Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 211: Advertisement Refurbishment (4)

Artists have a habit of setting their phones to silent mode when they are working. Junxiu has the same habit, especially when creating music, his mobile phone is absolutely in silent mode, or it is directly turned off, so as not to let the sudden incoming ringtone interrupt his thoughts.

Tonight, when he was writing a one-minute and thirty-second commercial song, he also adjusted his mobile phone to silent mode. It wasn't until he finished the rough creation that he picked up the phone to check the time. At this time, it was past the early morning, and Junxiu, who was caught in the work, was unaware of the loss of time. There was a missed call below the time. Junxiu thought it was Yui at first, but after looking at the name carefully, he realized it was Sika.

Junsu walked towards the garage while replying to Sika: "Xiuyan, why did you remember to call me?" After Junsu and Taeyeon dated, only Shungui was the only member of Girls' Generation. He Yunerhui and Junxiu have a private connection, and Sika, the iceberg princess, basically calls herself to give her blessings on the Autumn and New Year's Eve throughout the year. Generally speaking, she does not call herself or send messages kakao.

So today Junxiu suddenly saw Sika's call. He was a little surprised, because Sika hasn't contacted him for many years. I wonder if it's to avoid suspicion?

Soon after Junxiu's news passed, Sika called. Junxiu answered Sika's call and said unexpectedly, "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter? I can't call you anymore?" Sika's tone on the other end of the phone was cold. People who didn't know her thought she was the kind of person who refused to leave a thousand miles away, but Junxiu and Sika knew each other. It has been more than ten years, and her character is such that her appearance is extremely cold and glamorous, but her heart is a very hot person.

So Junxiu didn't think there was anything wrong with Sika's icy tone at this time, he said bluntly: "There is nothing without going to the Three Treasures Palace. Tell me, what's the matter?" Junxiu also rushed to pick up Yuyi and get off work. So he didn't want to slowly go around in circles with Sika.

"It's really okay. Are you in Tokyo?"

"He said it was okay, and then asked me in Tokyo? That's right, I was in Tokyo. Didn't I report when I went to Incheon today? Come on, what's the matter, I'm busy here."

"It's so late and busy? Are you busy drinking with any woman?"

"Yeah, I haven't had a drink today. Did you call me to chat?"

"Of course we're chatting, otherwise why? Looking for a drink with you?"

"You... what's the matter with you?" Junxiu actually wanted to ask if Sika was here with a 'relative'. It made him feel weird. Chatting, you said it was normal for her to chat with him five years ago, that When Girls' Generation just debuted, Sika was also in a period of confusion, so at that time she chatted with Junxiu, and he could understand, but now Sika is called 'King Ka' by fans. What do you need to comfort yourself?

Junxiu immediately answered after asking "what's the matter": "Could it be your secret love?"

"Where am I going to fall in love, I don't have time, I'm still in love. Did you eat sushi in Tokyo today?"

"Well, sushi..." Junxiu immediately responded to Sika on the phone, but after answering, she felt that something was wrong: "How do you know?"

"Hey, you went to Ginza Kubei to eat by yourself, didn't you?"

"Huh? How do you know? You're an immortal?"

"Hahaha~~ I'm also in Tokyo. Today I also went to Kubei to eat sushi. The chef there said that you just left. I called you after dinner, but no one answered your phone, you Why did you go?"

"Yo~~ Our Princess Iceberg's taste has grown, and you know how to eat sushi? You didn't eat sushi when you were killed, right? By the way, why did you come to Japan alone?"

"The company gave me a vacation after the TV series. After staying at home for a few days, I will come to Japan. I plan to return to China tomorrow, oppa, are you coming to see me?"

"Me? I don't have time. When I arrived in Japan today, I signed a new endorsement contract with the manufacturer. They asked me to create a commercial song. I have just been in the studio. I will go to a manufacturer tomorrow to discuss the advertisement. There will be a recording of the program in the afternoon. I have not had any activities in Japan for almost two years, and the agent here is a little dissatisfied. "

Of course, Sika knew that the agent only had a guaranteed salary, and when the artists were not active, their lives were very difficult, so she said with great sympathy: "Your agent didn't bring TVXQ?"

"No, my sole agent! He has been very active these two days. I'll see if I can find time tomorrow.."

"Don't bother, I'm just joking, your work here is important~www.wuxiaspot.com~ By the way, you did a good job today, you actually ate alone. Hehe~~" Sika said these words Junxiu was very annoyed to actually show a sinister laugh on the phone.

Junxiu simply said, "You~~do you want to die?" countered Sika.

Today, Sika accidentally learned that Junsu's first meal after coming to Japan was actually going to a gourmet restaurant alone. She 'reported' the news in Girls' Generation's chat room at the first time, this feeling It's like complimenting Junsu. Because the emperor is far away, Junxiu is also a good thing to ask a girl for dinner here, and the love hotel in Japan is very developed, mainly because there is no need to register. (You know)

In addition, Junxiu is not only a "gossip girlfriend" Yui Aragaki who is filming a TV series in Japan. You must know that Satomi Ishihara, who I met in New York, and Masami Nagasawa, who went to South Korea to chase Junxiu, are all famous Japanese beauty stars. If you can't resist the temptation...

After receiving the call from Sika, Junxiu was very depressed. After hanging up, he drove the car towards Yui's studio. Fortunately, there are many scenes in their studio, and the construction of the scenes was completed in the TV station. Junsu just needs to park the car inside the TV station.

When Junxiu arrived at the TV station, Yui's phone call from get off work hadn't come in yet, so he sat alone in the car smoking a cigarette. As for smoking, Junsu of course kept the car window open. Because there are specific places for smoking in Japan, there are many public buildings that are located in underground garages, and Junxiu also smokes in the car.

Maybe you are used to it. You may be fined for smoking on the streets of the United States, but if you smoke in the car, no one will care about you, because the car represents your personal space!

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