Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Jeonju (above)

Since last year, they didn't know if they saw Sika buying a house, and everyone started to buy a house. They all came to ask Junxiu, a real estate tycoon, is it worth it to buy a house at this time? The answer given by Junxiu is of course a good deal! So after they saved a certain amount of money, they all started to invest in the housing market. At first, they bought it with a Sika loan, and Xiaoxian followed the loan to buy it. Yuri, Hyoyeon, Yoona, Xiuying, etc. all bought it .

Even Pani was moved in Los Angeles, and she told Junxiu that she planned to buy a property there, firstly because she was a person with American household registration after all, and secondly because she felt that the price of buying a house in Seoul was affordable in Los Angeles. Bought a villa with a pool. Of course, Panney said buying a house in Los Angeles, not Beverly Hills. Housing prices in many places under the mountain are not as expensive as in Seoul, so she feels that the price of buying an apartment in Seoul can make her live comfortably in the United States.

Shun Kyu didn't buy a house because even if she wanted to move out of the dormitory, she would just go to Junsu's place. The house over there is so big and there are so many rooms, she can go anytime and anywhere, it just depends on whether she wants to live with Junxiu. Of course, Shun Kyu herself is reluctant to live with Jun Xiu. Even if she thinks about buying a house in the future, she also considers going to Los Angeles to settle down like her sisters, because the climate and living conditions there are more comfortable than Seoul!

Now Girls' Generation has bought a house, and the main reason for buying a house is to honor her family, but Taeyeon's family is in Jeonju, and her family doesn't want to live in Seoul, so Taeyeon has to buy them a house in Jeonju. It is also filial piety to let her parents live comfortably, but Taeyeon's parents feel that Taeyeon earned the money, and even if she pays them to buy a house, the head of the household still has to write Taeyeon.

Because the unit of a house is '100 million', and all the money is used by Taeyeon. If you don't write her name and parents, maybe there will be biased things in the future. You must know that in Korea, the idea of ​​patriarchal preference is very serious. In general families, the property of the parents is given to the son. So it's better to write Taeyeon's name to avoid future disputes, after all, the house is her hard-earned money.

As parents, they must have discussed it. Buying a house is Taeyeon's filial piety, and they have also received it. It was filial piety that she bought them to live in. To put it a bit harsher, after waiting for them for a hundred years, the property would still be returned to Taeyeon and her descendants. Because their family still has a business, and the family plans to leave this business to Taeyeon's brother as his future wife Ben!

So when Junsu heard Taeyeon say that she bought a house for her family and her family insisted on writing her name, Junsu understood. He nodded and said, "I'll go to Jeonju with you tomorrow. I haven't been to Jeonju for many years. I don't know if the original buildings are still there. I wonder if the entrance to our school has changed?"

The "our school" in Junsu's mouth is because he also studied at the Jeonju Art School for a while. Didn't he and Taeyeon meet for the first time at the Jeonju Art School? So the memories of 'the beginning' came to mind in Junsu's words, Taeyeon said with a smile, "Oppa city is developing very fast, and now Jeonju, as a domestic tourist city, is developing very fast. The gates of schools are all Refurbished!"

Taeyeon also went back and donated money to the school, so she knew that the school and its surroundings had changed a lot. Of course, what makes her even more happy is that Junsu will go back to Jeonju with her tomorrow. Taeyeon's family knew about their relationship early on. Taeyeon's father bumped into Junsu when he was at the school gate. In addition, the two have been having scandals for so many years. Of course, Taeyeon's mother also called to ask.

Taeyeon was reluctant to talk about this at first, because he had already become a household name when she fell in love with Junsu. Facing this relationship at the time, Taeyeon was also very stressed, but the relationship between the two has passed for so many years, and Taeyeon's family should know what they should know. They only know that the two are lovers. The rest of the emotional questions are not asked at all. Their idea is the daughter's love, and let the daughter handle it by herself.

After all, Taeyeon is also an adult who has been in society for so many years. Besides, isn't it true that young people's love is like that? If they get along, they can continue. Isn't that what love is all about in the eyes of someone who has passed by?

And when Panney listened to Taeyeon and Junsu starting to tell sweet stories, she glanced at the two of them with an envious look: "It's so good~~ I'll see my parents tomorrow, is it a few years later, the two of you? Are you planning to get married?"

Taeyeon stared at Pani and retorted: "Marriage? What kind of marriage! Do you think everyone is Hyoyeon? Every day you talk about your dream of being a good wife and good mother?"

"Actually, I don't object to the two of you getting married. Going overseas to quietly register for marriage is very common in the circle. Anyway, we have kept the two of you dating a secret for so many years, so you can be considered a secret. We are married, and we will continue to keep it a secret for the two of you!"

Junxiu shook his head and said to Pani: "Eat your eel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We will send you a wedding invitation when we get married."


The next morning at Junsu’s house on the mountain, he and Taeyeon sat at the dining table and had breakfast. Seoul was three hours away from Jeonju by car. Even if they set off there at eight o’clock, it would be noon, and it would be three hours. The two of them can't go to the rest stop on the way. Because there are too many passengers, it is inconvenient for them to go to the rest station to eat.

Junxiu was eating breakfast while watching the reaction of SISTAR's MV after the night. Now many media have made their changes into news, and media agencies have praised and criticized such changes. However, after digging a spoonful of kimchi soup, I picked up the phone and called Min Hyuk: "Brother, I won't be here today, I have to accompany Taeyeon back to Jeonju. I also watched the news here. , follow our plan. Let their albums come out in sequence, these vindicators can't get used to it, we'll let them get used to it!"

"Junxiu, I have good news for you. Although there are a lot of criticisms on the Internet, the invitation to the business performance has been scheduled for a month since yesterday afternoon. We are invited to SISTAR every week for celebrations. Just like you As they said, these sanctimonious hypocrites are drooling while cursing."

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