Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 199: greasy love

Facing the sudden burst of greasy sweet talk, Taeyeon got goosebumps all over her body, she even rolled up her sleeves to show everyone the 'goose skin' on her arm. Taeyeon is not a spoiled woman, so Taeyeon became very uncomfortable when Junsu showed her oiliness. Such sweet words may be at home, and Taeyeon can accept it a little when they are alone, but now Junxiu is speaking these words in front of Pani and Xu Xian.

This makes Taeyeon unbearable for a moment. When the sweetness of love is too boring, it will bring a great burden to the people next to her, just like Xu Xian at this time, not to mention her cheeks turning crimson , even her short-sleeved arms turned pink.

Junxiu said jokingly: "You should be better when you get goosebumps. Look at Xiaoxian's arms, they are all trotters of sauce, hahaha~~" Xu Xian's arms turned bright red due to Junxiu's sudden numbness. It's irritating, mainly because Junxiu's love burdened her too much, and of course there is another reason that her 'innocence' has not faded even after adulthood.

Awakened by Junxiu's words, the two of them looked at Xu Xian, who was covering his arms. Sure enough, his arms turned red from shyness, which made Pani and Taeyeon burst into laughter. When he got up, Pani pointed at Xu Xian and laughed loudly: "Wow.. It's the first time I've seen someone so shy, Xiao Xian, will you really stop dating boyfriends in the future?"

For Xu Xian, who is still so simple, 'love' seems to be a very distant thing, at least at this time, she hadn't thought about that issue at all. So when Pani said a taboo word that was exclusive to her, Xu Xian shouted dissatisfiedly with her red apple-like cheek: "Oni~~"

Looking at Xu Xian's shy appearance, Junxiu shook his head and said, "Wow, isn't Xiaoxian 'married'? Why do you still treat love as a beast? After experiencing love, we can say that our emotions have grown. Xiaoxian, love is not such a terrible thing, it is the time of youth, there is no need to resist it less."

Xu Xian countered Junxiu dissatisfiedly: "oppa, you and Taeyeon have been dating for so many years, have you thought about how you two will spend the remaining 7-80 years together in the future?"

Xu Xian's sudden question made Junxiu stunned for two seconds before answering with a smile: "Uh...forget that Xiaoxian is a hundred years old, hehe. As for the remaining decades of Taeyeon and I, we are like friends, like Get along like a family. After a long time of love, it will be a kind of family that will accompany you to grow old."

"But I really don't understand. Didn't the two get together for love? But why does love fade?"

How could Junxiu explain this to a person who doesn't understand love at all, so Junxiu smiled and said, "Love has always been so boring, you're not afraid of being so sweet?" So Junxiu gave an example at this time. , he looked at Xu Xian seriously: "By the way, Xiaoxian, can you swim?"

Xu Xian looked at Junxiu inexplicably, and he was talking about love a second ago, why did he suddenly jump on the swimming pool? She shook her head and said, "No."

Junxiu nodded and said seriously: "Then you have to learn to swim quickly."


Junxiu smiled and said, "Because, we are about to fall in love."

Xu Xian, who had not had time to retreat from the blush on her cheeks, got a new level of blush after hearing Junxiu's provocative words. Panny next to him, and Taeyeon burst into laughter when they saw this, both of them knew that Junsu was teasing Xu Xiancai with such words.

Xu Xian covered his hot cheeks with both hands and shouted at Junxiu, "Oppa, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just want you to know that the love you think is so numb and sweet, can you bear it? So, the sweetness of love also has a certain time limit, after the sweet period is over, it will be dull, Comfort is the most beautiful and true love. If I tell you this now, you may not understand. Today's young people learn love through TV series, but when love falls on them, they experience it for a while. You will find that the love in the TV series is only written about the sweet and greasy period at the beginning."

Pani nodded and agreed with Junxiu's remarks, so she continued: "It's TV dramas and fairy tales that write about love beautifully, that's not reality, Xiaoxian. So when choosing a man, you have to Choose according to oppa's standards."

Junxiu looked at Pani in amazement and listed himself as a 'standard': "My standard? What is my standard? Income standard?"

Pani shouted at Junxiu very speechlessly: "...Yeah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I mean you can do housework and cook meals." Only less than 10% of men in Korea will share the burden after marriage housework.

Junxiu glanced at Pani angrily: "You are talking about the standard of looking for a nanny, right?"

"Puchi~~" Taeyeon was once again amused by Junsu's words.


After a simple chat and rest, Junsu let them start practicing in front of him. The finished song was played in the practice room, and Junsu stood tall with a stool and examined the choreography of their song. After watching it twice in a row, Junxiu paused the music and asked them, "What kind of squid beard dance is this, or is it an alien?" Junxiu gestured that the two points of the dance they designed this time were the 'shiny' movements. .

"Oppa, it means shining, Twinkle!! This is the highlight of our dance this time. What aliens, what squid whiskers? Really~~" Taeyeon threw it towards Junsu after saying this. With a blank eye, Junxiu shook his head speechlessly.

"This is also a highlight? Well, you think so, anyway, it doesn't affect the overall choreography of the song. This time the overall feeling of the song is a bit like the illusion of a 'Broadway' musical, which is still very good. The company has discussed it here. Is it? When will you be back?"

"It's May? It was originally planned for the end of this month, but I felt it was too urgent. There are still more people coming back to the company this June. SUJU and F(x) are all planning to come back in the summer."

"Of course, there are a lot of activities in the summer. At this time, after the album comes out, you can go everywhere to celebrate. And our company's SISTAR is also scheduled to come back next week. By the way, their comeback this time is to show you that I am different. The songwriting style. Compare the **** style!"

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