Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 224: Taeyeon is going back to Jeonju?

Ever since Lee Hyori publicly admitted to being in love, the 'sex/sex' market has been in a blank state, and no one will fill it after the entire market is blank. Junsu doesn't know that all investors are worried about the "moral" issues in the mouth of the public? then what?

But Lee Hyori was scolded for taking the sexual/sexy route from the very beginning. She has persisted despite everyone's scolding until today. Now that she has been accepted, she should have to accept it, because the public loves Lee Hyori. , so she became the recognized sex/sex goddess! In the entire Korean entertainment industry, she is the only one who walks with the word sex/sense. Well, the model circle doesn't count.

Ever since Lee Hyori sold her house in Seoul out of the public eye and went to Jeju Island, Junsu has been staring at this empty market. Only if he preempts it first will he bring more attention and future to the children. Of course, the sex/sense in Junxiu's eyes is also another scale. Sex/sense cannot exceed that psychological scale. Once it exceeds the scale, it cannot be called sex/sense, because that is called 'selling meat'!

So Junsu has to try, and only by challenging can he grab a way out for so many children in his family. And recently, isn't HyunA slowly walking in that direction? And it was a good success. Only HyunA was the only one in her team to be outstanding. After HyunA was outstanding, the children of their team also had some resentment in their hearts, but the resentment was not large, because the money they earned was divided equally according to the head! !

But no matter what, Junxiu has to open a new way for them. After all, the ship in the traditional market is already overloaded. So aren't idols all developing overseas one after another? The main reason is that the market is only so small! You get points, and I get saturated with points. So only by updating a way out can they get attention.

But the beginning of this road was full of thorns, and Junxiu felt that one day this road would open a new door to the entertainment industry! !

After Junsu said a lot of truth, Xu Xian finally made his first speech today, perhaps because she has a good relationship with SISTAR Paula: "Oppa, but now there is more scolding on the Internet than saying There are a lot of good people. Didn't you think about your feelings from their standpoint? And these messages are really ugly."

"It's a lot more ugly than these messages. If you can't even bear this as an idol, you might as well go back to study and be an office worker. We can't be as perfect as Liu Zaishi's predecessors, and the profession of an artist will exist for a day. , it is impossible to stop on the Internet. So we can do one thing well as an artist, and let it be! Those who scold them can scold them. We can still earn money and improve our attention. We just need to do what we should do. That's it!! We who are idols should perform for those who like us. As for those black fans, the more you talk to them, the more they dance. Do you think when did I deal with those online comments? Which one is the truth? I have as many black fans as the artist? And which artist dares to say that he earns more than me? Eh.. It’s only Korean, don’t talk about Europe and the United States, they all make US dollars! Last year, Taylor’s world tour earned $120 million! It's scary!"

When Pani heard the last news from Junxiu, her eyes widened with fright: "One hundred and twenty million dollars~~~! Oppa, how about you? You are also a world star, and the artist Forbes didn't announce it until February. You are number one on the Fortune Rankings list, the media announced that you earned 65 billion last year? Your student Li Zhien is also the third.”

"I don't have that much. What the media publishes is the total profit. There are also tax and cost calculations, as well as the company's share, the broker's commission, and half of the actual hand."

Pani said jokingly: "Not half of it is 30 billion? Wow.. Rich! It's been eight years since you debuted, and you have occupied the top spot on the artist's rich list for eight years. Don't you have a net worth of over 100 million dollars early?"

"Do you know now? I'm a super rich man. My fortune is at least one billion US dollars, at least!!" Junxiu pretended to be serious in response to Pani's curiosity. What he said this time was true. He was in the 1990s. He already has a legacy of nearly $100 million. Twenty years have passed now, and the land he bought has already increased him more than ten times. It's just that Junxiu doesn't have much cash on his body! The vast majority are investing in real estate.

After listening to Junxiu's Arabian Nights revealing the numbers, Pani laughed in disbelief: "Wow.. I didn't see that he was still a super, super rich, billion-dollar fortune! Taeyeon, you earned it!"


The food was finally served, the group started to eat slowly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Taeyeon ate her soba noodles in small bites, Pani digs her eel rice with big spoons, Junxiu has a glass of sake, A piece of beef cabbage, slowly and leisurely eating.

At this moment, Taeyeon said to Junxiu, "Oppa, I'm going to take leave tomorrow, I'm going back to Jeonju, and the manager will take me back then."

Junxiu looked at Taeyeon very strangely and said, "Are you going back to Jeonju?" Because they will be returning to China in half a month, there is not much time left for practice, so they should hurry up to practice, Kotae When everyone needed to practice, Yan suddenly said that she was going back to Jeonju, which made Junxiu feel strange. Junxiu wondered if something happened at home, such as a wedding.

If it's impossible for 'Hongxi' to let Taeyeon go home, then the gift money will ask her family to take her share with her. If it's a 'funeral' for an immediate family member, Taeyeon has to go back, even if it's a face-to-face meeting.

"Well, I have to go back for something."

"What's the matter? Uh... hehe, forget it, I won't ask." Because if it was a funeral, it would be inconvenient to say it in front of so many people, otherwise Taeyeon said it, and Pani and Xiao were present Xian and the others are not going, and they are not going, maybe they will even disturb their entire girlhood, which is to cause trouble for others.

"My family bought a new house and signed the contract tomorrow. The family told me to go back and register with my name. I always said no! But they said they didn't buy it without my name!"

Taeyeon's family has an older brother and a younger sister, which Junsu knows. And this time, I used Taeyeon's money to buy the house, so it is only natural to write her name! !

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