rode his new car for a lap around the Hanjiang Park. There were many people exercising in the park in the morning. But Junsu wore sports gear, so not many people recognized him along the way.

After exercising, Junxiu parked his car at the entrance of the supermarket, and he did not have a busy schedule for the next month. So there are still a lot of things to buy, and the mountain is a new home.

Junxiu pushed the shopping cart into the supermarket alone. For Junxiu, who is used to cooking and eating by himself, the supermarket is also a shopping paradise for him, and it is also a very suitable place for him to decompress. Fresh ingredients and neat condiments made him feel like a woman entering a department store, with a sense of excitement.

While strolling around, the phone in Junxiu's pocket rang. He took out the phone and looked at the caller ID "BOA", which surprised Junxiu a bit. Except for Chinese New Year and festivals, the two of them exchanged greeting messages on weekdays. There will be no telephone contact. Maybe there is a feeling of 'the king does not see the king'? Moreover, BoA studied with Junxiu for a period of time before her debut, but she distanced herself a lot later.

Junxiu answered Baoer's phone with confusion: "Why did you remember to call me?"

"Junxiu oppa, we haven't seen each other for a long time, haven't we?"

"Well, I haven't seen you for a long time." But Junxiu thought to himself, 'We've come here even after we haven't seen each other for a long time. How long has it been since the last family concert we met? ’

"I heard you moved?"

Junxiu became even more puzzled when he heard this. Wasn't the news about his move reported? Why did she suddenly mention this thing? BoA has never said anything about going to Junxiu's house to visit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You must know that Junxiu is a person who left the group dormitory very early. So Junsu didn't realize what BoA meant by that.

"Well, I moved. I moved last month."

"I heard that your home is the same as the resort. I plan to come and see it. By the way, I have some things to discuss with you."

"Negotiate with me? Got it, I'll send you the address." Junxiu was very puzzled, what matter did Bao'er have to discuss with herself? She can either decide her own affairs or discuss it with the company. Discuss with him about something, so Junxiu also understands it. She wants to visit Junxiu's home more.

Junxiu was about to hang up the phone when BoA on the other end said, "I'll bring the juniors of the two companies here."

"The juniors of the company?" The three S.M Musketeers naturally appeared in Junxiu's mind: "Yara and Yanxi?"

"Well, how's it going?"

"Okay, what can't you do. I'll send you the address, oh, when will you arrive in capital letters?"

After it was decided on the phone that they would come to eat at noon, Junxiu hung up on them. These three people have become the famous "three drinkers" of the company, so Junxiu will naturally entertain them with good food and wine. Although Junxiu and their three drinkers don't have much contact with them on weekdays, they are customers when they come to the door. And they went through adolescence with Junsu.

Junxiu bought some ingredients and hurriedly went home to make preparations. In private, Junxiu really hadn't eaten with the three drinkers, but Yunho had joined their lonely camp for a long time. The relationship with Yunho is better.

Red wine, champagne, rice wine, shochu, sake, white wine, Junxiu is ready to fight them at home.

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