Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 212: Advertisement Refurbishment (5)

Junxiu, who was sitting in the car smoking, opened the car window. In order to let out the smoke, Junxiu deliberately chose a place where there were no parking spaces on the left and right sides to smoke. The early morning has passed, and most of the staff of the TV station have also gone home to rest. Therefore, less than half of the car garage was parked with vehicles, so Junxiu didn't think so much and opened the car window to smoke.

However, his smoking behavior was clearly seen by the person in the vehicle in front of him. Of course, there is nothing strange about smoking. After all, artists are a very hard industry, and overtime shooting is the norm, so it is normal for many artists to use smoking to expel drowsiness. Moreover, the proportion of women who smoke in Japan is also very high. Women smoke more, not to mention men.

It's not strange to smoke, but it's strange that Junxiu smokes! The strange thing is that he chose the place where he smoked, because before Junxiu's car arrived, the car stopped there early. So after waiting for Junxiu's car to come in, he stopped at that position, turned on the lights in the car, and started smoking, which made it clear to the people in the opposite car.

So the people in the car on the opposite side are very curious why Junsu arrives in the TV station garage at this time to smoke? Because no program was recorded in the early morning, he only heard that the program was recorded overtime until the early morning. Strange is strange, but the person on the opposite side of Junxiu's car didn't get off and pretended not to see it.

Before Junxiu had finished smoking, a man in a suit came out of the elevator exit. He wore his shiny hair and quickly walked towards the car opposite Junxiu. When he passed Junxiu's car, the man looked Zhan Junxiu opened the car window and glanced in, and when his eyes fell on Junxiu, he stopped in surprise.

Because his eyes met Junsu who was sitting in the car, he showed a bad smile, just like the role he played at this time, he was the Sakai Masato who collaborated with Yui in the TV series!

He was stunned for two seconds when he saw Junxiu. Of course he knew about this man who had a scandal that spread all over Japan with the actress he worked with. And JS Junxiu is also very famous in Japan. His two movies and two commercials with Yui Aragaki can be said to be very sensational. At this time, his busy world star appeared in the underground garage of this TV station. How could he not guess the reason? Uncle Masato Sakai had already guessed the rumor about Junxiu and Yui Aragaki at this time. It doesn't seem to be a scandal!

If the two of them just made an appointment for dinner today, Junxiu would not be able to appear on the TV station, but would be waiting directly in the restaurant. There is only one relationship that will make Junsu appear on TV to pick up Yui Aragaki!

When Junxiu saw Masato Sakai's smirk, he also nodded awkwardly at Masato Sakai as a return gift. Then he nodded in the direction of Junxiu in return, and then got into the business car opposite. It was only then that Junxiu realized that the position he had chosen was so bad, and it was unfortunate to open the window when smoking.

Sakai Masato's car left, and soon Yui went downstairs with her manager, and then Yui carefully looked behind her, and when she found no one, she trotted into the car: "Close the window. ."

"Hey~~ I was found by Sakai Masato just now when I was smoking and opening the window, and he smiled at me. He has already guessed the relationship between the two of us. If he asks tomorrow, he will be frank. He is nothing. Big mouth, right?"

Junxiu and Yui's love affair, at present only Yui's family and her company's junior sister know about this matter, but I didn't expect that there will be one more person today, Sakai Masato! Yui also looked at Junxiu in surprise: "Oh? So careless?"

Yui's words didn't feel like a reproach, but like a casual response. Anyway, both of them are used to this state now. They don't admit or deny it. Anyway, it's just like that. If you doubt it, just suspect it, as long as you don't get caught by the media. When they arrived at the scene, the two did not intend to admit it, even if there were many examples of fans.

Junxiu closed the car window and said, "I'm fine, what about you? Are you fine?"

"No problem. It doesn't matter if the senior Sakai Masato knows about it. He won't talk about it everywhere. He knows the seriousness."

As a senior, of course he knows how impactful the news of love is for artists. So he didn't like to talk nonsense, and even after the car left, he asked his agent to forget what he saw. In fact, he is warning his agent not to talk nonsense.

Junsu started the car and went home with Yui who was off work. On the way, Junxiu talked about the commercial song: "I have almost finished the song, I imagine it will be performed with the dance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You have no problem dancing here, right? Don't worry, dance It’s not that difficult, so ask the choreographer to design simple and cute dance moves, right?”

"Oh? Just finished the song in one night? Let me listen to it?" Yui said and picked up Junxiu's mobile phone on the center console armrest: "Didn't you change the password?"

"No. The lyrics are also ready, but I spent a lot of effort to write the lyrics, which are stored in the folder."

In fact, Japanese male and female friends also pay special attention to personal privacy. Generally speaking, they cannot move each other's mobile phones without the permission of the other party. Some couples will break up because of their mobile phones. But Junxiu and Yui didn't have these problems, because even if there were any secrets, Yui couldn't read Korean. On the contrary, Junxiu in Japanese on Yui's phone can understand it, as long as she doesn't speak the local language of Okinawa.

After Yui nodded and opened the song, she opened Junxiu's lyrics file. The lyrics are very straightforward, as if to express the simple love between her and Junsu. When I come home after get off work in the evening, with her at home, I feel warm and warm. Almost the lyrics are written around simple life.

Looking at the lyrics, Yui said with a smile: "I thought you, Oppa, would write a classic like "Letter to the Fifteen-Year-Old You", but this time the words are so simple?"

"Simplicity can reflect the true meaning. Besides, feelings are inherently simple. Also, do you think I will sell those classic songs you mentioned for 500 million? Songs like this are already very good. They are originally clothes. As for advertisements, no matter how beautiful the style is, it also needs a comfortable inner support, so love can’t be all intense, because it will return to plain and comfortable one day, right?”

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