Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 198: Teti Xu in the practice room

Junsu and Yui Aragaki have cooperated too much in Japan, from movies to commercials, as well as the scandals that the two have privately spread. You must know that Yui has only had rumors with Junxiu for so many years since her debut, and she has also been listed by fans as a lot of real news. Especially the sweet performance of the two in the commercial, basically as long as their cooperation is broadcast, it will definitely cause a huge response in the Japanese market.

This makes both fans and artists in Korea very envious of Junxiu's cooperation with her, because the topic is too high. Of course, there are also many fans who vote on the Internet. Should Junxiu's lover choose Yui? Or Taeyeon? There are even some who are still talking about Taylor, who is completely impossible! Fans who have been with Junsu for ten years now care about Junsu's relationship the most.

Junsu was reluctant to talk about Yui, so the '10-minute break' on the set passed quickly. He simply comforted Yoona, whose work had once again fallen into the quagmire of failure. When Junxiu finally left, he said to Yoona: 'Since they have taken so much money, you can even look at the money. , even if it is a little hard work, you have to insist on finishing the film. ’

Yes, even if it is a bad drama, after accepting it, the actor's job is to insist on finishing it. As for online criticism and the voice of the media, just don't watch it recently. Anyway, as the face of Girls' Generation, Yoona is not worried that a bad movie will affect her future career. You can't hone your acting skills, just focus on the music industry. Anyway, Yoona has a way out, unlike Junsu, everyone is waiting for him to fail.

After coming out of Hongdae, Junsu set off towards S.M. Today, he plans to go to see Taidi Xu's practice. Although the three of them are Junxiu's very reassuring people, after the song was made, he, the creator, had not heard it once, Taidi Xu's version.

There are always a lot of fans waiting at the door of S.M's company, and today is no exception. Junxiu's car is coming to the door of the company immediately. The fans waiting at the door saw the nanny car coming over, and many of them called When he got up, of course, some people looked at Junxiu's vehicle suspiciously.

Because Junxiu has less and less time to appear in the company, and Junxiu's fans are already old, no one will wait for him at the door with a fan card, so the license plate he rides is a lot of new fans. I don't know, the fan holding the EXO brand asked the senior next to him: "Senior, whose car is this? SUJU, or Girls' Generation?"

"Wow, the person holding the EXO sign doesn't even know whose car this is? That's too bad, right? Where was EXO's first appearance?"

"They are in His Highness Junxiu's MV, the dance version of "Ling Kar Ling Kar"... This is His Highness Junxiu's car? Dafa~~!!"

Those fans who like S.M artists like to be called His Royal Highness Junsu, either 'Wang Junxiu' or 'The Great Emperor'. The two names Wang Junxiu and Dadi are because Junxiu's TV series have become popular in the past few months. I can't find adjectives. The king he plays in the TV series completely fascinates everyone, so fans love to call him Junxiu, His Royal Highness, and the Great Emperor.

Junxiu's car was quickly surrounded by fans. No matter which brand they were holding at the moment, they temporarily put down their idols in front of the hottest 'His Royal Highness Junxiu' during this time.


The fans standing at the door of the company are very enthusiastic, but not so crazy, because the fans standing here have an unwritten rule that they can't approach the company and don't cause them any trouble. So when Junsu got out of the car and faced the screaming fans standing next to him and waved his hand with a smile, it was a response, but Junsu's wave made them scream even more enthusiastically.

At this moment, Junsu saw the 'EXO' support card in the hands of the fans, and he said with a smile, "Oh, I like 'XO' very much, too!" Junsu said after saying this. entered the company.

To be honest, as Junxiu who loves restaurants, the 'XO' in his mouth is not an entertainer. He didn't even know that the group of children who danced for him were called 'EXO' after their debut. Anyway, Junxiu's words were purely a natural reaction of the drinker after seeing the name of the 'famous wine'.

Before Junxiu entered the company, the fans at the door shouted at Junxiu: "His Royal Highness, please write a good song for our oppa?"

Junxiu just smiled and responded to the fans and disappeared from everyone's sight. Junxiu tilted his head and said, "XO, isn't it wine? Did Li Xiuman name the company's artist a wine? Adding an 'E' is To avoid infringement?"

After Junsu went upstairs, he went straight to Girls' Generation's practice room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After passing through several practice rooms, Junsu pushed open the door of their practice room and saw the three of them sitting on the sofa in the practice room drinking water resting. Seeing Junxiu's arrival, Pani immediately smiled: "oppa, I want to eat bibimbap."

Junxiu was a little confused by Pani's sudden sentence: "What bibimbap?" Junxiu remembered when this sentence came out: "You said Yoona's bibimbap, I only made one serving when I visited the class. "

"Oppa, you are too partial, why only make bibimbap for Yoona? Don't you see your Taeyeon still hungry here."

They knew why Junsu cooked bibimbap for Yoona, and Pani was just joking.

Junsu cooperated with Pani's joke and said, "I woke up in the morning and wanted to be Yoona, and I would only make one, but I had to make three for Taeyeon's love lunch. Forget it, I still choose to make one. ."

Pani pretended to be angry and pointed at Junxiu and sighed: "Wow...that's too much, last night you and Boer seniors drank, and today you got up and gave Yuner a loving lunch, you don't care about our family. Yan put it in her eyes."

Junxiu smiled and walked to Taeyeon's side and laughed: "I never put Taeyeon in my eyes, because I always put her in my heart." After saying that, Junsu wanted to reach out and hug her. Taeyeon's shoulder, who knew that Taeyeon would dodge and jump away immediately.

Junsu's sudden numbness made Taeyeon unbearably dodged from his goosebump hug and yelled at him, "Yah~~! Go, go, stay away from me! I really~~ Look at my goosebumps!!" Taeyeon rolled up her sleeves to show goosebumps for everyone to see.

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