Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 200: S.M's children

The **** style in Junxiu's mouth made Taidi Xu and the three become curious. Although I'm curious, I wouldn't say let Junsu take out the song and listen to it, after all, this is S.M, and it's the song that will be released next week. In case, just in case, after the song was broadcast in Girls' Generation's practice room, and the source of the sound was passed on for no reason and no one knew who it was, they would have to bear the blame.

So even if they are curious about Junxiu's new attempt "sexy music style", they will choose to wait until the official release next week to download and listen. And the relationship between Pani and Paula has become very close recently, I don't know why the two seem to be very close. So downloading can be regarded as support for Paula and Junsu.

SISTAR's comeback next week has no effect on them, so after a brief chat with them, Pani brought the topic to music: "oppa, in fact, I think it's a pity that your two songs didn't play this time. As for the song, otherwise the grades will be even better than now!”

"It doesn't make any difference to me whether I play songs or not. This album actually made a lot of money. Anyway, it's not worse than the last one. I would watch my "Jiangnan Ribbon" two days ago and suddenly felt that the song was very lacking. I mean, that song was originally written with 'sarcasm' in mind, who knew it would look a bit funny now? Hey.. I don't plan to make songs like that in the future."

Just when Junxiu was annoyed, the mobile phone in his pocket made a vibrating sound, Junxiu took out the phone and looked at the incoming call, it showed the English 'Taylor' Junxiu answered the phone in a hands-free way: "Hi, how are you doing? Are you free to call me? If I'm not mistaken, your time in Los Angeles should be late at night, right?"

"I can't call you? I've been a little lost recently."

"Wow, it's the first time I heard you say you're confused? Is there anything that can make you feel confused? You are such a free and easy person in my heart."

"There is a boy who is chasing me wildly, and I am considering whether to give him a chance. But his family..."

"Do you still care about the other's family?"

"Do you know the Kennedy family??"

"Of course I know, I have studied history, the political family of His Excellency the President. Isn't it ~~~ You really intend to get involved in such a family? They don't want to use your influence, right? And I also see After the media's evaluation of him, it doesn't seem to be... Forget it, don't ask me about emotional issues."

"OK, I won't ask you. When will you come to America to help me? I plan to release an album in the second half of the year."

"Your song is ready to call me a month in advance, I've been filming an outdoor show lately, and I'll have to arrange a time before I can come."

"I watched your show on 'youtube'. Survival in the wild. You are not professional at all. I suggest you go and see Bell's."

"I'm a variety show, not a professional show."

"OK. What about you, don't you plan to release a song this year? In fact, a single is also fine. I saw a lot of fans commenting on your Twitter. I hope you will release the song soon."

"Well, it should be in the second half of the year? I can't confirm the time for the time being. I will contact you when the meeting is decided on my side."

"it is good."

After a simple chat, I hung up the phone with Taylor, and then Panney, the 'translator' next to me, said, "The relationship between oppa and Taylor is really good, and you have discussed the matter of love with you?"

"The relationship discussion is fake. The main purpose of the phone call is to ask me for help. Her love opinion is very strong, so she doesn't need anyone else to care. Let's go, go get something to eat?"

Taeyeon smiled and said to Junsu, "We've all eaten, didn't you eat with Yoona on the set?"

"No, I just wanted to come and have dinner with you. Who knew you would eat so early?"

Pani immediately continued Junxiu's words: "Can we not go to eat earlier? Yoona is showing off delicious dishes in the chat room, we can only look at the photos and go out and deal with it casually."

"Oppa, go eat yourself, we have to continue practicing here."


Junxiu came back after eating a fresh bibimbap of Korean beef at a gourmet restaurant near the company. The fresh Korean beef was served with sesame oil, shredded pear, lettuce, etc., and had a fragrant meal with kimchi.

The smell of sesame oil and fresh beef still lingered in his mouth. Junxiu had already returned to the company, and as soon as he stepped into the door of the company, he was caught by the team leader in charge of the trainee: "Junxiu, I haven't seen you for a long time, today you are Are you free, help to see the children (trainees) downstairs?"

Junsu really didn't care much about his company's trainees since his debut in Girls' Generation. Even Junsu, Sika's sister, didn't make her debut, and Junsu didn't pay much attention to her, let alone the current trainees.

The team leader in charge of the trainees knows that those trainees who practiced with Junxiu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have become the hottest artists in the current market. So today, after he learned the news of Junxiu's arrival, he received an order from above to take Junxiu to give pointers to his children.

Now that Junxiu has his own agency and his own children, he has become less concerned about the trainees here. So now he didn't choose to enter through the back door in order not to go through the practice room. In the past, when Girls' Generation and others were still trainees, he used to go in and out through the back door.

"I don't know much about the men's team now. Instead of letting me watch it, it's better for them to practice on their own."

"It's okay, look at the girl group of the new generation. After preparing for EXO this time, it's time to prepare for the girl group next time."

It seems that the practice of S.M is like this, one boy group, one girl group. Just recently debuted an EXO, and the next preparation will be a girl group.

"Girl group.. by the way, Seulgi didn't leave, right?"

"No, she's been practicing for five years. It's just that you can go down and cheer up their old trainees."

"Okay, I'll go down and have a look."

"Then I'll trouble you, Junxiu."

The two walked from the stairs to the underground practice room. On the way, the person in charge said to Junxiu: "Not long ago, our company conducted auditions all over the world. Recently, a large number of excellent children have come in, you Let's see how strong they are."

"What are the new kids doing? I'm not in charge of the draft."

"Junxiu xi, isn't your vision even better than the one in charge of the draft?"

People from the outside say that Junxiu's vision is very powerful, because he can pick out the general trend of Li Zhien from the children who have been eliminated! The strength of this vision can be seen how powerful!

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